My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 109: Six years, the mark of the wind!

After the cooperation was reached, Kihara Tide suddenly relaxed.

With the joining of Nagato, the newly-produced super-capable person who is the largest rough, he can be sure to apply for enough funds to the upper level to complete the reconstruction of the organization, and even further.

But even so, still extremely dissatisfied with this sudden disaster Kashihara tide.

In fact, if Nagato exhibited a superpower of level 5, giving Kihara Tide a big bargaining chip, he is very likely to be held accountable afterwards and deprived of his own research institution.

Although the Kihara family has a very special status in the academy city, not every Kihara has its own institution.

It is important to know that the entire Kihara family has a total of four or five thousand people. If each family has its own research institution, even if the school city is rich and rich, it is difficult to support.

If Kihara tide is held accountable, there will definitely be a new Kihara stand out and replace it.

Thinking of this, Kashihara was more grateful for Nagato.

In the face of the gratitude of Kharahara, Nagato felt comfortable at first, but as the members of the guards extracted the footage of the disaster outbreak from the wreckage of the camera in the institution, Nagato was a little embarrassed.

The source of this disaster is very simple, it is a normal experimental accident.

But looking at the stiff hands and feet of the experimenters in the footage extracted by the members of the guard, Nagato knew that it was definitely the result of his previous subconscious deterrence.

In other words, he is the real source of this disaster.

In this regard, Nagato can only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Time rushes like running water, and in a flash it is six years.

During these six years, Nagato did not pay attention to the so-called plot, but focused on learning, from basic physical knowledge to the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, all within the scope of Nagato's learning.

After becoming the upper level of the Kashihara tide institution, many of the science and technology and knowledge that have not been passed on to the academy city have been opened to red-haired teenagers.

Speaking of which, Nagato was originally biased towards science, thinking that science is too dependent on material reality.

In the view of Nagato, it is the grand avenue that Weili belongs to itself!

But after he really settled down to study, he realized that his ideas were somewhat biased. Orthodox science is indeed too dependent on material reality, but orthodox science does not represent the whole of science.

Just like the super power of the academy city, this kind of stuff is a kind of science.

But superpowers do not belong to the orthodox science, they also do not depend on reality, but are built on the individual's self and soul. In a sense, superpowers are also a way to return great power to oneself.

From superpowers, Nagato then associates some seemingly extremely unscientific science in his memory.

For example, Tianyuan breakthrough, Emperor Gaita or something.

Then Nagato immediately adjusted his mentality and completely accepted the principle of science!

Today, Nagato can claim to be a great scientist. With his extraordinary brain and endless knowledge, the red-haired boy thinks he is no less than any scientist on the forbidden plane.

The ability model in the brain has already been sublimated in the hands of Nagato, and has really entered the stage of level five.

Even the path to the absolute ability, Nagato has calculated a prototype.

The most powerful superpower on the dark side of the academy.

no.0 Wind mark.

This is the status and title endowed by the high-level of the college city.

When he first heard his title, Nagato knew that the biggest shady city in the academy city, the vision of the president of the governing council, Yaresta Crowley, had already bet on himself.

Otherwise, red-haired teenagers cannot get such a title with religious characteristics. But to be honest, this title is indeed very suitable for long doors.

Because the red-haired boy not only possesses the absolute manipulation of the air, it can set off an endless hurricane, but also has the perfect physical control, combined with the extraordinary martial realm, can shake this saint with the physical body.

The most important thing is that with the passage of time, the awakening of the original stone, a black mark against the cross appeared on the right wrist of the long door.

After activation of the Holy Mark, all the qualities of the Nagato will increase significantly, which is almost the same as the magical sage.

Therefore, in the dark high-rise of the academy city, Nagato even has the title of science-side saint.

It's just that although the title is appropriate, there is a bit of hatred on the magic side.

However, since Arista Crowley didn't care, Nagato would not care any more. Choosing to stand on the academy's standpoint, it was destined that Nagato would inevitably become an enemy on the magic side.

Since it is an enemy, why bother about the other party's thoughts?

Compared to this, Nagato is more concerned about-

"Why haven't you conceived yet!"

In the luxurious villa room, after six years and years of being a boy, the long door that grew into a teenager opened his eyes, and after a long exhalation, he felt helpless.

About a year ago, Nagato felt that the birth of the original stone in his body had reached a limit.

As long as this limit is breached, Nagato's ability will really show.

However, after a whole year, the birth of the original stone in the long door is still stuck at that limit. The red-haired boy repeatedly tried to rely on his own strength to break through, but all failed.

After all, the power carried by the blood is too weak.

If it's an ontology, don't say anything beyond the limit, it is not necessary for the ability to conceive. Nagato can completely sculpt the original stone in his body into the ability he wants with his own will.

However, he is now just a drop of sperm blood that has lost most of his power, and has little effect on the original stones in the body.

"Ah, it seems that the cultivating is over!"

Thinking of his own body, Nagato could not help standing up, moving his body that was sedentary because of meditation. "Since I can't rely on myself to break through the limit, I can only look for opportunities."

So softly to himself, the long door pushed open the window of the room and looked at the outside scenery.

The gentle breeze was blowing, causing the red-haired boy to squint slightly.

Moments later, Nagato took out his mobile phone.

Call a number from the business card.

This is the contact number I got after being summoned by Arista Crowley, the chairman of the Governing Council of the Academy, when the model of Longmen ’s brain officially entered the lv5 level three years ago.

Nagato was really quite surprised at the time, the other party could actually see the real ability level of Nagato through surface phenomena.

But it is not surprising to think that the other party is the source of superpower research.

The title of the wind mark was also given at that time.

"I really don't want to contact him!"

With such a word in his mouth, the long door pressed the dial-out button, and the call was quickly connected. Immediately, the long door said, "Aresta, I am ready to form my own power."

"Yes, but it must be under my name to complete some of the tasks I have explained."


Listening to the distorted sound from the cell phone, Nagato pouted, and then said, "Yes, I just need to be able to go to any institution to recruit the privileges of his staff, and give me the leader you are training. "


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