My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 110: Member selection

Aresta ’s work is very efficient.

When the long door came out of his room, he saw that the person he wanted was already waiting in the lobby.

It was a girl with long red hair, with long hair tied into two bundles behind her head. Her upper body was bare, with only a strip of cloth to help her chest, a simple school uniform was placed over her shoulders, and her lower body was a highly exposed mini skirt.

"The sign is light, I have seen Lord Nagato!"

After seeing the long gate, the girl first respectfully paid a gift, and then handed over the file bag in her hand. "These are the materials that the chairman has ordered to collect. Please look over."


Indifferently nodded his head, the long door took the file bag, walked to the sofa in the hall, and sat down, "You can also sit down, and sign the pale hope, right, I heard that you have been promoted to a powerful person."

During the talk, the red-haired boy opened the portfolio and began to view the information inside.

"Yes, I was promoted just two weeks ago."

Sitting on the sofa diagonally opposite the long door, Kou Biaoxi replied while opening his mouth and secretly looking at the red-haired boy who was about to become his boss in the corner of his eyes.

In the academy city, there are many forces, but the one who is really at the apex is only the president of the president, Yaresta.

The director ’s residence is a building without windows in the center of the seventh school district.

Its official name is "Unified Council Headquarters Building".

This building has no doors and windows and all entrances and exits. It is completely sealed, and various infrastructures are independently circulated inside. Even the oxygen energy is self-sufficient. There is no other way to enter and exit except the space mobility of those who use big power.

The original destiny of winning the bid was to become the leader of this building. For this reason, the academy city spent a lot of resources to train her.

However, no one expected that her fate changed with just a word from the red-haired boy in front of her.

Before coming, the chairman has revealed the identity of the other party to the girl.

Genius scientists who are not known to the world, the world ’s largest and strongest rough stone, the most powerful superpowers on the dark side of the academy city, the zeroth wind sacred mark, etc. I also felt endless curiosity.

Obviously in terms of age, the red-haired boy in front of him is one year younger, but the two are so different.

Just as the curiosity was light and curious, Nagato was browsing the information given by Aresta at an alarming speed.

These materials are records of the existing powerful people in the entire academy city, or those who are qualified to become powerful people, including the personality of the other party, the current situation, etc., are recorded.

Of course, there is no information about the superpower level here.

Obviously, Aresta left his hand.

However, after seeing this detailed information, Nagato also understood that Arrista was probably anticipating his own choice and had already prepared himself.

"Oh, he's working hard!"

There was a slightly undetectable ironic smile on the corner of his mouth. The red-haired teenager knew that Yalesta would not be good to someone for no reason. That guy definitely had an ulterior purpose.

As for his purpose, Nagato could have guessed something.

From these materials, to the title of pulling hatred on the magic side, Arista's purpose is about pushing himself to the stage, attracting the attention of the magic side, and covering some of his own action plans.

He didn't care much about the long door, so let him be happy for a while.

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato continued to browse the information. Less than a moment later, a photo of a star-eyed blonde girl reflected in the vision of the long gate.

"Do bee-eaters pray?"

There was a slight pause in the reading of the information in his hand, and a thought flashed across the long door.

If there is nothing wrong with Nagato's memory, the girl in front of you is the queen of the future Tokiwachi-psychological control, all mental phenomena are handled in one hand, like a Swiss sword-like superpower.

"Why is her information here?"

A trace of doubt flashed through his head, and Nagato quickly remembered a detail in the original work.

That is, although Bee Eater has the qualification to advance to the superpower level, but her promotion is not as good as Misaka Megumi, it requires a lot of resources. Once the resources are not enough, it will be stuck at the level of high ability.

The most important thing is that there is also a girl in the city of the academy with abilities that are very similar to bee-eater prayers, and also have the potential for superpowers.

In this way, it would be excusable for Bee Eater to enter this list of materials.

So, should she be included in her organization?

After all, this is a very extraordinary combat power. You must know that the reason why the long gate will come from Yaresta to win the bid is completely because the girl has a super-level qualification.

If the original work suffered psychological trauma, this woman might be the new superpower.

But think about it carefully, Nagato still dismissed this idea.

First of all, the current bee-eater praying is only a level 2 heterogeneous person, and it takes time to grow. Secondly, the forces formed by the long gate are not trivial. The bee-eater praying for the physique of zero physical strength is not Suitable for joining.

"But there is an unexpected gain."

Although he denied the bee-eater prayer, Nagato saw two interesting names on her profile.

"Dao Li, there is a warning!"

Slightly pondering, Nagato looked through the information again, and soon found the information read by the police, but Litao's information was not. Then Nagato took out his mobile phone from his arms and dialed the number of Aresta. .

"Aresta, what's going on with that experimental body, Tao Li?"

Although Nagato had long known that Tao Li was the original replica of Misaka Misaka, he, as the sacred wind of the academy city, should have no idea, so the red-haired boy had this question.

As soon as his question was spoken, it was completely ashamed that the next sign was light.

As the real chairman of the Supreme Council, the girl really didn't think of how anyone in this world would dare to talk to the mysterious Supreme Council who was a little strange.

What she didn't even think of was that instead of being a little angry, the director-general answered patiently the questions of Nagato.

"It's just a clone copy of a future superpower."

"Well, then I don't ask what experiment this guy used to do, how to give her to me, a clone of a future superpower, it's kind of interesting, I suddenly had some ideas."

"Yes, it's just a failed experiment anyway."

"Very well, that's it!"

In this way, Nagato hung up the phone and began to re-view the data. Almost five minutes later, Nagato finished browsing all the data, and extracted two pieces of information from it, including the police.

"Don't be in a daze, close your mark!"

Looking at the still dull girl, Nagato could only increase her voice, woke him up, and then handed over the information in her hand, "I have something to go to the talent workshop first, you use me and Ares In the name of the tower, go find the two people on the document. "


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