My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 111: Codename: Twin Gods

Only an artificial room!

A research institution located in the second school district of Gakuen City.

Its main purpose is to use artificial means to create genius or great humans. It has extremely amazing results in the field of biology. It is a city legend that has dna of great men and sages all over the world. The true face of the genius' "Genius Factory".

After acting separately from Kie Biao Dan Xi, Nagato came here in his own car equipped with Kawara tide.

Aresta ’s efficiency is still surprisingly high, everything has been arranged.

Under the guidance of the staff, Nagato saw Tao Li.

"Really unscrupulous!"

Through the tempered glass, looking at the short-haired girl who was playing with toys alone in the distance, the red-haired boy's eyebrows could not help but flash a little undiscernable color.

Although it had been expected for a long time, the long door was still a little uncomfortable to see the girl's entire body being overdrawn.

After all, the relationship between the girl's body, Misaka Miki and Nagato is extremely strong.

"Fortunately, Meiqin's memory was sealed when he looked back in time."

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and Nagato could imagine that once that girl really awakened her memory, with her temper, the entire academy city was likely to be taken off directly.

Therefore, even in order to appease her, Nagato could not ignore the girl in front of her.

Just how to do it, Nagato was hesitant.

After all, before making preparations to turn over with Aresta, Nagato can only show the scientific side, and it must also be a scientific method that will not surpass the college city.

With a little contemplation, Nagato made a decision in his heart.


He said to the staff around him, and the long door turned and left.

Suddenly, Tao Li, who was tinkering with toys, seemed to sense something. She looked up towards the long door, but her movement was still a step slower, and she saw nothing.

"Dao Li, what are you looking at?"

At this moment, a star-eyed girl came not far away and asked.

"Xiaomi, I feel like a very kind person."

"Very kind person? Who is it!"

"do not know!"



A few minutes later, Nagato came alone to the underground base of the Talent Workshop.

Strolling through the cold and empty base, the red-haired boy first looked around and incorporated the surrounding environment into his memory. Then his eyes focused on a training cabin deep in the base.

Through the glass on the cultivation cabin, the long door saw a cheek just like Tao Li.

"It's her!"

With a soft sigh, Nagato came to the training cabin.

The sleeping girl in front of her is Tao Li's sister, the second replica of Misaka Misaka.

As the original clone of Meiqin, Tao Li is on the surface to allow the future mass production of replicators to live longer.

But her manufacturing purpose is not only to establish replicator technology, but also to construct a network experiment body for sharing information among replicators. Therefore, Tao Li also has a sister who makes at the same time, and all her memories and experiences will be passed on to her sister.

The well-known future Misaka Network is built on this basis.

In other words--

"Dao Li and her sister have a network between them!"

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and the inspiration of Nagato burst like a spark, "Tori's current physical condition can be said to be almost up to the limit. It is not good to let Dori get back to life by the means I can show."

"But it's a breeze to just keep her soul and let her live on herself and her sister's private network."

"And the cooperation of the two's souls may give birth to a powerful fighting force!"

"But before that, I have to remodel her body."

Thinking this way, the spirit of the extremely active spirit in the long door was outrageously, through the training cabin, directly covering the body of the sleeping girl and her blank immature soul.

Leaving a piece of martial art knowledge about current application that he has derived over the years in the soul of the girl, Nagato regained his spiritual power.

Then the red-haired boy strolled to the control platform next to him.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

I saw Nagato's ten-fingered buttons flying like magic, manipulating the platform at a horrifying speed that almost turned into an afterimage, tampering with various permissions of the underground base, and outputting various experimental commands.

For a full ten minutes, the experiment planning of thousands of steps appeared under the tap of the finger of the long door.

If implemented according to Nagato's plan to the end, the sister Misaka in the training module can not only abandon some of the inevitable defects of herself as a replica, but also have a body beyond ordinary people.

Coupled with that knowledge about the application of electric current, Sister Misaka might be called Misaka Misaka.

"Experimental code, it is called the Gemini Valkyrie Project!"

At the end of the planning, Nagato knocked on the name of the experiment, then pondered slightly, and said, "It seems that I should find another experiment assistant. If I do it myself, I always feel a little annoyed."

So mumbling to himself, Nagato turned to the doorway of the underground base.

The experiment planning has been input, the next step is to collect funds and experimental items, and the selection of the experimental staff, which will take a certain amount of time to proceed.

and so

"Goodbye, my dear sister!"

Finally, I looked at the sleeping cheek of the girl in the training cabin. The long door seemed to see a faint smile, but just waiting for him to see clearly, the elevator at the exit was activated and took the long door to the surface.

In a slightly weightless atmosphere, Nagato quickly returned to the ground building of the Talent Workshop.

Then a staff member came to the report, saying that Danxi had arrived.

"lead the way!"

Indifferently commanded, the long door walked toward a hall in the workshop under the guidance of the staff.

Just before entering the hall, the red-haired boy heard a rather violent collision roar. Between the roars, a girl slightly hysterically heard clearly.

"Give up, I'm going to see Tao Li !!"


Responding to this hysterical voice was the cold hum of the end of the sign, and a series of roars. The movement was not small, and even the ground under the foot of the long door shook.

"Dao Li? My sister is really a sinful woman!"

There was such a thought that made people cry and laugh in his head. The long door ordered the staff to step back and walked into the hall alone, and then he saw the smoke slightly filled, and the hall was full of potholes.

In the center of the hall is an ongoing battlefield, and the end of the sign is hopelessly swept across the edge of the battlefield.

Fighting is a brown-haired girl wearing a black tights, holding a black long sword, and a purple girl with double ponytails manipulating a silver liquid human figure. The two seem to have been angry and murderous.

Faced with this situation, Nagato was silent, and then took a few deep breaths.



The awe-inspiring pressure suddenly burst out, suppressing the entire hall. ..

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