My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 113: Two years of change


He took a breath, leaned against the wall, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and nourished his mind, and his calm expression with a pretty face seemed extremely relaxed—it would have been better if it wasn't for this environment.

What kind of environment?

The corpses are lying around the end of the knot.

These guys are all dressed in Western armor like the Western Knight, but the lines are streamlined and modern. Like a fighter, they have beautifully calculated functions and a silver light.

But such exquisite armor can't stop them from entering the abyss of death.

Almost all of these corpses are missing arms and legs. The bleeding wounds are extremely flat, as if the blade was cut through, the blood gathers on the ground, and the **** atmosphere renders the whole scene even more terrifying.

Looking up at the surroundings, Tan Xi thought that the human adaptability was really too strong.

It has been two years since she joined the dark dawn, but in the long and short two years, the girl she vomited from seeing blood grew into a murderous female devil.

There are not hundreds, but dozens of lives that have disappeared in the end of the contract.

Farther away, the situation there was not so bloody. Miyuki Sangyuan made dense oil bombs and blasted all the lambs into pieces. It was not bloody, but more violent!


He kicked a steel hand in front of him and hit the wall with a crisp sound of impact. Then came the call of Xiang Yuan and the footsteps of chasing.


Nodding his head, Kuangbiao Tanxi put his hand on the shoulder of Xiangyuan Meiyang.

The two disappeared instantly.

Soon a group of heavily-armed staff members appeared here. They held a spray gun and sprayed suspicious liquid. After being touched with the liquid, all blood made a hissing noise and turned into a pool of liquid.

They moved the steel orderly and removed all traces

Soon after, all traces were removed, as if nothing had happened.

The organization of Akatsuki.

This is an anonymous research institute owned by Kihara.

Later, it was reorganized with the help of Nagato, and it was fully expanded to get rid of the status of the unnamed research institution. Now, the institution has become the base of the dawn of the dark department.

Shortly after signing the contract, Tanxi and Xiangyuan Meiyang saw Nagato and police to see it soon.

Two years later, Nagato is still that Nagato.

Indifferent, even transcendental.

At this time, he was looking at some information, and his expression seemed extremely focused, as if everything in the world could not affect him.

But the police policy is completely different from the original cynical, as if to hate all the hatred of the world, she in a black nurse uniform is full of a different charm.

But these are not warnings to see the biggest change, the biggest change is her attitude towards Nagato.

Ever knowing that Nagato is Tao Li ’s savior, he is warned that his attitude towards Nagato is no longer hostile and indifferent, but is extremely catered to, especially with the passage of time, Tao Li ’s original body entered death and entered Tao Li After the sister network, the catering to the police is full of flattery.

The girl could not wait to meet with Tao Li again, but the Gemini Valkyrie plan was still in the final adjustment stage, and Nagato disagreed. But it is clear that the police should look at girls who are not so easy to succumb.

No, now she is massaging the long door, and the whole person is attached to the back of the long door


When seeing this scene, Tan Xi and Xiang Yuan Meiyang secretly whispered.

"Boss, the mission is completed."

Stepping to the front of the long gate, the sign was lightly and quietly said, "It has been the 13th time that the magic side has sneaked into the school city in two years since the name of your boss was announced on the magic side. . "

"Relax, it's okay, the conflict is still acceptable."

Faced with the worries about ending the contract, Nagato ’s face did not change, and he did n’t even raise his head. “And their people are not endless. If they do n’t have enough confidence, the magic side should not act rashly. Now. "

Speaking of which, Nagato had to sigh, and he became a shield for Yalesta.

Since the establishment of his own dark department two years ago, Nagato began to accept some tasks assigned by Arista, through the tasks to seek opportunities for his breakthrough, and began to secretly layout the academy city.

It's just that Nagato has calculations, and Alestat also has his own calculations.

As Nagato continued to carry out the mission of the dark part, his name of the wind sacred mark and the news that he had the sacred mark on his body inevitably spread on the magic side, attracting a series of peeping on the magic side.

Most of the peeping can be solved by the three young girls under Nagato's men, but on several occasions, Nagato still needs to do it himself.

Although there are not many shots, the presence of Nagato is famous for its magical side!

But with emotion, Nagato doesn't care about such a situation.


"Just what I want!"

The thought flashed through his head. The red-haired boy slowly raised his head, glanced at Tie Bianxi and Xiangyuan Meiyang, and said, "In short, you have worked hard. Let's take a rest."

"Yes!" X2

Responding in unison, the two women bowed back.

After the two women retreated, the police seemed to be more daring, and they hugged the neck of the long door directly and said, "Sir, you will let people meet Daoli, they really miss her."

"No, no!"


The girl immediately uttered a lovely wail.

"You just have to wait a few more days, you will never be disappointed!"

With that said, Nagato's body shook slightly, and he broke free from the cuddles seen by the police, and then said, "Just, I'm going to meet someone, so you and I will take a trip."

"Ah, who needs an adult to see you in person?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, a curiosity flashed across his face, following the boy in front of him for two years. The girl knew very well what position the other party had in the base camp of the superpowered.

In a sense, except for the supreme director, the entire city director does not need to look at anyone's eyes.

Even the police can feel vaguely that even the supreme chairman, Nagato, actually doesn't care much, only to maintain the order of the academy city, he didn't challenge the authority of the other party.

"I think you will be interested, but that is a loli that has lived for thousands of years and has a permanent shelf life." ..

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