My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 114: Long shot

Retired Gururod.

Born in 1182, she was an ordinary girl, but when she rescued the wounded soldiers in the crusade, she had the chance to get and eat the magic fruit-ambrosia from the soldiers.

From that moment on, her time was fixed at that moment and she could no longer move forward.

It ’s just that immortality is sometimes not a luck, but a curse.

Especially for Retiri's non-practicing existence, she could easily get what many cultivators desire without going into the practice, but she didn't have a heart that could bear immortality.

When the relatives and friends around him died one after another and were rejected by the world, Retiri was finally crazy.

She began to pursue her own death, trying to complete her life.

It's just that the effect of the magic fruit ambrosia is really good. For hundreds of years, Retiri has made a lot of attempts, but she has never been able to end her life.

"It's really pitiful."

Hearing Retiri's information, she could not help but said, although the girl could not really understand Retiri's feelings, but imagine the situation, she also knows how desperate it is.

"Poor? No, she is not at all pitiful!"

However, the girl ’s emotion was refuted indifferently by Nagato, "Before the death intention came, she had lived for hundreds of years. She has already enjoyed what normal humans can enjoy. This alone, countless People are envious. "

"As for her later begging for death, in my opinion, it is just the wailing of the weak, and it is even less worthy of sympathy!"

"Boss, you are really cold!"

Hearing the words, the police could not help but exhale a long breath, and pondered for a while, before the girl asked again, "Since she is weak, then why are you looking for her."

I have followed the warning policy of Nagato for two years, but I know how admirable my boss is.

The so-called weak will never be seen by him!

"The reason is simple, the weak can become stronger."

There was a faint smile on the corner of the red-haired boy's mouth. "As long as the idea of ​​seeking death is dispelled, she is a strong man. The most important thing is that she has thousands of years of experience, enough to be my agent.


"Yes, the various investments in the past two years have given me a lot of industries in the academy city, but I still lack an agent who can help me manage these industries, and Retiri was carefully selected by me. . "

Finally, do you want to start?

Hearing the words of Nagato, such thoughts flashed in his mind.

Two years' time is not long, but short is equally short. The police should not dare to say that he fully understands his boss, but he is generally aware of his character.

In the view of the girl, her boss is not the kind of existence that is suitable for staying in the dark side of the academy city.

If it weren't for the supreme chairman, he might have reached the culmination of the city.

It's just that even today, even the suppression of the supreme director, can't stop his boss from coming out of the darkness. His fangs have matured and formally set foot on the peak of the academy city.

However, for this situation, the polices are happy to see the success. After all, she is also very unhappy with the seniors of the academy city.

At the beginning, it was the decision of the academy's urban executives that made Tao Li suffer so much.

and so--

"Come on, I will definitely support you, boss!"

He secretly clenched his fists to cheer for his boss. The corners of his eyes were inadvertently swept around, and he was shocked. "Boss, didn't you find Retiri, how did you get to the airport?"

The girl was surprised to find that the two of them unknowingly walked to the international airport of the 23rd school district.

The twenty-three school districts of the academy city have different roles. Among them, the twenty-third school district is a special school district focusing on aviation and space development industries. The school district only has airports, launch pads and related facilities, and students are generally prohibited from entering.

"Not long ago, I got a message" In the face of doubts about police policy, Nagato did not answer the first time, but put his hands behind his back and looked up to the sky, "Xueyuan City is quite famous in aviation. The Star Trails Gate Company produced a spaceship, Orion. "

"At this time Orion is making its first flight, probably just outside the atmosphere."

"And among the members who participated in this flight, there was Retiri's name."


The policy was horrified, but almost subconsciously said, "The guy who wants to die should not accidentally cause the Orion to fall down with him from the universe."

"Congratulations, you got it!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and a black spot appeared at the end of Nagato's vision.

Soon, the black dots continued to grow larger, and within a moment, a spaceship that was falling from high altitude was already looming. Obviously, it was the Orion that was falling!

"Crazy, crazy"

Also seeing the Orion's warning policy is a bit stunned, even though I have seen a lot of lunatics in the dark these years, but the girl has never seen the existence of madness.

Violent sirens sounded around the airport, and a large number of guard vehicles rushed wildly from a distance.

"So, it's my turn."

Under such circumstances, the Nagato slowly closed his eyes.


The wind flew in an instant.

Against the wind, the long gate seemed to have lost its weight. The whole person floated up and flew up until it reached a void thousands of meters away from the ground. The red-haired boy stood in the sky.

Stepping on the void, the long door slowly opened his eyes, and he saw his purple eyes as clear as the sky at this moment!

The superpower model in my mind is running to the extreme!

In the past two years, after successively dealing with the magic side, Nagato has more understanding of the nature of the power of this world, and is more perfect for the development of superpower models in the brain.

At this time, the superpower model has been developed to the extreme of lv5, which can be called the most superpowered.


The breeze that had originally surrounded the red-haired boy suddenly raged.

Gale, storm, gale, hurricane

The wind continues to rise at an unprecedented speed, and the range of its impact also continues to expand. In less than a moment, even the endless airflow over the atmosphere has turned into wind.

The horror is so terrifying that the airport below and even the entire academy city are silent.


At this moment, the long gate activated the sacred mark on his body.

At this moment, the remarkable control power has leapt, and all the winds are controlled.

The frenzy wind was no longer tyrannical at this moment, and then the red-haired boy manipulated the endless wind and rushed towards Orion, which fell down, drowning Orion in the waves of the wind.

The impenetrable wind is like running water. Through the gap in the Orion, everyone in the spaceship is protected.


Suddenly encountered resistance, a mechanical wailing sounded from Orion.

The shape of the entire spaceship has even been distorted.

But what followed was that the speed of Orion's falling continued to decline, and soon the speed of Orion's falling was reduced to a level acceptable to a long door, and then the red-haired boy shot again.

The endless wind condenses at this moment, and then turns into a ten-kilometer giant horror hand, holding the spaceship in the palm of your hand!

At this point, a tragedy that might have occurred dissipated in the hands of Nagato ..

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