My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 115: Star Wish

The center of the seventh school district of the academy city.

Located here is the headquarters building of the General Council, which is a black building with an active area.

Inside the building is a large room with the size of several playgrounds, no doors and windows, no passages, even a slight gap, or that sentence, no one except the high-powered people in the space department came in.

All over the room are densely packed pipes and lines, and complicated buttons and screens radiate a little bit of light.

The most striking is the huge nutrition trough in the middle.

Four meters in diameter and about ten meters in height, filled with red liquid, and inside the trough, a humanoid head in a green surgical gown floats under his feet, except for the word "human". Adjectives can describe him.

This "human" with silver hair looks like a man and a woman, like an adult and a child, like a sage and a prisoner.

Should it be said that he has obtained all the possibilities that "humanity" can pursue, or has he abandoned all the possibilities that "humanity" has, or is this just a mirror?

Probably no one knows the answer except the human form itself.

This existence is precisely the president of the head of the Arresta!


Suddenly, some bubbles appeared in the nutrition trough, and then there was a little blurry voice of Yalesta. "After all, he did not follow my will and walked out of the darkness."

"Oh, what are you going to do, Aresta"

As soon as Yalesta's words fell, there was a soft murmur in the dark room.

"It seems that it can only be included in the abandonment sequence."

The faint vague words were full of ruthless will, "My script is not necessary for his existence. I originally wanted to completely imprison him as a chess piece in the darkness of the city, but obviously, he was not satisfied."

"I am very confused"

The slightly murmured whisper echoed again. Although it was a little difficult to recognize, it clearly expressed the curiosity of the owner. "Why did you tolerate him so much at first, I thought he was a piece in your plan."


Some bubbles appeared again in the nutrition trough, and then Yaresta's voice slowly came out, "Because, I felt an inexplicable danger from him."

At the same time, the airport of the twenty-third school district.

Orion has safely landed on the airport. Apart from some injuries to the captain of Orion, all passengers in the entire spacecraft, including several pilots, are safe.

In such a situation, the guards, the medical staff who arrived, and the onlookers sighed in wonder.

Only when their eyes turned to the miracle maker, they found that the other party was no longer there.

"Boss, have you changed to a human trafficker?"

In a remote park about a few kilometers away from the airport, the police watched the scene of a young girl with his hands under the arms of his boss and couldn't help but send out his own vomiting.

Then she was immediately sanctioned and an air bomb hit her forehead.

"Woo!" Covering some blushing foreheads, he cautions against seeing anything more.


With a snort, the long door placed the blond goth loli with his left arm on the park bench next to it, and then took off his trench coat with one hand and wrapped the naked pink-haired girl under his right arm. .

Yes, naked!

There was no clothes on the girl under the right arm of the long door.

However, the reason for this situation is not that the girl is used to being naked, but because the girl was just born, just in the accident, because of the magic of Retiri and the prayer of a young girl, she only Was born.

Thinking of this, Nagato took a picture from his arms and handed it to the police for inspection.

"Who is this!"

After taking the photo handed over by Nagato, I watched it and saw a black and straight girl at first glance. It looks cute, but it is definitely not a factor that Nagato cares about.

"She was the passenger in Orion just now, and the daughter of Captain Orion, Shat Olasek Wentzia."

Briefly introduced the name of the girl in the photo. The long door paused a little before continuing to say, "She has a power called rare earth expansion, which can store and release energy using rare earth metals as a medium. And the potential of those with great abilities, you deal with it and absorb it as a member of the dawn. "

"Just because of this, will she be absorbed as a member of dawn?"

"Of course not, or not exactly, the more important reason is that she is the prototype of this girl in my arms!"


"Yes, in the accident just now, the girl sent out her own wishes, but somehow resonated with Retiri's magic, which gave birth to the treasure in my arms, the incarnation of desire."

"I have to say, this is really an indescribable miracle!"

Speaking of which, Nagato looked at the girl in her arms with a softer look.

In the original story, this girl exists.

If Retiri is a carefully selected agent by Nagato, and can also be replaced by others, then this girl in her arms is a must-have for Nagato, and there is no way to replace it.

If it were not for waiting for her birth, Nagato would not choose to come here at this time.

Instead, he found Retiri and accepted it!

Facts have proved that Nagato's waiting is very valuable. From the moment the red-haired boy was in contact with the girl in Orion, Nagato clearly felt that the ability of the original stone in his body was subtle under the breath of the desire to incarnate Variety.

The intermittent information was inspired from the original stone's ability, so that Nagato knew the source of his power.

Essentially, the power of Nagato is actually the wish of the planet!

The Forbidden Plane is an extremely special plane. In the description of the original work, all kinds of annihilation abilities and characters are endless. The earth feels too dangerous.

The reason for this is simple. The power of humanity has completely overwhelmed Heavenly Dao and has become the dominant force in the world.

The sovereignty of the stars of the earth has already flowed into the world

Therefore, the instinctive wish of the planet can overwhelm humanity and once again have sovereignty!

Because Nagasaki itself is an advent outside of the world, it is not compatible with the humanity of this world, so when it comes to interacting with heaven and earth to nurture its own superpowers, it gets the instinctive care of the planet and integrates the wishes of the stars. ..

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