My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 117: Fanatic Retiri

"It seems that I failed again"

As consciousness gradually recovered from the darkness, Retiri had only such thoughts in his mind.

As for what her body is now, she doesn't care at all. The experience of thousands of years makes Retilida Gulurod really understand her own special.

As long as her consciousness remains, she will never die.

This is the truth that makes the world envious and jealous, but how desperate they are!

"However, it seems that an unexpected existence was created inadvertently before."

In the process of the body gradually returning to consciousness, Retiri suddenly flashed a scene on Orion, a girl resonated with her own magic, and a miracle was born from the body.

"Perhaps, I can use that miracle."

Almost instinctively, Retiri once again conceived a new death plan.

Hundreds of years of attempts have made Retiri's longing for death deeper. At this time, she has no reason to live at all, or that she is alive to pursue death.

However, at the moment she regained control of her, the unspeakable chill came to her mind.

Panicked, trembling, hard to hold on!

Hundreds of years, and even thousands of years of unprecedented feelings emerged in her mind.

That was the feeling she once had, but forgotten in the years.

Its name-fear!


Opening her eyes, Retiri spoke softly subconsciously.

Then she found that she was lying on a park bench, and beside her was a girl in a black nurse uniform. In the girl's arms, she was a miracle she had not forgotten before she woke up.

It's just that Retiri didn't even think about this so-called miracle at all.

Her eyes were all placed on the red-haired teenager who was taking a leisurely step not far away, tearing all the members of the dark part of the body into pieces with extremely brutal means.

Looking at him, Retiri felt her heart beating at an unprecedented speed!

Without any reason, Retiri knew that the red-haired boy in front of him could kill himself, break the curse on himself, and make his life truly complete.

Thinking of this, Retiri's eyes were full of fanaticism!

"It's really not challenging!"

With such emotions, Nagato ended the life of the last dark part.

Originally, the Hound Corps still had some heads after combining with high-tech weapons, but after the Nagato activated the absolute killing power of the primates on his body, any primate creatures and Nagato's engagement would be weakened to unimaginable. To the point.

Therefore, some dark areas that do not even possess extraordinary powers themselves, but the use of heavy weapons are not at all a concern.

The whole battle can no longer be called a battle from beginning to end, it is just a simple slaughter.

"However, the slaughter still has some benefits!"

After doing all this, Nagato felt slightly more horrified, slightly surprised.

After continuously killing nearly double-digit members of the Hounds Force, the red-haired teenager found his absolute power to kill primates through a super-strong sense. Obviously, this power has the characteristics of evolution by killing primates.

"It turns out that I understand"

"The so-called primate absolute killing power is actually a branch of the sovereignty of the star-the seed of power. If you can kill enough primates, especially humans, this power will evolve into power."

"It's just that if you want to form power, the creatures that need to be killed are not a small number!"

Many thoughts flashed in his mind. After a little contemplation, Nagato could only temporarily suppress it. After all, the main development of Nagato at this stage is the academy city. Here, he has no chance to kill.

Want to meet the opportunity of power to complete, what is needed is a real war!

"Then I can only say it later."

Thinking like this, Nagato turned leisurely, but just turned around, and the red-haired boy saw Retiri's figure when he woke up and stood in front of himself.

At this time, the golden double ponytail loli was looking at himself enthusiastically, like a pilgrimage.


"Please, kill me!"

The long door was just about to say something, but just after a word was spoken, Retiri rushed directly into his arms, grabbed the right hand of the long door directly, and put it in his ordinary heart.

"Just dig out my heart directly with a little effort, please!"

To be honest, Nagato really encountered this rather strange situation for the first time.

Originally, the red-haired boy was preparing to use some special means to dispel Retiri's death-seeking thoughts, and then seek opportunities to conquer him.

After all, what Retiri experienced in the thousands of years is hardly too much, and her obsession with death is extremely profound.

And she is also an extremely powerful magician, determined

But the current situation is to give Nagato another choice, maybe she can surrender to her without killing the other person's idea of ​​seeking death.

Thinking so, the long door asked, "You want to die!"

"miss you!"

Retiri's answer was firm.

"But I don't give it!"

Nagato's answer was equally firm, and then no surprises. He saw the pleading emerging from Retiri's face, which was like a small animal, which made people pity, but was as cold as the Nagato, and naturally would not be shaken.

"If you want me to do it, show value. Work for me for ten years and I will give you the destination you want!"


"I've investigated your affairs. If you want to die, I can really fulfill you."

Nagato's right hand broke free of the girl's small hand and raised her chin, while slightly lowering her head to meet Retiri's eyes. "But I think you should not mind making your life more brilliant."

With that said, the spirit of Nagato burst out, sending some of his plans to Retiri's mind.

The slightly violent transmission of spiritual information caused the girl to frown slightly.

But soon, a surprise flashed across her face.

For a long time, the girl opened her mouth gently


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