My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 118: No surprise attack

Time flies, another year.

Since getting the help of Retiri, the forces under Naruto immediately made great progress. The agent Nacho chose himself was not only talented, but also rich.

Although in a state of seeking death, Retiri never treats herself badly in her daily life.

Even if she didn't care too much, the years of the millennium made her accumulate a lot of wealth.

After the Orion incident in the original story, she acquired Star Trails, which was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the Orion accident, and built the space elevator Endimion.

It must be known that it is a space elevator leading to the universe, which is very expensive and difficult to estimate.

This shows how much Retiri's wealth is.

However, after submitting to the leadership of Nagato, this wealth immediately became the driving force behind the rise of the forces under Nagato, pushing the group company named Nagato to "Dawn" to the upper level of the academy city.

If all the twelve members of the Governing Council of Gakuen are alive, Nagato will receive a board member.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the existence of Nagato was feared by many members of the omnibus council.

Several members of the council even secretly attempted to annex Dawn Group.

But both the economic sanctions on the bright side and the dark fangs on the dark side were all easily blocked by Retiri and Nagato, and even made counterattacks.

While the dawn group was flourishing, the girls at Nagato and their men also changed a lot.

The first is Nagato, one of the protagonists of the miracle of Orion. Even if he left the scene immediately afterwards, but here is the information-developed academy city, his name and various information quickly spread.

Half a year ago, Nagato became the fifth superpower in the city of the academy under the name of the mark of the wind.

In front of him are the four in the original book.

Of course, more people in the academy city like to call it the wind of miracle than the slightly religious name such as the wind scar.

However, these are just nicknames. At best, Naruto will be right when he accepts the academy city in the future. In contrast, Naruto is more concerned about his own strength and the fighting strength of the girls under his control.

In terms of his own strength, besides continuing to accumulate knowledge, Nagato has made little progress.

He was only a fantasy killer, and just taking that step meant fighting.

So the red-haired boy can only be patient for a while.

It's just that the strength of Nagato hasn't made much progress. It doesn't mean that the girls under him haven't made any progress. In the past few years, in order not to cause Aresta's fear, Nagato didn't make much changes to these girls.

But the situation is different now, so the long door boldly uses the knowledge of the different world to increase the combat power of the girls.

Whether it is dawn's bidding, Xiyuan Miyang and police policy, or the freshly released twins of the **** Valkyrie Misaka Tori, or the wish incarnation named Naruto Alisha by the long gate and her prototype Shateo The girls who gathered under the head of Nagato have made great progress with the knowledge of red-haired teenagers.

Among them, Tan Xi and Gemini Wushen who have the potential of super powers even reached the super power level.

With this force alone, the Nagato is enough to lay a solid foundation in the academy city.

It's just not enough to face Aresta.

"So, you need to continue to accumulate!"

Located in the office at the top of the newly-built 100-story high-rise building of the 19th school district of the academy city, the long door stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the construction underneath.

The 19th school district was silent because of the failure of redevelopment, but under the development of the dawn group, it was rejuvenated again.

If the development plan is successful, this school district will become a long-term field in the future.

By that time, Nagato's reputation in the academy city will reach its extreme.

The only thing that can be considered is the reaction of the council. If it is Yalesta, or the members of the council united together, it will be a little difficult for Nagato's current power.

"It seems that it is time to wake them up, let's start with him first!"

Thoughts circulated in the head, Nagato made a decision quickly, took out his phone and dialed a number

The 21st School District of College City.

This is the school district where the city's water source is located and the only mountain zone in the academy city. The school's water source and animal and plant research are quite well-known, and it is also widely known in astronomy research.

In a remote part of the school district, an old abandoned factory stands here.

As for the reason why the factory is abandoned, it is probably the water source.

About half an hour later, when Nagato came here alone, he did not see the person he wanted to see, but this situation was not beyond the expectations of the red-haired boy.

Because Nagato was very convinced, Aresta would not let himself do nothing.

So no surprise attack came


The slightest sound appeared at once, it was the sound of a sniper rifle with a silencer installed, and then the long door felt a fierce cracking sound coming from behind him.

However, in the face of such a situation, the red-haired boy didn't even turn around, but just stood still.


The bullet collided with the wind enchantment on the long door, and then bounced off directly.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

At the next moment, three consecutive sounds burst out, and then three sniper bullets traversed the beautiful home in the air, and bombarded the wind boundary on the long door again.

However, it still has no effect.

"It's really boring!"

Slightly tilted his head, Nagato turned around leisurely, glanced at the direction of the sniper and said, "Is this the only way for school?"

"Don't be too arrogant, fifth!"

The voice of the long gate just fell, and dozens of grenades appeared in the air, falling around the long gate.


A violent roar burst out in the abandoned factory, and the scorching waves spread around in all directions around the explosion.

"Haha, superpowers are just that!"

Outside of the aftermath of the explosion, a figure changed from transparent to reality.

It was a teenager as young as fifteen or sixteen. He wore metal goggles on his face. However, the goggles did not cover the eyes, but covered the entire head like a ring of Saturn.

The three hundred and sixty degrees of the ring are fully plugged and connected to the waist by countless cables.

The young man's name is called Wangwang Wanhua, and it is driven by the lv4 level.

However, he is not satisfied with this ranking. He believes that he has the strength to not lose to the superpowers. In order to obtain the seat of the superpowers, he challenged the second.

Although he lost, he was drawn into the dark school.

It was just that although he lost to the second place, his arrogance remained undiminished. He did not think how strong the fifth place would be.

However, just when he was very proud--


A tornado rose from the explosion center.

The center of the explosion was directly smoothed out by the tornado, and then the tornado diffused and turned into a shock wave spreading in all directions, and the strangely dressed teenager was directly blasted away at once. ..

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