My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 124: Initiative and recognition

It is the so-called seven-inch fight with snakes.

Since it is necessary to take the initiative, then the goal of the long door must hit the key point of Yaresta.

According to the plot of the original book, the red-haired boy knew that the final purpose of Aresta was to use the "virtual mathematics zone" in the urban legend of the academy to create one that does not exist in Kabbalah, Buddhism, Cross, Shinto, or Hinduism. New boundary layer-artificial heaven.

The completion of the artificial heaven represents the destruction of all magic.

Once the magician wants to use magic, the body will explode, and the temple or temple supported by the magic will collapse due to the loss of support. The same phenomenon will happen in any religion, thus stopping the world in one breath. Magic activity.

In order to accomplish this goal, the first problem to be solved is the diffusion problem of the imaginary mathematics area.

Which inevitably touched on two plans, mass production capacity plan and absolute capacity plan.

The former is the experiment of mass production of sisters using the dna map of the super electromagnetic cannon Misaka Mitsuki. Its purpose is to complete 100% production of superpowers that will only occur under accident.

The latter is to let the first superpower of the academy city fight the sisters of Misaka to achieve the evolution of the absolute power.

However, the real purpose of the Absolute Ability Program is not to allow one party to evolve into lv6, but to configure the artificial ability persons-Misaka sisters to all corners of the world, in order to naturally send these Misaka sisters to the academy city In addition, I deliberately destroyed the mass production capacity plan first, and then destroyed the blind absolute capacity plan,

Through these two fake actions, the sister Misaka was sent to the cooperative institutions of various academies and cities around the world, and eventually the whole world will be shrouded under the diffusion force field of aim. District ", will expand to the whole world.

To be honest, if Nagato is just an indigenous creature, unless he understands why Aresta is going from the magic side to the science side, he really doesn't have much confidence in seeing Aresta's calculations.

But since seeing Yalesta's plan, then Nagato naturally cannot be indifferent.

Both the mass production capacity plan and the absolute capacity plan involve Misaka Miqin, plus the girl ’s hidden identity, Nagato simply takes Miqin as the starting point, and Aresta comes to the school city The contest of the stage.

"Come on, Aresta, let's compare, who is the real king of science!"

As Nagato faltered, Misaka Misaka was experiencing the most bizarre story in his life.

To be honest, when I heard that the girl in front of me was my sister at first glance, Meiqin didn't immediately believe it, but just waited for her to confirm it further. Her father called and asked if she had met her sister.

According to his father, he did have a younger sister who was abducted by traffickers just after birth.

Later, after several twists and turns, the sister returned with the help of well-meaning people.

After listening to his father ’s brief remarks, Misaka ’s mood was a little complicated, a little overwhelmed, a little fortunate, and a little sympathetic. Although the father did not elaborate, Meiqin could feel that his sister ’s I am afraid that the experience is not very happy.

Thinking of this, Meiqin couldn't help feeling guilty

I was enjoying life in peace, but my younger sister was displaced.

"You have to compensate her!"

Thinking this way, Misaka hung up her phone.

But when she looked at her sister Tao Li again, she found that she was no longer there.

Looking around quickly, Meiqin saw her sister lying in front of the window of a pastry shop not far away. Although it was already evening, the pastry shop still displayed delicious desserts, and Taoli almost didn't drain. .

"Don't use my appearance to show such a gesture!"

Seeing this scene, Misaka had a bitter smile and quickly pulled up her sister. Then the young girl remembered that she was an older sister and needed to take care of her sister, so she bought a cake for Taoli.

"Thank you Sister Meiqin!"

Tao Li was very happy to get the pastry. After a few bites, she seemed to remember something and said, "Oh, can I buy another one, I want Xiaomi to taste it too."

"Yes, but who is Xiaomi?"

"Xiao Mi, like Xiao Qi, is one of my best friends and also my current cohabitant,"

Facing the inquiry from Meiqin, Tao Li did not hide anything at all, and said happily, "Brother said that it has been arranged for me. When I go to school on the Tokiwachii later, Xiaomi will also join the Tokiwachi. My roommate. "

"Xiaomi? Xiaoqi? And brother? Dory knows a lot of people."

"Yes, Taoli knows many people."

"That's it!"

Saying so, Misaka has bought a second pastry.

At the same time, the thoughts of the girl's mind circulated. Although Meiqin was only a 14-year-old girl and lacked various life experiences, as a superpowered person in the city of the academy, her insight ability is definitely not bad.

In a few simple exchanges, the girl discovered that she had many friends beside her cheap sister.

And these friends seem to be very good to their sister.

Thinking of this, Meiqin felt relieved.

"Okay, it's not early, I have to go back, Sister Meiqin."

"Then let me send you."

Misaka's original intention was to see what kind of person her sister's cohabitant was, but after seeing each other and seeing her pulling Dolly directly behind her, looking at her with hostility, Meiqin was speechless. .

In front of him, the young girl in a black nurse costume, called the police, seemed to have great opinions about herself.

If it's usual, Misaka Misaka may have already gone viral.

However, in order to maintain her sister's stable image in front of her sister, she barely suppressed the restlessness in her heart, but the impatient mentality caused the girl's hair to flash a little invisible electric current.

"Xiao Mi, you can't be so rude!"

Seeing her good friend so hostile to her sister, Tao Li was a little angry.

"Hello, I called the police to watch."

Faced with the anger of friends, the police can only barely put away their hostility and say hello, but deep down, the girl still can't bear the peach's body in front of her.

Although there is no sample of her DNA, Tao Li can't be born, nor can she get acquainted with it.

But the police could not help but feel angry at her presence.

Especially when Tao Li is suffering all kinds of sufferings, she doesn't even know it at all. She is living a happy life carefree. When she thinks about this, she is more vigorous.

It's just Tao Li's will that the girl had to hide this anger.

"Uh, hello, my name is Misaka Mito."

Looking at the police to see some reluctant greetings, Meiqin could only say hello awkwardly.

"It's late today."


Hearing the warning, Meiqin's face showed a doubt.

"I remember you lived in the 7th district of Changpantai Middle School. It seems that there is no room for late arrival, but it's time now, huh!" During the speech, the sullen smile appeared on the watchful face.


Hearing this, Meiqin didn't even bother to understand why the other party knew his residence, and immediately said to his sister in a panic, "Dao Li, I'm here tonight. I'll come to you again tomorrow."

In this way, Misaka Mizuki ran away in the direction of the dormitory almost by running. ..

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