My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 125: Sin is deep and infiltrating!

The garden of the school building.

Located in the seventh school district, the campus shared by the five noble girls ’schools, including Changpantai Middle School, has created a more stable security system through a joint venture. Enclosed space.

The garden of the school building is not open to the outside world, and a pass is required to enter. Even the Daba Star Festival is not used as an arena.

This is because all super-powered development equipment is manufactured here, and it is not outsourced to the outside world to avoid the leakage of confidential technology. There are 2458 cameras in the "Study House" real-time monitoring.

In addition to the large number of experimental facilities that must be used for special courses, it is also crowded into numerous manufacturing and sales facilities.

There are no large-scale shops such as department stores or shopping malls in the garden of the school building, and everything that is necessary for class or campus life has its own specialty sales store, and the large buildings are research institutions.

The appearance of each facility is unified in Western style, and the whole looks like a small town close to the Mediterranean Sea.

There are also buses on the campus, which are driven by female drivers and lead to the outside of the school building, shared by the five schools.

Changpantai Middle School is located in the garden of the school building and is one of the five famous schools in the academy city.

The school aims to cultivate elegant and well-known Shu Shuyuan. Its school buildings are second to none in the whole academy city. No matter in terms of floor space, building level, teaching facilities, etc., it all shows its style as a famous school.

The so-called Ming Shu Shuyuan has a superior background and a good character, and usually pays attention to maintaining her style.

Therefore, there are few major upheavals in Changpantai Middle School.

However, this day, Tokiwatai boiled.

The cause is Misaka Tori.

When the girl entered the school as Misaka Miqin's sister, it immediately caused turmoil throughout the school. After all, Misaka Miqin was one of the only two superpowers in Tokiwadai High School, and it was the representative of the college.

When Bee Eater Prayers appeared as Tao Li's best friends, the turmoil directly sublimated to the earthquake.

As the earthquake center, Tao Li directly became the apex of the Tokiwadai school. After all, no one in the whole college could be related to two superpowers at the same time. For a time, Tao Li became hot in the school.

But at this time, the hot student Tao Li was looking at her sister and friends facing each other with some trouble.

"You guys, how did you know my sister!"

The speaker was Misaka Misaka. The girl at this time was looking at the bee-eater with a vigilant face. As a psychologically controlled counterpart, it was too dangerous. The girl was afraid that her sister would lose money.

"younger sister"

Hearing Meiqin's name for Tao Li, the bee-eater prayed for a slight undetectable pause, and then said with a smile, "You dare to say, look at the figure, and don't know who is the sister yet."


Miss Ultra-Magnetic Cannon couldn't help but uttered a wail and was compared with her sister. It was definitely the biggest retro scale of the girl at this time, but she quickly reacted:

"Don't change the subject, how did you know my sister!"

"Oh, I won't tell you!"

"Xiaomi, what should I do?"

Looking at Meiqin and the prayers in full swing, Tao Li was at a loss. She could only look at the police behind her. For this, she had changed to the police of the Tokiwadai school uniform. She also shrugged helplessly.

It ’s just that Tao Li does n’t know, but what his best friend thinks at this moment is: “Even if I know what to do, I do n’t say, the two dare to rob me of Tao Li ’s woman, just turn your face!”

"Dao Li, really a sinful woman!"

In the middle of the 21st school district in the academy city, the top of the dawn building is more than a kilometer away. The long gate looks at the situation of Tao Li after entering the school through a special monitor, which is somewhat inexplicably lamented.

"On this point, in my opinion, Lord Nagato, you are even more guilty."

The girl is talking about a young girl with marshmallow-like, fluffy chocolate-colored hair. She is dressed in a secretary's dress and she is not very young, but she has a rather delicate curve.

Especially the beautiful thighs, the curve is smooth and perfect.


Hearing the girl ’s words, Nagato could n’t help laughing, “Since that ’s the case, let me be guilty!”

After hearing this, the girl's face was slightly red.

The girl's name is Honey Ant Love, the secretary of Nagato.

Of course, the position was originally viewed with caution, but the girl has always relied on her identity since Tao Li was awakened, and the long-term goal was to get Tao Li close to Meiqin, and she simply followed her wishes.

The honey ant love is just a substitute for the police, even the girl did better than the police.

Because the girl is the same as the bee eater.

Abilities are level 4 "psychological perforations".

From a certain point of view, this ability is a degraded version of "psychological mastery". The psychological control of bee-caught exercise is caused by the manipulation of water, and the psychological perforation is to control the water in the human brain. Hearts.

It's just that, but the psychological perforation is definitely not weak, and it is the result of no bee-eater praying for those who are ineffective in generating electricity.

And because of the ability of the same system, no matter the strength is strong or weak, it can pop off the interference of "psychological mastery".

Just like the bee-eater must use the remote control to aim at the target, the honey ant love is replaced with the lens and fingertip of the smartphone to set the target. Compared with the bee-eater, both physical and spiritual aspects, the two There is no common ground in human nature.

However, the basic theories of competence were almost the same as the scale, and the "Dendron Designer" had reached the conclusion that both could become superpowers.

But on the other hand, if you follow the general "curriculum" arrangement, both of them may be stuck near strong abilities.

Therefore, the researchers at that time chose to be the main bee-eater and prayed to her according to their literacy judgment, and at that time, Nagato found the other.

After a series of conversations, Nagato closed it up and dumped the research resources of Dawn to her.

Although due to the lack of resources of the Dawn Group, so that the girl has not yet been able to promote superpowers, with the help of Nagato, it is only a matter of time before the honey ant love and happiness lead to lv5.

Under such circumstances, the honey ant Aiyu's loyalty to the Nagato is almost full.

This is not only because the Nagato gave the girl power, but also because he gave her the hope of life when the girl was the most depressed. Although the spiritual department's ability is unpredictable, it is also very stubborn.

Just like Misaka Tori's prayers for bee-eaters, Nagato's importance to honey ants' love is completely greater.

"It's almost time, and I have to start acting!"

After laughing, Nagato said so, his eyes turned to the honey ant love, "I will stay away from my body, if there is anything important, you will wake me up, do you know?"

"Understood, sir!"


Nodded his head, the long door lay on his back, and closed his eyes.

The superpower model, which belongs to the mind power, runs in an instant, and the spiritual power of the red-haired boy gathers. Taking the superpower model as the core, it condenses into an illusory figure and flew out of the body of the long door.

At this moment, the Aim force field that originally surrounded the long gate immediately split out and attached to this figure.

This is the new ability of Nagato's awakening after being raised to the wing level-spiritual projection!

Immediately, the academy city displayed in the spiritual vision of Nagato was very different.

It is more correct to say that Nagato clearly saw that in the space of the academy city, a silent city like a mirage was superimposed, and the two merged with each other without affecting each other.

This mirage is nothing else, and it is the five-element organ of the imaginary mathematics district that Aresta attaches the most importance to.

"It was not long ago that I was able to awaken the ability of mental projection. At that time, it was like exploring the mysteries of the imaginary mathematics area, but I was worried that it would be delayed for a while, and now I am ready."

"Come on, let me see your true face, virtual math area!"

In this way, the spirit projection of Nagato jumped up and stepped into the mirage capital. ..

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