My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 130: The war has begun

School City, the nineteenth school district.

This school district that was originally silent due to the failure of redevelopment has lost its oldness after the two years of development of the Dawning Group, and it has added the vitality of the new era to the style of the previous era.

In particular, the center of the school district where the Dawning Headquarters Building is located is prosperous.

But I don't know when it started, a little fog appeared on the street, pedestrians gradually became scarce at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared completely within a moment. The hustle and bustle of the city turned into a silent empty lane unconsciously.

And on this quiet street, the two's slightly taller bodies walked out of the mist in a slow and firm step.

Their goal is nothing else. It is the headquarters building of the Dawning Group.

One of the figures is about two meters high, and the appearance looks a little exaggerated. The priest is wearing a thick silver ring with his fingers and ears, and earrings. He is dyed red and his shoulders are long, and his right eye is inscribed. With a tattoo like a barcode.

The other figure is a beautiful woman with long black hair and ponytail hanging down to the waist and tall and slender skin.

It seems to be to reflect the appearance of the priest. The dress of the beauty is also very exaggerated. She wears a t-shirt **** at the waist and jeans in the lower body, but the jeans are cut off from the left leg base and look color The degree of anger is quite high.

"Really, the archbishop guy will make a call."

I saw the bad-haired priest walking and smoking while complaining unpleasantly, "It is clear that Inticus still needs to be looked after, but let us deal with the immortal witch, the split, do you think? . "

"Stop complaining, Steele!"

The beautiful woman named Divinity did not echo the complaints of her companions, and said in a serious tone that did not match her appearance, "Then we have to face the witch who has existed for thousands of years, can't be careless!"

"Okay, listen to you, but"

In this way, Steele stopped his steps involuntarily, and then the sound of several collisions descended from the sky, and a machine with a double-digit spider form suddenly appeared, blocking the way of the two.

"We seem to be in trouble."

A disdainful smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and Steele threw away the incense head in his hand, and his two hands reached into his sleeves. "Not long ago, we said that we would say hi to the internal armed forces. It seems The chairman ’s control of the academy city is weakening! "

Divinity didn't respond, but stared at the front sharply, tightening the sheathed sword of about two meters in his hand.

"Click! Click!"

At this moment, the lids of two of the mechanical spiders were opened, and the figures of Xiangyuan Meiyang and Shateora walked out slowly. I saw the two girls glance at each other, and then Shateura opened The mouth said:

"Magic, you have crossed the border and left here, otherwise I will suppress you in the name of the leader of the Black Raven army."

After two years of tempering at the dawn, Shat Aura has grown up completely at this time, and the ability and deterrence that have emerged from the bones are most vividly displayed against the mechanical spiders.

"Huh? It's a funny joke to suppress us!"

In the face of Shat Ola ’s ultimatum, Steele ’s face even showed anger, but he did n’t wait for him to continue to say something, and then he waved his hand to stop his words, stepped forward, and said:

"The essential evil church of the British Puritan Church No. 0 belongs to the fierce fire, this is Stir Magnus."

First introduced myself, and then split and continued to say, "We are ordered by the Archbishop of Puritanism to fight against the undead witch Retiri Tangelod, this matter was approved by the City Director of the Academy."

"If you can, please let go, we should have no reason to fight"

It was just that the words of the fierce fireweaver were not finished, and several laser bursts from the mouth of the mechanical spider in front were interrupted.


Divine Fireweaver and Steele reacted in the first time, and avoided the laser attack, but did not escape the explosion impact of the laser bombardment on the ground, and was a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, we really have a reason to fight!"

Speaking of Misaki Sangyuan, I saw this extremely murderous girl saying aloud, "The undead witch in your mouth is my boss, and the guy in Aresta will not be the chairman for a long time."

"So, die!"

With the final words of Xiang Yuan Meiyang, the mechanical forces suddenly spread and surrounded the two magicians.

Inside a restaurant in the seventh school district.

Probably because of the misconception that he fell in love at first sight, Misaka had forgotten his original purpose, and even with the intimacy that Nagato inadvertently showed, the innocent girl almost went down.

Faced with such a situation, Nagato immediately came to interest, not only did not stop, but further teased the girl.

In the end, Ao Jiao directly pulled his sister away

"Ha ha!"

Looking at the back of the girls leaving, Nagato chuckled, and then he heard a report from his little secretary-the headquarters was invaded by the magician, and the Black Ravens were fighting it.

"Magic, there is really nothing new!"

There was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, and Nagato knew that Yalesta would never let it go. According to a lot of information, Nagato simulated hundreds of possible counter-attacks.

The situation in front of us happens to be one of the most likely of the hundreds of methods expected by Nagato.

Thinking of this, Nagato took the phone from his arms, put it in his ear, and said, "It seems that you have a lot of connections with the British Puritan, Yalesta."

"Bah, I didn't expect that you even knew this."

I saw a murmur in Nagato's cell phone, and then a distinctive voice like Aresta sounded. "Are you really ready to stop? You should understand that I have the advantage."

"Are you kidding me, Aresta, superiority and victory are never the same thing!"

There was such a word in his mouth, and there was a touch of rebelliousness on the face of Nagato, but the tone was still indifferent, "I wanted to say from a long time ago, playing games with you is really fun, but no matter how fun It's almost over. "

"The war has begun, let's take a look at who is the final winner of this game!"

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired boy crushed his mobile phone ..

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