My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 131: Big Shura wants to come out!

Throw away the broken phone, and Nagato still sits leisurely.

Although he has declared war with Aresta, the red-haired boy understands that the war between them will not happen so quickly. I'm afraid that Aresta is still thinking about what to do to suppress the Nagato at the minimum cost.

Aresta ’s ambitions are too great to be too big for him to reveal much information before he actually completes all the preparations.

However, if it is the power on the bright side of the academy city, it is simply not enough to suppress the long gate.

And this is where Aresta's concerns lie.

In contrast, Nagato took the initiative in this war. From the beginning of the advent to the present, Nagato has stored enough cards, and more importantly, as the war progresses, Nagato's cards will be more and more.

Anytime, anywhere, the ability to seize every possibility to increase one's hole cards has almost become a passive skill for Nagato.

Therefore, Arresta has to delay the time, and the Nagato will follow the trend.


"Aren't you afraid of losing your men ?!"

It wasn't the honey ants that were talking about love, but Retiri Tangelod. The undead witch chased by the gods of fiery weavers and Steele appeared here shortly after Misaka Miki and Tao Li left.

"Don't be afraid, it is destined anyway."

After a light sip of coffee, Nagato's face was incomparably calm, "Steel is okay, just an excellent magician, but the fierce fireweaver is the ninth of less than twenty" sages "in the world . "

"After activating the sacred mark, that guy can use part of the power of" Son of God "and can gain the ability to transcend the realm of mortals within a certain period of time."

"Even if you don't use the sacred mark, I'm afraid most superpowers are also invincible."

"Then how do you let them deal with the enemy."

After hearing this, Retiri Tangelod's face flashed with a strange color, and asked with great interest.

"Let's just hone, they will be fine anyway!"

Nagato's answer was still very indifferent, but the corner of his mouth inadvertently showed a curved arc of expectation, "After all, the time is almost the same, and the man like Shura is almost going out of the customs."

In the streets of the 19th district, the fighting has reached a point of fierceness.

In the beginning, the Black Ravens' forces, with some unexpected attacks, tacit cooperation, and quantitative advantages, suppressed the fierce fireweaver and Steele for a while.

But as expected by Nagato, the situation gradually changed as the magicians, especially the Divine Fireweaver began to show their strength.

The sage is a sage, even if he does not exert his full strength, he shows an extraordinary style.

Holding the seven swords and seven swords in hand, manipulating seven steel wires, the fierce fiery weaving exhibited an amazing slash, tearing the opponent at an invisible speed, making everything in front of him burst like clay.

Almost all mechanical spiders will be amputated as long as they are hit by a cracking slash.

The counterattack of the Black Raven Forces is simply useless for a body with a body that exceeds the limits of humanity, and even with the minimum protective technique, it can directly hit the wall with the body at a supersonic speed.

In this way, within a short time, Shenhuo Huozhi completed the anti-suppression with his own efforts.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, Steele also started to soar.

"You annoyed me, my name is Steele, the magic name is" fortis931 (strong) ", and I have the meaning of" here prove that I am the strongest reason ". Next, don't die !!"

Speaking of his magical name, Steele immediately began to read the spell—

"Mtwotffto (one of the five major elements of the world), iigoiif (great ancestor's inflammation)"

At the same time, a large amount of rune paper flew out of Steele's sleeves, spreading around the entire battlefield, and then endless flames burst out from all corners of the battlefield.

"Iibol (that's the light of grace that nurtures life), aiiaoe (that's the light of punishment for punishment of evil), iimh (while bringing stability and happiness), aiibod (which is also the extinction of freezing darkness and freezing cold)."

"Iizf (its name is Yan), iims (its title is a sword)"

"Icr (appear), mmbop (gnaw at me, turn into strength) ───!"

The upper part of the Steele windbreaker began to swell, and an inside force flew all the windbreaker buttons out. A loud bang was heard, which was the sound of flame absorbing oxygen.

Then, from the inside of his clothes, a huge flame ball flew out.

And it's not just a flaming ball.

In the center of the violently burning bright red flame, there is a dark and thick "core" like heavy oil.

This core looks like a humanoid. The state of continuous burning, at first glance, makes one think that after the tanker was killed at sea, the seabirds were made greasy and dirty by the dark heavy oil.

The burning flames all around gathered towards the human-shaped flame in front of Steele.

Gradually, the human-shaped flame is condensed into a flame giant with the continuous supplement of the surrounding flames.

"Its name is‘ iius (King of Witch Hunting). ”

"It means 'must kill'!"

Along with Steele's final spell, at least five or six person tall flame giants uttered a roar in front of him, as if the whole fire responded, and the scorching air wave echoed on the battlefield.

The next moment, the flame giant roared and rushed towards the raven forces.

The remaining spider machinery immediately stepped forward to block it, but the problem was that the temperature of Steele's flame giant, the king of the witch hunt, was as high as 3000 degrees Celsius. These spider machinery were melted away after a short time.

Soon, the huge spider mechanical force was wiped out in the flames.

If there is an emergency disengagement device on the non-mechanical spider, I am afraid that the Black Raven forces have already suffered casualties, but even if there are no casualties, the combat strength of the Black Raven forces is almost scrapped. In the face of the Fire Giants, they have almost nothing to do.

Shat Aura ’s rare earth expansion and Xiang Yuan Meiyang ’s oily armor had no effect on the Flame Giant.

Seeing that the entire Black Raven Army is about to be wiped out by the whole army-

"Boom !!!"

The indescribable and wonderful waves appeared in an instant. All the people present, whether it was the Black Ravens, or the saints and magicians, all felt an unspeakable throb, as if something horrible was about to appear.

ps: There is another chapter, I'm afraid it will be later. ..

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