My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 132: Absolute Ability

The seventh school district, a building without windows.

When the battle in front of the dawn headquarters changed, Arista, who was originally monitoring the battlefield through the stagnation loop, changed his face for the first time, and a large number of bubbles appeared in the life support device.

Almost at the same time, the murmur belonging to Edwards echoed in the darkness

"It turns out that this is the absolute ability!"


With a low response, Aresta stopped speaking.

To be honest, until this moment, Arista really had a feeling that the situation was out of control. He had never imagined that some of the super powers in the academy city could break through the absolute powers.

Listen to the will of God with a non-God body!

This is the definition of the absolute ability of the academy city. In fact, the absolute ability is only theoretically possible to evolve to level6, and no one has successfully evolved to level6.

Now it is safe to reach lv6, that is, only one party with lv6 quality judgment can pass.

Those with other abilities cannot safely reach lv6.

However, after the precise calculation of the "tree designer" of the urban supercomputer of the academy, although one side has the opportunity to evolve into an absolute ability, it requires more than 250 years of general course training to complete the evolution.

Therefore, Arista actually hasn't thought much about those who have developed absolute abilities.

I just didn't think that when he gave up, someone actually reached this level.

This is enough to threaten his strength.

The most important thing is that Arrista clearly perceives that in the five-element organ of the imaginary mathematics zone, the diffusion force field of the unmet matter seems to have lost its roots and become a rootless water.

Obviously, the ability of lv6 has been able to fully control himself, and no longer emits the diffusion force field of aim.

As a result, Emperor Yuangen would probably find the existence of the imaginary mathematics area!

"It seems that it is time to speed up the plan"

At the same time, on the battlefield in front of the dawn headquarters.

After throbbing, Shenhuozhizhi and Steele had some horrifying discoveries that extremely surprising changes had taken place in the hundreds of spaces around them. The two people's sense of magic dropped by several levels in an instant.

It seems that there is an invisible barrier that blocks the connection between the two and magic.

The King of Hunting Witch involuntarily wailed in an instant, the sea of ​​fire seemed to have lost its source, and immediately appeared to be depleted, and the temperature of the surrounding environment dropped at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Steele immediately felt bad.

Although I do n’t know the exact situation, Still understands that he must do something, otherwise the hunt for the witch king will disappear in vain, and immediately the red-haired priest stepped forward, and a rune was directly attached to the flame. Giants.


The full roar of roar appeared, and the flames of the giant body burned fiercely like the flash of light.

This is the fact that Steele activated all the powers of the Witch Hunter with his magic power and rune paper, and excited it in an instant. At the next moment, the flame giant roared and sent a final blow to the ground below.

Faced with the sudden change, Steele decided to lift the entire battlefield to see if he could interrupt this mutated effect.


"Whoosh !!"

The violent sound of breaking the sky resounded through the sky, and then a white light fell from the sky, piercing the giant flame.

Obviously there was a giant of flames that turned into a flame and dissipated on the spot, and then appeared in front of everyone was a white feather inserted upside down on the ground, underneath the feather was also wearing a Steele rune.

Seeing this scene, Steele could hardly believe that his witch hunter was defeated by a feather.

Compared to Steele, the split fire is much calmer.

Perhaps this is because the real power of Divination is not from magic, but the sage's physique. Even without the magic blessings, Divination is still the ninth-ranked saint in the world, and a warrior with both mind and body.

It is for this reason that the split of fierceness almost focused on the headquarters of the dawn building not far away at the moment the flame giant dissipated.

Then the fissure saw it, and a figure was leaping from the top of the building.


Almost at the moment when the split opened, a huge shock wave appeared in the air.

Then a strange scene appeared

The place where the shock wave came was the middle area between the Black Ravens and the two magicians. The crowd of the Black Ravens did not receive any aftershocks of shock. The huge shock wave seemed to be alive, and all rushed to the two magicians.

Stil, who had no time to respond, was pushed by the rift around him, and immediately deviated from the front of the shock wave.

But still flying far away in the aftermath, he immediately fainted.

On the other hand, the fissured fireweave that suffered an impact on the front was backed away for a long distance, and two long traces were plowed on the ground.

But the saint quickly removed the shock from his body and looked up forward.

A figure was floating in the sky, six pure white wings spread behind him, the sunset put on him a golden dress, and the angel of the gods dressed in gold, just like the golden angel who descended from the highest sky in mythology .

At this moment, even if he is an angel, he will only be a chilling, trembling angel of death.

"This image really is"

Frowning slightly, Divine Fireweave took a few deep breaths, and then said, "The necessary evil church of the Zeroth Templar of British Puritanism belonged to, Divine Fireweave, and the magic name is" salvare000 "."

Realizing the horror of the person in front of him, Shen Li directly reported his magical name.

The name given by the magician when using magic, this action is equivalent to let the other party see his hole card or strength. The magic name contains the reason for learning magic. Once the name is reported to fight, you must hold the corresponding consciousness.

But at this time, Divine Fiery Weaving has done a good job of enlightenment, and the sacred mark hidden in the saint's body is ready to move at this moment.

"Oh, interesting!"

Hearing the words of the fierce fireweaver, the angel of death chuckled, and then said, "It just happened that I closed for so long. I need a strong man to measure my current level."

"Remember my name, the sage from the magic side, I am the first lv6 capable person in the academy city."

"I am the future material master-Yuangen Emperor Capital!"

As soon as the words fell, the white wings behind Yuangen Emperor's Capital suddenly expanded dozens of times, and the wings that were originally two or three meters long grew to three or four hundred meters in one breath. The endless wind blade and impact suddenly appeared!

ps: it is to make up for yesterday! ..

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