My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 134: Intruder, one way!


Rift deeply realized this.

It only took a few minutes from the appearance of the self-proclaimed abilities of the Yuanyuan Emperor Capital to the present, but the rift liberated the sacred mark in his body and exhibited the only flash of light twice.

The saint's girl consumes a lot of energy, and the body is damaged because of too much strength.

However, this price in return is his own encirclement.

But the other party has always been above the void.

"Is the absolute ability on the science side really so powerful?"

Such thoughts flashed in her mind, and splitting could not help but worry. As a saint on the mysterious side, splitting was very tricky for scientific creation, but this does not mean that she did not understand the scientific side.

Especially those on the scientific side are the main part of the fissure fireweave.

According to the understanding of the rift, there were only five levels in the academy city, and the so-called absolute ability of lv6 is actually only a theoretical idea.

But now it seems that the development speed of the science side is somewhat beyond imagination

"Oh !!"

When the split was a little distracted, a pure white beast with the appearance of a wolf closest to the girl growled low and rushed towards the location where the split was located.

Its rapid speed and violent action are like a real evil wolf.


The murderer came to the body, and the chaotic reaction immediately reflected, the tall body slightly deflected, and the seven days and seven swords crossed a beautiful arc in the air, cutting the waist of the incoming beast.

And at the next moment, as if getting a signal, the rest of the pure white beasts moved.

"Roar Roar !!!"

The roaring sounds echoed on the battlefield, and the white beasts with strange appearances roared one after another, and launched a suicide attack toward the fiery fiery weaver.

In the face of the offensive of the beasts, Shenhuohuozhi can only rise up and go all out.

Divination splits his sword skills and physical abilities to the extreme. Many sword skills he has learned are carried out one by one in the hands of saint girls, and almost every sword will kill a fierce beast.

In less than a moment, more than a dozen pure white beasts were slain by the razor.

But the fierce bravery had no chance of winning.

Instead, it looks like a struggle in desperation.

There are too many pure white beasts transformed by unmet matter, almost filling the entire battlefield, and the most important thing is that their essence is only some unmet matter with morphological changes.

In the realm of the gods controlled by the Imperial City of Yuangen, the pure white beast can be resurrected instantly even if he dies.

It can even change its shape due to changes in the battlefield and exert more power.

Under such circumstances, the split is like a prey falling into a spider's web. The more you struggle, the stronger the power it faces, and the future seems to be desperate.

Such a desperate situation, after a tremendous battle, will be understood in the shortest time.

But the saint girl did not despair, but secretly accumulated power.

The time passed like this one minute and one second.

Until a moment

"Seven flashes!"

At the moment of swinging the knife into the sheath, the seven wires appeared again. This time the wire did not choose to restrain the enemy, but exploded a huge impact with the cutting air.

The pure white beasts around collapsed slightly out of a small gap in the impact.

Taking advantage of this moment, the emperor of God split into the void rushed up.

"Whoosh !!"

The sage's physique was used to its limit, and the speed of the split exceeded the sound barrier, and appeared in the vicinity of the imperial capital instantaneously. "Only Flash !!"

The knife-drawing technique, which gathers the girl's full body strength, is released for the third time.

This time Weishen had no sword spirit, and carried the will of the fierce fire-weaving decisiveness. The two-meter-long sword cut across the void with a force that nearly cut off the space, and beheaded directly to the emperor Yuangen.

There is no doubt that even under this knife, even the true gods will be hurt.

Just like the nickname that the Divine Cleave activates the Holy Constitution, the Divine Cleaver!


"I wouldn't lose like this!"

A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, the wings behind the Imperial Capital changed, the wings on the left ignited a golden flame, panic like the sun, and the wings on the right filled with black flames, as if to contain the world.

The light of the soul that devoured Zheng Zha and the replica Zheng Zha in the previous capital of the imperial capital was instantly excited.

At the time of retreat, Emperor Yuangen had awakened this power again. Although there was no genetic lock on the body, the light of the soul also instantly unlocked the other chains of the imperial capital.

Although it is only temporary, the teenager's physique has indeed multiplied more than 100 times at this moment.

The power of the ungenerated material was instantly unfolded, condensed into a pure white blade in the style of a tiger sabre in the hands of Yuangen Emperor Capital.

Emperor Yuangen wanted to give it a try. How strong is the so-called saint!

"Keng !!!"

The sound of metal collision sounded throughout the battlefield.

Unprecedented shocks spread in all directions, and the surrounding buildings sighed with deep sorrows, and even the building at dawn headquarters was not spared.

"How can it be!"

Seeing Emperor Yuangen actually blocked his slash, the split pupil shrank violently.

The so-called Weishen seems simple, but that is the birth of the gods, the crystallization of the history of Amakusa-style religion.

Although Shenhuohuozhi is not arrogant enough to think that Weishen is invincible, but how can this power that has been tempered by the girl as a kill with one blow be blocked by the ability of the district! !

"Cough, it's really strong, but it looks like I'm not bad!"

In the shock of the fission, a smile appeared in the corner of the capital of the Yuanyuan Emperor, and a stronger force burst out from him, directly slashing the fissure to the ground.

At the next moment, under the will of the imperial capital, all the pure white beasts on the battlefield collapsed and gathered together.

It was only a moment's time, and a giant completely transformed by unmet matter appeared in the sky.

The emperor unlocked the light in his heart and fell on the giant.

The teenager secretly relieved himself. After all, the body without the gene lock does not match the light of the soul. After all, the consumption of strengthening the self with the light of the soul is still a bit big.

"And this body does not seem to be able to really exert the power of the realm of God."

With many thoughts in his head, Emperor Yuangen in the real world acted without any hesitation, watching a notch near the ground smashed a big pit, and the teenager issued his own command:

"Do it!"


Hearing the imperial capital's order, the giant, who was more than 100 meters high, gave a roar, and his right foot was raised high, and he was about to step on toward the fissured fireweaver.

at this time--


I saw a huge tornado suddenly appear, bombarded the giant with a thunderous and unspeakable momentum, and drove it back a few steps before it could be stopped.


The emperor on the shoulder of the giant couldn't help but frown.

The shock caused by the tornado did not affect him at all. The teenager's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked in the direction where the tornado came, and soon, he saw a white figure walking slowly. Come.

"I said, it's really big for you to do something, second!"

Those who enter in disorder, one side pass here! ..

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