My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 135: Absolute meaning!

One way!

Ranked first among the only seven superpowers in Gakuen City.

The real name is ominous, and its ability is vector operation. It can control the direction of energy. As long as it touches the skin, it can freely control the direction of all energies such as kinetic energy, thermal energy, and electrical energy, reflecting all physical attacks.

In the original book, a party who can be called a representative of the ability, whether in terms of potential or combat strength, he is the strongest.

Before awakening the memories of the previous life, Emperor Yuangen was extremely concerned about the passage of one side. In the eyes of the Imperial Capital of Yuanyuan, his unmet matter is definitely the most perfect ability.

Even the so-called vector manipulation cannot match the perfect ability.

Emperor Yuan Gen believed that in theory, he should be ranked first, not second.

Emperor Yuan Gen was very concerned about his fact that he was ranked after the passage of one side. This care is still in the mind of the teenager even now that the memory has been awakened.

So when seeing one side pass, Emperor Yuangen couldn't help laughing

"Hahaha !!!"

The wanton and open laughter echoed, and the brown-haired teenager looked down at the pale young man who came slowly, "What a luck, you actually appeared in front of me at this time!"

"Although I don't know if it was a coincidence, it just made me understand the last hint of obsession in the past!"

In this way, the pure white giant transformed by the unmet matter gave a low roar, and the joint of his right arm was suddenly disconnected. The huge right fist bombarded toward one side like a jet rocket.


Seeing the giant fist attacked, one side passing through the eyebrows wrinkled slightly, stopping the pace of progress.

It can be said that the smartest brain in the whole city is running at a rapid speed. The pale boy started the vector manipulation with a huge amount of calculation. The air around the boy's body immediately changed in the vector manipulation.


Four fierce tornadoes soared into the sky, and they fought against the incoming giant fist. In the fierce roar, a strong shock wave spread out in all directions, further destroying the surrounding buildings.

"Haha, it's worthy of being passed by one side, but it's actually blocked, but this trick!"

Along with the words, the giant at the foot of Emperor Yuangen immediately deformed. Huge wings of hundreds of meters spread behind his giant, and then the intense white light suddenly bloomed.


The sudden burning pain caused a sudden pause in the calculations on the other side.

The tornado that was originally confronted with the pure white fist seems to have lost its support at once, and was destroyed by the giant fist. Fortunately, before the giant fist bombarded, one side passed the instinctive manipulation vector and retreated hundreds of meters.

In this way, although avoiding the bombardment of the giant fist, he also realized the change of things.

The side that reflected all the vectors passed, and was actually hurt by the outside world.

This situation is counterintuitive!

The white light party just knows that it is just a simple refraction. In short, it changes the nature of sunlight through countless invisible gaps in the wings to attack the one side.

It is not that the white wings emit light by themselves, but that the light passes through the white wings and changes.

But in any case, this light is actually just sunlight.

It is impossible for the party with vector manipulation ability to be harmed, not just sunlight, but gravity, air pressure, light, oxygen, heat, sound wavelength, etc. can't harm the pale boy.

"Wait, is it?"

But after all, one side passage is one side passage. As a superpowered person with powerful computing power, he quickly found the reason, "It seems that this is a contribution to the unmaterial matter."

In one side's common understanding, unmet matter is matter that does not exist in this world.

Because the laws of physics in this world are not followed at all, the sunlight refracted by unmet matter also has its own independent law. The so-called foreign matter is like this. As long as it is mixed in, the world will be completely changed.

Thinking of this, one side suddenly understood that the imperial capital in front of him was indeed his strong enemy.

He finally understood why Aresta would let himself come here.

Yes, the reason for the passage of one side is Arista's request. Of course, in this request, Aresta used a few radical methods. Although the one side realized it, he was still recruited.

Because he hadn't met his real opponent for too long, the wanton madness pervaded from one pass.

The computing power that is above the two million students in the academy city is fully deployed. The vector manipulation that is common to one side instantly runs to the extreme level, and the surrounding space mixed with foreign objects is madly analyzed.


"I'm sorry, the owner of this space is me, one side passes!"

A ridiculous smile emerged from the corner of his mouth, and the realm of the Gods of the Yuanyuan Emperor suddenly turned, and the common analysis of one side was instantly interrupted, and then the endless wings appeared over the battlefield.

The extremely hot white light erupted violently, completely surrounding the passage


"Huh, it's so pitiful!"

At the top of a building tens of thousands of kilometers away from the battlefield, under the guidance of the signing of the light, the long gate and the love of honey ants, and the figure of Retili Tangelod appeared here, looking at the battlefield in the distance , Nagato sighed softly.

"The realm of God is really great for restraining superpowers."

Hearing this, perhaps Retiri, as a magician, didn't have any emotion, but the signing of Danxi and the love of honey ants were very positive.

The so-called ability is actually to interfere with the existence of matter with consciousness, but in front of the realm of God, the material of the entire battlefield and the master of the realm have the highest priority interference ability.

Faced with such a situation, even the most powerful abilities can't help the realm of God.

This is the absolute meaning of those with absolute ability!

Only the domain can defeat the domain.

And at this moment-

"Beep beep!"

There was a ring of mobile phone sounds in Kang Biao's body. The girl took out her mobile phone and looked at it in amazement, frowned slightly, then stepped forward and handed it to the long door.

After answering the phone, the red-haired boy heard Yar'esta's voice without surprise.

"Let one pass!"


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