My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 136: Inticus

After the agreement was reached, Nagato shut the phone.

Less than a moment later, the dark part directly under Aresta arrived on the battlefield in a helicopter. After recovering the unconscious party, the dark part left the address of the banned book directory.

Looking at the helicopter going away, Nagato knew that this time, one side pass would fall into the abyss forever.

At this critical moment when Alestat and Alesta almost tear apart the disguise, as the most superpowered person that Yalesta is most concerned about, with his potential, he is destined to become an important piece used by Yalesta to deal with the long goal.

It's just that now that the imperial capital of the Yuangen has been promoted to the absolute ability, if one side passes to play a role, it must inevitably experience the baptism of darkness.

Nagato didn't know what Aresta would do, but it would definitely not be a harmless thing to think about.

But the red-haired boy didn't care much.

Compared to this, Nagato was more concerned that Arrista ’s purpose might be more than that.

According to the information of Nagato, one side pass is already experimenting with absolute abilities at this time, but after this battle, the first absolute abilities in the city of the academy, Yuan Gen, will definitely become famous, and the experiment is destined to be abandoned by the upper layers.

Under such circumstances, Aresta had enough excuses to spread the Misaka sisters.

Obviously, in order to deal with the long goal, Arista is ready to accelerate the expansion of the imaginary mathematics area.

In the face of such developments, Nagato was happy to see its success. The only thing that made the red-haired boy regret was that he had originally tried to polish Misaka Misaka with a passing hand to make his awakening plan fail.

"Fortunately, there are still many backup plans, and there are some ways to awaken Meiqin."

Such thoughts flashed in my head, and Nagato no longer thought about it. In fact, after Nagato and Meiqin met, the awakening of the girl had actually entered the countdown stage. As time passed, the connection between the deep souls would Automatically wake her up.

Tao Li's intervention is actually only the insurance provided by Nagato for Meiqin, protecting Meiqin who has not yet awakened.

After glancing at the fierce fireweaver and Steele **** by the girls of the Black Raven army, Nagato instructed the girls to take care of them, and then led the direction of the banned book directory under the leadership of the light-out sign. Move away.

The purpose of the ban is Inticus.

It was a nun who grew up in the Great Church of St. George in England since his childhood and is a member of the Church of Essential Evil in the Zeroth Templar of British Puritanism. The official name is "index-librorum-prohibitorum".

Because he has complete memory ability, he is given a heavy mission, and the contents of 13,000 magic book are stored in the memory.

The so-called magic book is a book that records magical knowledge.

Normal people will collapse when they read the content. Even a magician ca n’t bear more than three or more books. The texts, paragraphs, and chapters of the book will become a magic circle. Launch a semi-permanent and automatic attack.

In the world of the mysterious side, the book of magic books is both a mysterious inheritance and an extremely powerful weapon.

It is rumored that if a magician obtains the knowledge of the 13,000 books of the Dao Dao in Indix's mind and can fully exploit it, it may even reach the legendary realm, the top of the pyramid of the magicians-the devil!

Under such circumstances, the existence of Inticus is extremely important.

In order to ensure that Inticus does not have any problems, in addition to sending powerful magicians to protect, the church also deletes her memory once a year on the grounds of ensuring brain capacity.

By the way, Divine Fireweaver and Steele are the protectors of Inticus.

The reason why they will go to the academy city to deal with the dawn headquarters is because the British Puritan high-level officials and Arista have a close relationship, and the banned book catalog is right in the island of Yingzhou.

As for why Inticus is in the island country, I am afraid that some agreements between Yalesta and the Puritan high-level are involved.

Nagato also understood that Aresta would reveal the address of the banned book catalog to himself. There were definitely attempts to make himself and the British Puritan an enemy, but he did not care.

The inequalities in intelligence made Yalesta have no idea what monster he was facing.

Having passed the most dangerous incubation period, the red-haired boy has long been leaping from sea to sea. The knowledge from thousands of worlds keeps Nagato in a leap state all the time, and the cards are growing wildly.

The long door at this time is already fearless!

Since Aresta sent the banned book catalog, the red-haired boy naturally accepted it in its entirety.

In the teleportation of the contract, Nagato quickly left the academy city and came to a slightly remote park in Tokyo. In an unmanned corner of the park, Nagato saw the curled up bench Prohibited book catalog.

This is a nun with a young female figure, and she can't see the age of 14 or 5 years.

The long silver hair, snow-white skin, and all-white nun clothes except Phnom Penh, plus the pure and flawless little face, make the girl look like a white goblin and look extra cute.

Looking at the girl in front of him, a faint smile appeared in the corner of the long door.

Then the red-haired boy took out the bread he bought subconsciously in a shop on the road when he came over, opened the bag, and put it in front of Inticus.

The faint scent of bread slowly evaporated, and soon caught Inticus's attention in his sleep.

Before opening her eyes, the girl's nose moved first, and then the whole girl instantly moved from static to moving, her upper body flexibly protruded, her mouth wide open, swallowing the bread directly like a glutton.


Seeing this scene, Nagato could not help laughing.

Although from the original book, the red-haired teenager knew that the fairy-like girl in front of him, because of the memory expanded by the full memory ability, made the brain need a lot of energy and had an unusually strong appetite.

But when he really saw it, Nagato felt heartily funny.


Under the influence of food and laughter of the long door, Inticus's consciousness finally finally woke up. I saw the girl looking at the long door with some surprise, and hesitantly said:

"That, excuse me, who are you?"

"My name is Nagato!"

Hearing the words, Nagato stopped the laughter and said, "This nun, I have something to ask for your help, but this is not the place to speak."

"This one"

"I remember a good Chinese restaurant nearby, how about going there?"

"No problem !!!"

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