My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 137: Dialogue and shot

"Woo! Delicious, delicious!"

In the private room of the Chinese restaurant, Inticus is eating out.

Even if the small face has been bulged into an oval shape, the girl still hasn't stopped swallowing. This gesture makes the long door sitting opposite the girl involuntarily raise a faint love.

Of course, this is not the kind between men and women.

After all, after experiencing so much, Nagato's requirements for women have also improved a lot. It's just that Inticus's flawless and angel-like smile that day made him feel a sense of purity, and he didn't want her to be hurt subconsciously.

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help thinking of the fissured fireweaver and Steele.

These two guardians of Inticus might also be attracted by Inticus in such a Spring Festival, so that after experiencing the cleansing of Inticus's memory, they dared not approach her, just guarded from afar With.

As a result, their actions were judged by the newly born Inticus to be coveted by 13,000 volumes of magic book, and finally caused Inticus to escape incessantly to avoid the "hunt" of the magician.

"It's the ultimate oolong!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, Nagato smiled and watched Inticus eating, and made a decision in his heart. Since the magicians could not take care of Inticus, then let her be her pet.

Yes, pets!

Isn't the best pet candidate because of its fairy-like appearance and natural, food-eating attributes?

It can both sell and cure.

Of course, Nagato does n’t deny that he is more interested in the 13,000 volumes of magic books in Inticus ’brains, and the red-haired boy has a lot of confidence in passing through the 13,000 volumes of magic books. Thoroughly understand the essence of the practice of this world.

Only when we truly understand this essence can Nagato truly achieve unfavorable results!

"Well! I'm full!"

After solving the food for at least five people, the girl finally patted her belly with satisfaction, and then looked at the long door with a look like a god.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I have never eaten such delicious food in my life. You must be the angel who came down to save me!"

It is no wonder that Inticus said so exaggerated, let ’s not mention whether there is any delicious food in the place of British Puritanism. Inticus now has only one year of memory, and this memory is still in flight, and can be eaten Things are good, where can you tell what taste.

The restaurant selected by Nagato is the most authentic Tianchao restaurant, and Nagato selects the most expensive food.

In this contrast, Inticus' exaggeration is entirely reasonable.

Looking at Indyx ’s almost starry eyes, the long door smiled faintly: “It ’s just a meal, then we can start a formal conversation. Before that, let ’s talk about your name, nun. Miss. "

"My name is Inticus."

"As you can see, I am a clergyman, ah, here is the point, not the Vatican system, but the British Puritan side."

"I'm a magician. My magic name is dedicatus 545, which means 'purity lamb sacrificed to protect the knowledge of the strong'."

"Because I was chased by someone, I had to hide everywhere. I was too tired when I went to the park yesterday, and then fell asleep directly."

Listening to Indykes chattering, the long door did not have a trace of dissatisfaction, but listened with a smile, the red-haired teenager could see that the girl was venting the pressure in her heart.

It can be seen that for a whole year of ‘hunting down’, Inticus ’pressure is also not small.

"--That, don't you find it strange? Things like magic?"

After venting his pressure, Inticus realized that he seemed to talk too much, and then hesitated. Although the magic world has existed in this world for a short time, it is not yet accessible to ordinary people, so the indifferent attitude of the teenager in front of her makes her a little curious.

Nagato waved his hand in disbelief: "Since this world has superpowers, it is not surprising that there is magic."

"By the way, I am a superpower of the academy city!"

"Wow, superpowers!"

It is said that Inticus' eyes are full of intense curiosity. She, who has countless magical knowledge, is naturally curious, what kind of ability can compare with the magicians.

But the girl quickly stopped her curiosity and asked, "So, what do you need to help, Naomen?"

"Just a few questions!"

There was a smile on the corner of the mouth, and the long door said, "Indix, I remember the so-called magic. With some exceptions, it was basically created by" not talented people to catch up with talented people " Technology, right. "

"Well, yes, it's as if the talented person can't use magic!"

While answering the Nagato question, Inticus added intentionally.

"So, here comes the problem"

Nagato ignored the meaning of Inticus and asked directly, "Now the form of this world is dominated by talented magicians, and those with talents are suppressed."

"Do you think it is reasonable for this incompetent to guide the world?"

"This, this"

Although there is only one year of memory, Inticus, who has endless knowledge in his mind, also understands that this is indeed a bit abnormal. After all, if he is at the same starting point, talented people are not comparable to incompetent ones.

But why does the world look like this? Inticus couldn't help but wonder.

"It seems that you also feel that this world is a bit unreasonable, Inticus!"

Seeing the distress on the girl's face, Nagato smiled with satisfaction, and then expressed his thoughts, "I have several guesses about this question, but I really understand the answer to the question, and I need to really understand magic."

"What is the origin of magic? My instinct tells me that there is the answer I need."

"So, Inticus with 103,000 volumes of magic books"

"Will you help me?"

"No, no!"

After a little hesitation, Inticus still gave a negative answer, "If Nagato Jun just wants to understand magic, Inticus can help, but it is not possible to seek the origin of magic."

"Because if you want to trace the origin of magic, you must deeply read the book of magic books, but the books of magic books are poisonous."

"Too much contact with the book of Dao will be swallowed by the abyss of the Dao!"

"Sure enough, doesn't it make sense?"

Hearing Inticus's answer, Nagato was not surprised. Through the original book, Nagato knew what the other party was like, and Nagato knew that the other party was really thinking about himself.

"But unfortunately, no one can deny my decision."

As he said in his mouth, the power of thought that had reached the wing level in the long-door mind suddenly worked, and endless spiritual power emerged from the red-haired boy, filling the surrounding space and controlling Inticus.

The nun missed the reaction and was immediately hypnotized by her mental power, losing her self-consciousness.

At the next moment, the spirit projection of Nagato reappeared and rushed into the body of Inticus! ..

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