My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 138: The origin of magic!


As if falling into a calm lake, the spiritual projection of the long door came to a dark space.

Just condensed into the posture of a red-haired boy, the spiritual projection felt that a weak but endless force emerged from the endless darkness, blessing oneself as if to repel oneself.

Nagato knew that it was a rejection of Inticus's physical and mental instincts.

This is a natural phenomenon!

In addition to some inexplicable existence, under normal circumstances, any creature is a unique existence, similar to the long door, such as directly invading the soul of others will cause instinct to be rejected by the intruder.

For this situation, Nagato had long expected that the figure transformed by the projection would be adjusted slightly with the force of repulsion.

In less than a moment, the projection of the red-haired boy seemed to blend into the darkness around him.

The force of repulsion seems to have lost its target and disappeared.

Silently chuckled, and Nagato began to act.

Although it was dark all around and there was no light at all, for the long gate, it was not unthinkable. Following the perception in the spiritual consciousness, the spiritual body of the red-haired boy flew towards the depths of darkness.

Time passed in silence, and soon, a light appeared in the vision of the long door.

Seeing this scene, Nagato immediately galloped towards the light, and in less than a moment, he saw a rather amazing picture: In the deepest part of the darkness, the whole body of red fruit Inticus was shrinking there.

Compared with the spiritual projection of Nagato, the size of this Inticus is hundreds to thousands of times larger.

This is nothing other than the soul of Inticus.

And around the soul of Inticus, there is a red-red power grid.

"no surprise"

Seeing these crimson power grids, Nagato knew that this was a secret hand laid by the British Puritanism in order to keep the banned book catalog from being out of control. The automatic secretary and remote control costume in the original book are probably just this secret hand. portion.

If this secret hand is alarmed, even if it is a long door, I am afraid it will be a bit troublesome.

"Let's wait for the fantasy killer to deal with this stuff!"

The thought flashed in my mind, the spiritual projection of Nagato instantaneously turned into a streamer, pierced through the gap of the power grid, and entered the soul of Inticus

In reality, the long door that embraced Inticus shook slightly.

Through the spiritual projection of the soul that had entered Inticus, Nagato's eyes seemed to penetrate everything, and `` seeing '' the 13,000 volumes of the book of Dao opened his true face in front of himself.


The strongest spiritual concussion burst out of nothingness, violently bombarding the youth's soul.

This is due to the spiritual pollution contained in the 13,000 volumes of the book of Dao. If other people, even saints and superpowers, may fall into the abyss of madness in the first place.

But for the long gate that sits in the chaotic starry sky, even the evil in this world is not a fear, not to mention the spiritual pollution in every area.

Almost instantly, the soul of the Long Gate instinctively swallowed up the spiritual pollution.

Originally, the red-haired teenager had completely healed the damage to his own soul in order to secretly erode the imaginary mathematics zone, and this time he was completely engulfed by this swallow. Not only that, but Nagato obtained information from these spiritual pollutions.

The so-called spiritual pollution is not essentially pollution, but the guiding force released by the book of magic.

Every book of magical Taoism is the crystallization of magical civilization, symbolizing a certain field within the magical civilization, which naturally possesses a wonderful assimilation ability, which can guide the reader to the field that he symbolizes.

It's just that Inticus has 103,000 volumes of magic book, which brings together a total of 13,000 guides.

Under such circumstances, the so-called force of guidance will naturally turn into spiritual pollution.


A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Nagato was more looking forward to the 13,000 volumes of the magic book, and he did not hesitate at the moment. Nagato immediately began to interpret the magic book through spiritual projection.

Probably because his original background was Tianzhao, Nagato chose to interpret the devil's book of the Dao first.

From the beginning of the Dao De Jing, Emperor Bao Puzi's Yin Fu Jing Du Ren Jing Zhou Yi joined the supreme secret of the deeds and so on. The Dao Dao books written by the Tian Zhao De Dao Jie Jie have all fallen into the vision of Longmen.

Although there is no such earth-shattering power as the body, the realm of Nagato is not discounted.

The devil's book of Dao was quickly interpreted and completed by Nagato.

However, with the constant interpretation of Nagato, the knowledge of the heavenly magic path is becoming more and more abundant, and Nagato gradually feels that all the power of the heavenly magic path comes from a huge field in the depths of the endless void.

No, that can no longer be called a realm. Compared to the so-called realm, that place can be called a realm!

"I understand, that is the source of the heavenly magic path-the Eastern Celestial Realm!"

After careful consideration, Nagato got such a conclusion, and then the endless aura flashed in his mind. The red-haired boy said nothing, and began to read other magic books.

In this way, time passed slowly in the interpretation of the long door.

A full three hours passed.

Thousands of Dao Dao books have been interpreted by Nagato, but this time, Nagato no longer concentrates on the Dao Dao Dao books, but extracts several Dao Dao books from various regions and myths.

Then Nagato discovered a shocking truth-

Although there are 103,000 copies of the book of magic, the realm of the source of the magic is only to talk about hundreds. These sources correspond to the myths circulated around the world.

Compared to Eastern Celestial Realm, Western Paradise, Greek God Realm, Nordic World Tree and so on.

In other words, the magic of the Forbidden World is not magic in nature, but divine art. The magic art based on idol theory, the source of the magic path is not other, it is the realm of myth and legend.

"Wait, the realm of myths and legends, the realm of gods!"

A flash of light flashed in his head, and Nagato instantaneously thought that after the Yuancheng Imperial Capital was promoted to absolute power, he possessed the realm of God. "The Imperial Realm's realm of God is based on his own obsession."

"But there is another way to promote lv6, that is to believe in God."

"It turns out so, it turns out so!"

There are countless possible reorganizations, overthrows, and reorganizations. Nagato's eyes seem to penetrate through time, seeing through everything covered by the years, "Haha, this is the truth of history!"

"It's ironic. The so-called magic actually came from superpowers!" ..

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