My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 139: No doubt confused!

The origin of magic is super power!

This is a ridiculous conclusion in the eyes of the world. After all, the base city of the superpowers was born for decades, and magic has been flourishing for thousands of years before this.

Just looking at the timeline, the origin of magic will not be superpower no matter how you think about it.

However, after careful research, Nagato's results are the same.

Of course, the superpower mentioned here is not the superpower developed by the scientists of the academy city, but the superpower inherent in some creatures, or it is called the original stone!

In the view of Nagato, the original stone is the true origin of all forces in the world of the forbidden world.

Needless to say, the acquired ability of the academy city.

Magic should be traced to the birth of historical civilization. At that time, civilization has not yet taken shape. The existence of the original stone is naturally a **** for the foolish ordinary human beings of that period.

Driven by the fear of other human beings, or the original stone of faith, driven by the power of faith, step by step toward the realm of God.

At this point, the age of myth comes, and the gods are the original stones that set foot in the realm of the gods!

The following years are the struggle for faith!

For the power of faith that allows them to set foot in the realm of God, and can continue to push themselves forward, the original stones will naturally not give up, they will all share their interests with each other, or hostile to each other, and war will break out.

With the passage of time, the formation of the **** system, the realm of the gods of the **** system merged into the **** realm, and the war has entered a new stage.

Because the strength of the gods is too strong, it is easy to cause the spirits to be charcoal and weaken the source of faith. In order to ensure that the power of faith is not cut off, the gods made a tacit agreement and no longer directly shot.

They agreed with each other that even if it was a war of faith, they would be carried out by their respective believers.

To this end, the gods analyzed their **** realm and evolved a spiritual system that could draw on the power of the **** realm.

And these spiritual systems are the first divine art.

In this way, as the gods no longer shot, magic gradually rose, civilization gradually formed, more and more human beings, the gods gained more and more faith.

Of course, during the period, the rise of the new god, the fall of the old **** and the like are inevitable.

However, no matter what kind of drama, the gods lost their meaning when the dusk came. The gods only knew the benefits of the power of faith, but did not notice that faith is poisonous.

In the poison of faith, the gods gradually lost themselves and became a part of the **** realm where their gods are located.

The gods are no longer, but the magic is still there.

It's just that with the rise of civilization, the awakening of human consciousness, there are more and more questions about gods.

Gradually, many divine art no longer deliberately emphasizes faith.

And these divine arts are the original magic.

"It's really interesting!"

In the private room of the restaurant, the head of the long door was full of the history of the forbidden world that he had speculated, and his face was full of cheerful smiles. Although he did not see it with his own eyes, but the long door knew that he really grasped the context of the plane.

At this moment, the soul with Daozu-level realm made a joyful affirmation of the Longmen's speculation.

Suddenly, Nagato felt a sudden and cheerful feeling, grasping this context, the red-haired boy had no doubts in his heart. Whether it is the devil, or Ewas, or Aresta

They lost their mystery in the eyes of Nagato.

At the top of magic, the demon **** who can tamper with the world with his own will no longer be the usurper of the sovereignty of the star in the eyes of the long door. They are just the heirs of the unowned God Realm.

It is the God Realm that owns the sovereignty of the star, and the Devil God only occupies the God Realm.

This also explains why the devil gods in this world all have the reason for the real names of gods in mythology. If they do not inherit the real names of gods, how can they enter the world of those gods.

Knowing the nature of the demon god, Nagato has some ways to deal with these seemingly omnipotent guys.

The only thing that really makes Nagato feel tricky is Edwards, the future master.

In the original work, Aiwasi claimed to be the angel of the Horus era, and the fire on the right side of the Roman Orthodox Church also called it a symbol of the attribute not controlled by God, and also a clue to let mankind escape from destiny.

Combining these clues, the true identity of Ai Huasi, in fact, has already come out.

The age of faith will eventually pass, and humanity will eventually wake up.

The inner divinity of mankind will eventually be completely liberated!

The so-called Ewas is the aggregation of the awakening will of the future human beings. She is the true **** of civilization, born in the human consciousness Alaiye, but surpassing the existence of Alaiye.

As for Arresta, when he wanted to come to Nagato, he was probably a madman who knew the origin of magic and the nature of Aihuasi with the help of Aihuasi, and then sprung up to replace Aihuasi or share his authority.

From this point of view, all of Aresta's actions were explained.

If this were not the case, he would not abandon magic, tinker with any artificial heavens, and subvert all magic.

It ’s just that Nagato is more concerned about than Kia Resta—

"Ewas is really big-hearted!"

A look of surprise flashed across his face, and Nagato couldn't help but sigh softly, "Is it deliberately staying by a guy who has conspiracy to find fun, is she confident of herself, or is she really not concerned?"

"If the latter is fine, if the former, then what is she really relying on?"

"Is it the last legacy of my previous life"

Such speculation flashed through his head. The red-haired boy shook his head and stopped his association. "For the time being, I have no idea whatsoever. I come step by step. Now the first thing to deal with is Aresta, taking over the entire academy city. "

"Now that he knows his details, it's almost time to start."

Thinking about this, the long door directly held Indyx, who was asleep, and walked out of the restaurant's private room. The result was lightly guarded, leaning quietly beside the door of the private room.

In order to ensure that there are 103,000 copies of the book of magic books, Nagato deliberately arranged for the girls to guard here.

Seeing the Nagato coming out, the girl almost straightened her body subconsciously.


Looking at Danxi, the long door said softly, "I've got what I want and go back to the headquarters building."


Hearing the words, Kuangbiao nodded quietly and raised his hand on the shoulder of the long door.

In an instant, the three of them disappeared directly ..

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