My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 140: Lola and start!

"What are you kidding ?!"

A slightly high question suddenly sounded in the central building of the seventh school district.

I saw Aresta still suspended in an upright position in the nutrition device, and beside him, there was an illusory screen. Inside the screen was a girl who appeared to be only about 18 years old.

The girl has crystal clear skin, clear blue eyes and shiny golden hair.

Her biggest feature is her long blond hair that is 2.5 times as long as her body. Her vertical hair extends to the height of her ankles and is folded upwards, back to the height of the back of her head, and then fixed with a huge silver hairpin. Then it folds down again until it reaches the waistline.

Such long hair, coupled with the mysterious temperament of the girl, seemed quite appropriate.

The voice just made was from the **** the screen.

"I'm sorry, all I said is true."

Faced with the girl ’s questioning, Yalesta ’s response appeared to be unhurried. “Including the God-Breaker, both of your men are defeated, and even the banned book catalog falls into the one that raised the rebellious banner. In the hands of a teenager. "


Within the illusory screen, the blonde girl frowned.

After being silent for a long time, she asked: "You did it on purpose, Rift and Steele will not say for a moment, if Inticus, if you don't disclose the news, no one can find her."


This time, Arista's answer was an abnormal bachelor.


"Probably, I need some help."


The girl snorted coldly after hearing Aresta's answer, and the illusory screen disappeared.

"Is this really good?"

A moment later, the slightly distorted voice of Ai Huasi sounded in the darkness, full of ridicule. "That woman, Laura Stuart is not a good stubble. Is it really okay to tell her the real situation." "

"No problem, because she is Lola!"

Facing the ridicule of Aihuasi, Arista's answer was full of emotion.

For Aihuasi, Laura Stuart is definitely not a stranger. She is the leader of the British Puritanism, one of the three major denominations of the Old World in the Forbidden World. bishop.

Although it seems to be only about 18 years old, she was like this 20 years ago.

Lola ’s job is to "replace the busy king to command British Puritanism", in other words, to be the actual leader of the "Puritanism."

At the beginning, Arista, a magician, almost died in the hands of the assassin.

The woman has the strength to command a huge organization, she is good at wise words, and will not easily show her true intentions. The standard of good and evil is even more unknown, and any means are used for the benefit of British Puritanism. There are too few grounds to judge whether she is good or evil, or it should be said that she does as much as good and bad.

Her ability to manipulate her mind, reason, interests, ethics and other "values ​​of values" in the palm of her hand, no one is better than her. On the balance of good and evil, she has always maintained Subtle balance, this is her most brilliant place.

It's just that no matter how clever Lola is, Arista, who has a full understanding of her, can still grasp her ideas.

Because the starting point of all Lola's actions is British Puritanism.

In the face of the gradual pressing of the Roman Orthodox Church, in order to open up the situation, Lola prepared to use the banned book catalog as a bargaining chip to reach an alliance with the academy city to fight against the Roman Orthodox Church.

But now, the purpose of her alliance has not been really achieved, there is civil strife in the academy city, and she has been pitted by her allies,

So the question is, how will Lola choose in the face of such a situation?

If it is someone else, he will either turn his face directly with Yalesta, or sell Yalesta with his backhand, as a step and contact with the long door, but this is only a normal person's choice, not Lola's choice.

Although occasionally playing a little temperament, all of Lola's behavior will take care of the overall situation of the British Puritanism.

The British Puritanism now faces the threat of the right seat of the Roman Orthodox God, so Puritanism needs an ally. It does not matter who the ally is, but it is important that it must be able to break the oppression of the right seat of the God on Puritanism.

Under such circumstances, seizing the banned book catalog and even imprisoning the Puritan saints and genius magician's long door is definitely the enemy of Puritanism.

Coupled with Aresta ’s true understanding of Puritanism, once he failed to disclose the secret plan between him and Puritanism, the Roman Orthodox Church would definitely take more radical measures against Puritanism.

Such a premise predestined that Lola would definitely stand in the position of Yarresta before the Puritan situation improved.

"Of course, the relationship between my allies and Puritanism will definitely deteriorate in the future."

Yaresta's voice slowly echoed in the dark, with an inexplicable meaning, "But if you can suppress the rebellious fire in the academy city, such a price is worth it."

"Oh, it's really interesting. I've seen Yaresta for the first time in years."

In the face of Aresta ’s decision, Ewas could n’t help but express his emotions, even the voice of impurities could not conceal his happiness, “Speak any other ideas, let ’s listen.”

"No idea"

"With the defeat of one side, the plan of the Absolute Ability has ended, the sisters of Misaka have been secretly transmitted to all parts of the world, and the wind and ice in the virtual math area have been bred. Although they have not been tested, there should be no problem.

"Everything is ready, it's time to extinguish the rebellious fire in the academy city!"

Along with Yalesta's complaint, a phantom screen with fluorescent flashes emerged from the surrounding darkness, showing on the screen are institutions and machinery that are undergoing personnel transfers.

These are the forces that Aresta has accumulated in the decades of control of the academy city.

With this power, there is no problem even in a world war.

Now, this power is used by him to deal with the long door.

"But before this"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the upside-down male in the installation. "Although I don't know what special Misaka Misaki is, he deserves his close approach, but this does not prevent me from using her to make some articles."

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

"Inferior, ruin her!"

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