My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 141: Traps and props

Civil war, started

Although it has the name of the science-based base camp, in the final analysis, the academy city is only one-third of the size of Tokyo. As the poles of the standing city, Yalesta has known the long gate as soon as it moves.

So, the long-awaited war in the academy city was finally ignited!

Of course, although it is said to be a war, both Yalesta and Nagato have restraint. After all, the battle between the two is a civil war. In addition to defeating the enemy, it also has to fully receive the academy city.

Once a full-scale war is launched, even if the opponent is defeated, I am afraid that the academy city will suffer great losses.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the city does not suffer too much loss, the war between the two occurred on the dark side of the academy city, or economic sanctions, assassination of cadres, or destruction of strongholds, or small-scale engagements

All in all, the damage caused by the war has been controlled within a certain range by the tacit understanding of both sides.

If the power is huge, Aresta has an absolute advantage. The accumulation of decades is not a joke, but if you compare the mobility of your subordinates, you have the advantage of having a light dawn.

No longer hiding his own target, Dan Xi used the space ability to the point of magic, and can transport large troops to most places in the city.

With such maneuverability, the Vietnam War fought at dawn and the courage to take off, and the war naturally showed a state of stalemate.

The result is that as time goes by, the atmosphere of the academy city becomes more and more dignified.

In the publicity on the bright side, the academy city has only recently had more accidents and terrorist attacks. This was originally a commonplace for people living in the city. Once the academy city often conducts some advanced experiments, accidents are inevitable. .

Secondly, the academy city with technology beyond the age of thirty or fifty years is very coveted, and terrorist attacks are not uncommon in the history of the city.

But the problem is that as the war gets more intense, there are more terrorist attacks.

So slowly, even some uninformed people with keen minds felt something was wrong.

Among them, Misaka Mizuki noticed something was wrong.

It is more correct to say that since the outbreak of the civil war, of course, the girl did not know about the civil war, but she has an intuition of near future vision, so at that moment, Meiqin felt that something significant had happened.

Just trapped in their own environment, even if the young girl uses her own ability to act as a hacker to search the urban secrets of the academy, there is nothing to gain.

However, looking at his schoolgirl Shiraoi Kuroko, who is a commissioner of style, is getting more and more busy, and then combined with the various accidents that have occurred everywhere in the academy city and terrorist attacks, the girl concludes that something must happen to the academy city.

However, when the girl used her ability to explore the truth again, she found two documents on the computer of an institute.

Absolute capacity plan and mass production capacity plan.

At about twelve in the evening, in front of a research institute in the academy city.

The whole person seemed to be a bit heavy Misaka Miqin came here. The dormitory of Tokiwadai had access time. In addition to the serious and strong housekeeper, Miqin never dared to go out at night.

But this time, the girl had no mood to think about what terrible things would happen when the housekeeper knew.

At this time, Meiqin's heart was already at a loss.

The Absolute Ability Program and the Mass Production Ability Program opened a window for the young girl, allowing her to truly see the darkness of the academy city. She never expected that her replicator would suffer so much suffering.

The most difficult thing for Meiqin is that, as mentioned in the mass production capacity plan, Tao Li turned out to be her original copy!

This is not that Meiqin dislikes the identity of the copyist, but she can't care about the many sufferings that Tao Li experienced before. The document clearly states that Tao Li even died many times.

This is an unacceptable fact for Meiqin, who has regarded Tao Li as her sister.

Therefore, the girl came to this institute in front of her eyes. Those two documents are from here.

Whether it is to discern the authenticity of the document or to know more detailed truth, she must come here to actually investigate.

It was only when the girl came to the door of the institute that she was about to step in. Her footsteps took a slight pause. In her heart, a flashing warning sign made her raise her head and look at the institute.

From the appearance, it is an ordinary research institute.

But the girl believes in her feelings, even if it is only a warning sign, not a crisis.

Immediately afterwards, Miqin shook his head in a smile, whether it was a problem or not, even if there was a beast of water in it, he had to go in.

With such a mentality, the girl opened the door of the institute directly.

Stepping inside, Meiqin suddenly found out that the whole institute seemed to be dead, and there was no movement at all. Immediately, the girl realized that something was wrong.

Squinting slightly, Meiqin walked in slowly.

Just walking around, the girl stepped on a soft thing in the channel in the institute.

In a flash, the warning signs in Meiqin's heart rang violently.

Without hesitation, the girl retreated and left the spot, almost at the same moment, a flash of fire flashed in the position just now, followed by a roaring explosion and a frenzy of blast!

bomb? ! !

Such thoughts flashed in his mind. Meiqin was afraid for a while, but soon the girl didn't have time to think about it. The warning signs in her heart were still there, letting the girl know that she was not out of danger.

Suddenly, a beam of pure white light was emitted from the side wall and bombarded the position where the girl had just stood. Then, a beam of beams bombarded from one side of the wall.

Facing such an attack, Meiqin just retreated first.

In less than a moment, the entire passage was bombarded with light beams beyond recognition, leaving only one ruin.

After a while, the girl's body came to a sudden stop, and she couldn't back away anymore.

Because, behind her, is the wall!

At almost the same moment, the pure white beam reappeared and passed through the wall beside it, blasting towards the girl with an unmatched trend.

crucial moment--

"Don't be too close, **** !!"

In the annoyed voice, the girl's body was full of electricity, soaring into the sky, wrapped around her body, the pure white light beam was swept by the violent flashing current, and immediately exploded in advance, scattered into a light flower.

At this moment, Meiqin finally saw the figure of the attacker from the wall shattered by the beam.

Those are four young girls with different shapes and awe-inspiring momentum.

Fluffy blond long hair, blue eyes, white skin, slim, petite, only about 1.5 meters tall, wearing a beret, wearing a miniskirt, wrapping his legs in stockings, forehand Cute little girl hugging a doll.

The black hair was cut short and shoulder-to-shoulder, wearing a pink sportswear, and at first glance he had no strength, a pair of conspicuous and conspicuous girls on his chest, a sleepy, expressionless girl.

A brown Bob head with shoulders, and a petite little girl with long blond hair. The two slender legs are exposed in the air at random. It seems to have a different charm. The girl wearing a hoodie .

And there is the last one, standing in front of the three girls, with a tall and slender figure, and her chest is very imposing at first glance. The fluffy brown-haired girl, between the palm of her hand, a spherical pure white light is turning there, It seems ready to project it at any time.

"The dark part of the academy, the leader of the item-Mai Ye Shen Li!"

I saw that the girl who seemed to be the leader looked at Meiqin's eyes and stepped forward once again. The beam of light in the hand suddenly blasted out. "Sorry for the super electromagnetic gun, please die here!" ..

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