My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 144: Electromagnetic Valkyrie!

Time advances by three minutes.

Facing Mai Ye Shen Li's super-large atom collapsed beam, Misaka's small head was blank. The signs of death spread all over the girl's perception, and despair spread in her heart.

And at this moment, the girl's five senses broke through the limit, as if entering another level.

Consciousness, chaotic in a moment


In an instant, a raging flame burst from Meiqin.

Unimaginable gravitational forces flowed out of the body of the tea-haired girl, all over the void of a hundred meters. These gravitational forces are like substance, full of chaos, as if to distort the whole space.

Mai Ye Shen Li was also within the reach of chaotic gravity, first dumping his whole body, and then almost fell to the ground.

The ultra-large atom collapsed beam on her hand was therefore misaligned.

It didn't hurt Misaka Mitsuki at all.


Barely supporting the body, Mai Ye Shenli immediately stepped back a few steps, out of the scope of the chaotic gravity, "What is the gravity? Is it the so-called multiple abilities?"

With a somewhat horrified look, Misaka Misaka, then Mai Ye Shenli found that the other party was suspended under gravity.

"Actually lost consciousness?"

Suddenly, Mai Ye Shen Li keenly discovered that Meiqin had lost consciousness, and her mind moved. The girl immediately recovered from the horror. If Misaka Miqin did not lose consciousness, she would indeed be difficult to calm.

Although Misaka is indeed a complete novice in combat, she is ultimately a superpower at the apex of the academy.

If such an existence has the second super ability, the improvement of strength can hardly be counted.

Even with insufficient experience, Mai Ye Shenli had no confidence to deal with it.

But now that he is dizzy, the degree of threat naturally drops greatly.

"So, what should I do next?"

Speaking of such words in his mouth, Mai Ye Shenli raised his right hand without hesitation, the pure white light of the atom collapsed reappeared. In terms of killing decisiveness, Mai Ye Shenli has always been very confident.

However, the girl's atom collapsed light beam has not yet bloomed, and her intuition presents an extreme crisis.

"not good!"

The pupil contracted sharply, and Mai Ye Shenli jumped back without hesitation.

Almost at the same moment, a light blue knife awn crossed from where she was originally. The endless edge of the awn was able to reach Mai Ye across a few meters of space, so she could not help but shudder.

"who is it!!"

The passing experience of death made Mai Ye Shenli even more irritable. I saw her eyes flashing a fierce cold light and turned her head to look in the direction of the knife.

Then, a figure that made Mai Ye Shen Li feel quite unexpected appeared in her field of vision.

It was a girl with long brown hair. It looked similar to Misaka Miqin, but it was only intersecting with Miqin's poor breasts. This girl had an extremely amazing amount of milk.

"Third, sister?"

Subconsciously, Mai Ye Shenli reached such a conclusion.


It seems that I heard the words that Mai Ye Shenli unconsciously said, the girl with long brown hair, or Tao Li said quite cheerfully, "It's a sister, I'm Mei Qin's sister, Tao Li."

"I'm not very good at fighting, if you can, please leave here?" ""

It is said that for the first time in his life, Mai Ye Shenli especially wanted to vomit.

Not to mention whether the relationship between your sisters has been reversed, it is said that the guy who just killed me by a blow actually has a face and said that he is not very good at fighting. Is this really good? !

However, Mai Ye Shen Li, after all, was Mai Ye Shen Li, immediately suppressing his desire to vomit, and ignited an angry war!

"Go to hell!"

I didn't want to say anything at all, and the beam of the atom's collapse was released immediately, and it was close to Tao Li.

"Sure enough?"

Seeing Mai Ye's choice, Shen Li couldn't help but sigh softly.

Despite the tragic years when he was young, under the company of friends, Tao Li's character has not undergone a qualitative change, and still maintains the most pure and beautiful quality.

Or that's why the police and the bee-eater prayed for her so much so far.

Therefore, if she can, she really doesn't want to fight.

But now it seems that fighting is unavoidable after all.

and so--

"Just leave it to me, sister!"

A faint voice permeated from the bottom of Tao Li's heart. It was the electromagnetic master who was cultivated in the original master of Tao Li's body at this time, Tao Li's real sister, and the twin sons of Nagato.

"I can't wait to let my brother's research results bloom."

"It's yours, Jasmine!"

Calling this sister's name in a low voice, Tao Li slowly closed her eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, the girl's temperament had undergone a major transformation of 180 degrees. If you take the wind as an example, the previous girl looked like a cheerful spring breeze, and now the girl seems to have passed the winter wind of summer and autumn, The cold is bitter.


Looking at the beam of light coming from the field of vision, the tea-haired girl just snorted coldly and then sideways avoided the beam.

At the next moment, the girl's body was filled with electric current and galloped towards Shenye Shenli.


Seeing this scene, Mai Ye Shen Li looked immediately, maintaining the output of the atom collapsed beam, manipulating the beam, like an ultra-long lightsaber, beheading towards the tea-haired girl.

"You are naive!"

In the face of sudden changes, Misaka Jasmine's face remained unchanged.

Almost immediately, the electric current in the girl's body was excited to another level, and the invisible electromagnetic field condensed out as if it were substance, attached to the girl, like a piece of heaven.

"Wu God Mode Magnetic Field!"

Under the blessing of the electromagnetic field, the girl easily avoided the beam from the beheading. At the next moment, the brown long hair almost turned into a streamer, and appeared in front of Mai Ye Shenli in an instant.

Watching the pupils contract violently, it seemed shocking enemies, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

"You should have some value, so I won't kill you!"

In this way, the girl struck Mai Ye Shenli's abdomen with a fist, a huge force penetrated her body into her consciousness, and even blasted it for a distance of more than ten meters, and then heavy Landing.

After doing all this, Jasmine's face remained unchanged, keeping the state of magnetic blessing, and turned to look into the distance.

At the end of the girl's sight, a touch of pure white figure was slowly walking.

The real battle seems to have just begun ..

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