My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 145: Jasmine vs party

School City, the nineteenth school district.

With the hands behind his back, Nagato stood alone at the top of the headquarters building at dawn, and the deep and magnificent purple pupil looked at the distance with some confusion, and a surprise appeared between the eyebrows.

In a realm that no one else can detect, the five senses of Nagato are perfectly blended with the imaginary mathematics area.

Everything that happened in the huge academy city, even the flowers, the grass and the trees, were observed by the red-haired boy, including the figure that appeared after the defeat of the dark props.

"Unexpectedly, Aresta actually put him here."

Such thoughts flashed through his head, and the long door could not help sighing softly.

To be honest, Nagato thought that Arista would use him as a weapon against him. After all, the other party was originally the only one in the academy city that could safely advance to absolute ability.

Even with the existence of Yuangen Emperor Capital, his value will not be weakened much.

After such a special modulation, such a guy is definitely a decisive presence in this war related to the **** of the academy city. It should not be released so quickly.


"Aresta, did you notice the abnormality of Meiqin?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, and the long door said softly, "It's really interesting, but it's a pity, even if you just notice it, it's useless. The awakening has begun."

"Before that, let me see what step Taoli and Jasmine can do!"

At this time, above the battlefield.

Misaka Jasmine looked coldly at the slowly approaching white figure.

Although he hasn't really met, but who is the white figure in front of him, Jasmine is very clear, or that Jasmine is absolutely impressed, so deep that he can't wait to kill each other.

As the original master of this body, there is a reason why Jasmine has always given the sovereignty of the body to Tao Li.

The reason is that a small Misaka network has been constructed between her and Tao Li's soul.

This network was specially refined by Nagato, and it can be connected to the large network of Misaka ’s sisters while maintaining independence, but this is not the real role of this small network.

It has only one real role, that is, to lead the souls of sisters who participate in the experiment of absolute ability.

Because the Misaka network is also needed to expand the imaginary mathematics area, Nagato let the mass production capacity plan and the Absolute capacity plan be implemented, but in order to prevent Misaka from regaining anger after being awakened, Nagato naturally needs to make some compensation.

The network between Taoli and Jasmine is one of Nagato's means of making up.

It is precisely because this network has undergone special refining that Jasmine ’s will cannot often appear on weekdays, and most of his energy needs to be used to suppress this network.

In this process, the will of the girl witnessed thousands of death methods of her sisters.

As a responsible sister, Jasmine has already accumulated endless anger in her heart. She will not be angry about Nagato, but it is not the case for the immediate death of the sisters.

and so

"Go to death, one pass!"

The violent flame burst from the girl's body, and Misaka Jasmine brushed a current directly from the hair, and then waved straight ahead, and the light blue magnetic field turned into a slash.

It seems to be able to pierce the ground with all the cuts of everything in the world and take the pure white figure straight.


The pure white figure, or the corner of the mouth of a party, showed a disdainful grin, there was no evasive action at all, and it was still walking at a slow pace.

The magnetic field bombarded the passing body directly, and then bounced back.


Looking at the knife-mand that bounced back, Jasmine looked a little unhappy. Before the knife-mandant added, the girl waved abruptly, pulling it past her, and bombarded a building.

The destruction of the building behind did not attract Jasmine's attention, and her attention was all focused on her enemies.

"Sure enough, vector manipulation is really a troublesome ability!"

After trying to attack a little bit, and combining the memories of the thousands of sisters I have seen, Jasmine has really realized the trouble of the super power of vector manipulation.

Perhaps the active attack capability is not high, but in terms of defense and comprehensiveness, it is surprisingly powerful.

"However, it is not impossible!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, Jasmine's magnetic field was in full swing, and the girl's physical fitness doubled at an alarming rate, instantly exceeding the limits of ordinary humans.


The ground beneath his feet shattered, and Jasmine almost turned into a residual image and rushed towards the side.

Its speed caused a sonic boom in the void.

"So fast!"

In the face of the attack of Jasmine, one side finally stopped, and the white boy raised his right hand, and said quite wildly, "Although I don't know how you can achieve this speed, but one side is here. ! "


Unimaginable shock waves burst out of the hands of one side.

However, although the shock wave is powerful, the effect is not great in the face of jasmine, but the electric light flashes on the girl, and the speed has increased to more than twice the speed of sound, almost turning into a blue light.

In an instant, it avoided the main force of the shock wave and approached the side from the side.

Faced with Jasmine's approach, although one side is a little surprised, it doesn't care much. Or, except for the absolute ability, the one side doesn't care about other superpowers at all.

Seeing Misaka Jasmine had rushed in front of him, and threw his fist.

The corners of the mouth that appeared on the other side were even more grim.

Make it your own!

The thought flashed in my mind, and the passing face of a party suddenly changed, because at this moment, Jasmine instantly changed from a state of twice the speed of sound to static, and the inertia seemed to lose its effect on her.

It's just that the reflection on one passer's body works automatically, but it is retroreflected because the attacking fist is far away.

Then under the power of vector manipulation, Jasmine's fist was bombarded on the passing face of the party. In an instant, the pale teenager's face was twisted and full of blood, and the whole person flew a distance of hundreds of meters. Off the ground. ..

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