My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 146: Runaway! Black Wings of Despair!


Listening to the roar in his ears, Misaka Jasmine couldn't help but feel relieved.

The long-lasting anger in the girl's heart dissipated a lot with the blow of this punch. At the same time, the girl secretly sighed in her heart. Unexpectedly, the joke-like Kharahara fist really worked.

The so-called Kihara Fist is a method of Jasmine flying through the side.

According to Jasmine's instructor Nagato, this kind of boxing was born under the head of Yaresta's direct darkhound organization, Kurihara, and his ability to pass through was developed and studied by him.

Kurihara Fist is just a by-product of Kurihara's development and research.

The principle is very simple. It is to use the "reflection" of one side to pass, which is to change the direction of the energy of the coming force to "the opposite". Retract the fist before hitting directly, so that the one side pass unconsciously "reflect" away from his fist Facing yourself, causing damage to one side.

"But I am afraid that this punch is effective!"

The thought flashed through his mind, and the magnetic field on Jasmine's body was working again.

The young girl absolutely does not believe that one side pass will be defeated in this way, or, if it is the original side pass, it is likely to be directly fainted by such a heavy blow, but the current side pass is not.

Although I do n’t know what Aresta did, the current one must not be estimated by common sense.

Sure enough, the next moment


The roar reverberated suddenly, and I saw the body passing by one side as the center, and the strong shock waves spread in all directions. The person passing by the side seemed to lose gravity and float up.

Jasmine's face was slightly dignified, and a little fear appeared in his gaze to one side.

As the finished product of the Nagato's Gemini Warrior Project, Jasmine's spiritual consciousness completely surpassed that of ordinary people. In her perception, one side passage of this existence is undergoing an amazing change.

The unimaginable despair will be born out of the body that looks extremely weak.

The despair was so dark that Jasmine was shocked.


At this moment, a wild beast roared from the side.

The extremely dark wings burst out from behind the pale boy, while setting off a stronger impact, it spreads the despair in the boy's body in the form of mental shock.

Passing by one side, at this moment stepped out of the scope of lv5 and turned into a devil of despair!

"Ah, it seems a little fun!"

Perceiving the spirit of despair that is constantly impacting in spiritual consciousness, a light smile appeared on the corner of Jasmine's mouth. In a sense, Misaka Jasmine is a warrior and possesses the warrior's challenge spirit.

The strength of one side did not let the young girl retreat, but instead inspired her fighting spirit.


Without extra words, the girl suddenly exerted force.

The power of the magnetic field continued to converge, and the girl directly crushed the ground under her feet. The whole person was like a light blue lightning, charging against the direction of the shock wave.

Jasmine's actions immediately caught the attention of the Desperate Demon. Although he lost himself, his instinct was even more terrifying.

Without any hesitation at all, the dark wings slammed towards the incoming enemy!


The hurricane-like impact came downright, plunging Jasmine into a raging abyss.

Even with the blessing of the magnetic field, the girl still had to escape from the state of charge, and then the girl saw that countless dark wings were like a sharp blade that was bombarded by the hurricane. "Humph!"

Subconsciously snorted coldly, and Jasmine blasted her fist straight.

The strength of the magnetic field turned into a roaring dragon along with the fist of the girl, and went up against the impact of the hurricane. All the black wings that were attacked blasted away, and then directly bombed on the passing body.

But although the enemy was hit, but the result was not ideal, Canglong rebounded directly.


"This is exactly what I expected!"

Facing the green dragon that bounced back, Jasmine's face flashed a smug smile.

At the next moment, I saw the girl jumped into the sky at the moment when the Canglong bombarded him, and fell on the Canglong head. Then the white and slender right hand directly brought a blue electric light and bombarded the dragon head. .


The powerful magnetic field burst out of the girl's right hand and was injected into the body of Canglong.

Almost in a flash of time, Canglong returned to the control of Jasmine, and then the girl drove the Canglong directly into the sky and launched a shock towards the other side.

"I don't believe it, your vector manipulation must be invincible!"

With such a belief, the girl turned the magnetic field around her to the extreme.

The huge Canglong was instantly blessed to the point of irreversible increase, the magnetic field of the entire academy city was distorted, and the power of terror was madly gathered, turning into a force that impacted the passing side.


Facing the impact of the Canglong, one side roared like a beast.

The power of despair soared again, the huge wings continued to expand, and the dark colors continued to deepen. At the next moment, the pale boy did not wait for the advent of the enemy in place, but vigorously operated the vector manipulation, impacting up.


Unthinkable collisions of terror erupted above the academy city.

The unprecedented aftermath spread violently and spread all over the academy city almost instantaneously. The huge city seemed to be favored by a super-large typhoon.

In the center of the collision, the Canglong and Blackwing Devil still maintain the collision posture.

Vector manipulation is indeed a near-invincible force. It stands to reason that the Canglong with the vector magnetic field can't resist the power of vector manipulation, but Jasmine's attack this time is not pure magnetic force.

While outputting all the magnetic field power, the girl blessed her as a warrior with all her boxing intent.

The magnetic field mixed with boxing intention naturally has some changes. This kind of change has already gone beyond the understanding of one side in half steps. For forces that are difficult to fully understand, vector manipulation cannot fully rebound.

This is a rare opportunity, and Jasmine grasped this keenly!

"Let me blow you down!"

The girl's fighting intentions burned at this moment, not only the girl, but also the will of the girl in the girl's body and the will of the sisters Misaka sleeping in the two people's network.

Under the resonance of the will, the unprecedented power emerged madly, and Canglong's body madness expanded several times.


In the angry roar, one side of the traffic even bombarded directly on the ground.

The entire academy city was shaken like an earthquake in an instant.

However, at this moment, there seemed to be a broken sound in the void, and the rotation of the entire earth stopped horrifyingly for a second, and then the dark light burst out from the ground, dyeing the sky of the entire academy city.


The originally strong Canglong immediately flew upside down into the sky and crashed apart ..

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