My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 148: Tearing the black wings! First more!

Surprised and dull!

At this time, Misaka Jasmine's mind was completely blank.

What has just happened is like a dream in the eyes of the young girl. Although she knows that her sister is undergoing transformation, the young girl has never imagined that this transformation will be so amazing.

It is a little unbelievable that the person who is the incarnation of the black wing monster will be so easily bombarded by the super-electromagnetic cannon.

After all, from an attribute point of view, the vector control that one side can pass completely restrains the super electromagnetic gun!

It ’s just unbelievable, that ’s the reality.

After being silent for a moment, the girl finally recovered, and then she could not help but express a bitter smile in her heart, bitterly arrogant of what she once had in her heart.

As a product of the Wushen plan, Jasmine is actually very proud in the bottom of her heart.

Her strength is very different and she has great prospects.

It even surpassed the original Misaka Miki.

Therefore, when she received the task given by Nagato, the girl was still not convinced. She thought that her strength was enough to defeat the enemy without waiting for her sister to complete some inexplicable transformation.

"It seems that my original thoughts were really arrogant!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Jasmine just met Miqin's eyes.

"It's alright, Peach, it's Jasmine!"

The faint words came out from Miqin's mouth. The girl unconsciously turned her gaze, but the usual slight pride expression contained the care that was unique to Misaka Miqin, which made Jasmine warm.

"It's all right, Sister Meiqin!"

Although it was the first time to speak, Jasmine was pleasantly surprised.

"That's good!"

It was said that Meiqin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but she didn't wait for the girl to continue to say something. A violent shock burst out in the big pit in the distance, and the Black Winged Demon reappeared.


The big demon roared like a wounded beast.

The black wings covered the sky and set off a terrifying impact.

"Humph, I really don't see the atmosphere!"

Facing the shock wave coming from Roaring, Meiqin's face flashed unpleasantly. I saw that the girl nodded towards her sister first, and then the whole body was filled with electric current, turning into an electro-optical front.

Almost at the blink of an eye, the tea-haired girl came to the shock wave.

The slender hands lifted up, and the girl grabbed towards the front.

Then, tear it apart!


An unimaginable and surprising phenomenon appeared. The shock wave that was enough to bring the land of the academy city into the hands of the girl was torn and dissipated like a rag.

At the next moment, Meiqin continued to be a Thunderbolt and galloped towards the other side.


Facing the attack of Meiqin, the Black Winged Demon was not willing to be outdone.

In the increasingly tragic and desperate roar, the big demon turned into a black light and also faced up. The two lights intertwined in the air, and from time to time made a collision sound, setting off a gust of wind.

The turmoil caused by the battle is getting bigger and bigger, coupled with the previous spread, it soon attracted the attention of the entire academy city.

More than two million residents, whether they are capable or not, almost feel the palpitations.

"Hey, what a joke!"

The location of the 177th activity branch of the school's urban style commissioner, Gu Fameiwei flashed a look of anger, "This kind of natural disaster has occurred, and the upper class has not allowed us to dispatch." In addition to the same anger, Shirako Shirai, who was standing behind her, still had a little doubt on her face.

Somehow, the young girl felt some wonderful familiarity from the waves that were set off from the outside.

There seems to be someone familiar with this battle.

"Could it be the elder sister!"

Such thoughts flashed inadvertently in the brain. When Bai Jingheizi's face changed, she had to take a look at the center of the battlefield desperately, and before she started to act, the girl's body shook slightly.

Star-like eyes appeared in Kuroko's eyes, and the impulsive thoughts had gone from her mind.

A talent workshop about ten kilometers away from the academy city.

The bee-eater who was lying in the unique brain wave amplification cabin moved a little, the corner of his mouth appeared, and his eyes were slightly opened: "Sakurai Kuroko, this extra chess piece, don't hinder this game."

Meiqin didn't know what the bee-eater prayed for.

But if you know it, the girl will not only oppose it, but will strongly agree. After all, the changes that are taking place in the academy city are not something that ordinary abilities can involve.

If nothing else, it ’s like the one who is completely blackened in front of the girl.

The passage of the black-winged monster is a desperate incarnation. It is not a simple ability. It is not polite, that is, the ability to gather all the agglomerations in the academy city is not enough for the other party to attack several times .

What is even more unreasonable is that as the battle progresses, the desperate breath of one passerby becomes stronger and stronger.

Although it has not yet broken through the realm of absolute ability, it is not far behind.

"How is that possible!"

In the fierce battle, Miqin still has the power to calmly think, "If the super power is so improved, the passage in the original book has been improved for a long time, and it will not be difficult to experience so many difficulties in Arista's calculation.

"According to the deductions of the elder brothers Nagato and Emperor, there are two paths for the promotion of superpowers."

"But in the final analysis, both faith and obsession are beliefs."

"So, it's despair!"

Thoughts were running fast, and in less than a moment, the girl locked in the desperate breath of one passerby, and then she was surprised to find that there was some gap between the despair of the passerby and him.

Between electro-optical flint, Misaka Misaka knew exactly what was happening to the party.

"It turns out that Arista infused him with endless despair!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Meiqin's gaze at the passing side showed a little pity. In a sense, the passing of the side who was able to promote absolute ability had been destroyed.

Passing the party desperately assimilated by the outside world not only cuts off the road ahead, but also greatly reduces the life span.


As if stimulated by the pity in Meiqin's eyes, the demon roared, and his momentum surged again.


"So what!"

There was a hint of disdain in the corner of the mouth. The new ability of the girl's consciousness in the sea accelerated its birth. It took less than a moment to form completely. The consciousness of the hum of the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless knowledge appeared naturally, turning into the instinct of Meiqin.

Universal gravitation, electromagnetic force, weak interaction force, and strong interaction force all converge on the girl.

The four basic forces of nature merge into one!


A strong arrogance bursts out, symbolizing the four basic forces of the neon wings extending from Meiqin's body.

In an instant, Meiqin broke through the boundaries of lv5 and spread its wings!


The wings fluttered, and Meiqin's figure disappeared instantly. At the next moment, he appeared behind the Black Winged Demon. His slender hands were raised again, and he grabbed the wings behind one side of the traffic.


Black Wing, at this moment, was torn ..

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