My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 149: The second change of the Misaka Network Master!


Like a fallen angel with wings, one side fell to the ground.

The fierce battle just now came to a halt, and the sense of transition from a state of extreme speed to stillness made people feel a little uncomfortable, but also very surprised.

But the most surprising thing is that the way Miqin defeated one side is simple and rude to tremble.

It is just a normal phenomenon for Meiqin himself.

In a sense, the four girls with the four basic forces in one set are no longer superpowers within the scope of common sense. Their comprehensiveness and power are far beyond vector manipulation.

In terms of performance alone, there is no ability comparable to Misaka Mitsuki.


After doing all this, the girl felt a moment of relief.

After recovering the previous memories, Meiqin naturally knew the plan of the Absolute Ability. Although his sisters were not really dead, and the one in front of her was also a victim, she could not bear the anger of Meiqin as a sister.

Now, although the side with the torn black wing is not dead, it is no better.

Meiqin's attack is not a tearing of wings in a purely physical sense, but contains a spiritual level. In other words, Meiqin will pass a party out of the superpower level and fly to the wings of absolute power.

Of course, even if the girl didn't do it, the way forward for one side was actually cut off.

But when she did this, she gave the party an unspeakable pain.

This pain has completely exceeded the range of human endurance.

"This pain is your punishment."

Looking at the passing side of the comatose past because of excessive pain, Misaka Mitsuki thought silently, then the girl slowly fell to the ground, looked at her sister, and saw a figure flying in.

"Sister Meiqin, you are so good!"

The figure went straight to Meiqin and hugged her fiercely.

However, Meiqin was not so happy, but a slight gloom appeared on her face, because she felt the two groups of soft meat in the other person's imagination, which is the unprecedented existence of Meiqin.

I saw Meiqin's right hand lifted up, held down his face rubbing on his body, and pushed the other party straight away:

"Dao Li, why are you, Jasmine?"


I tried it a few times and found that I couldn't rely on it at all. Taoli just gave up. A big smile appeared on her face and said, "I know, little Jasmine, she's shy."

"Long word!"

As soon as Tao Li's words fell, she heard a rebuttal from her sister.

In response, the girl just laughed and said nothing.

"Shy, haha!"

Meiqin also couldn't help but chuckled a few times, and then the girl said directly, "Well, although there are many things I want to talk to you, Jasmine, and other sisters, but we still have business."

After hearing this, Tao Li also stopped the smile on her face and nodded solemnly.

"So, get started!"

Speaking in this way, Meiqin's right hand was raised and placed on Tao Li's head.

"Boom !!!"

In an instant, the souls of the two resonated.

Meiqin's consciousness seemed to be free from the shackles of the flesh, and came to a mysterious field. Here, she saw that thousands of sisters, including Taoli and Jasmine, were praying.

Countless mysterious powers are permeating from the sisters and converging on Meiqin.

"This is the power of faith?"

Feeling the power that blended into his own soul, Misaka secretly thought to himself.

Both Nagato and Yuangen decided on the most suitable path for Meiqin before she was truly awakened. There are two ways to promote the absolute ability, either obsessed with demonization or belief in gods.

The former has the experience of Yuanyuan Emperor Capital, but to be honest, it is not suitable for Meiqin.

If you want to demonize, you must have absolute obsession!

Emperor Yuan Gen, as Shura, did not lack perseverance, but Meiqin did not work. Although he experienced a remake of the world, if it were more true, the girl ’s experience was still too little to extract the real persistence.

In contrast, the path of faith is more suitable for Meiqin, especially Meiqin has the backing of sister Misaka.

Most people who have always achieved faith will be subject to faith, but Meiqin is different.

The birth of the Misaka sisters is a miracle of the world in a sense, probably because they have no small status in the script of fate, and as a result, they all have souls immediately after birth.

You know, not all clones have souls.

And these sisters who have souls all regard Meiqin as a sister, even a mother, and because of the same source of ability, everything will unconsciously move closer to Meiqin.

In the way of faith, the sisters are simply saints born in Meiqin, and the power of faith provided is absolutely pure and flawless!

But in the view of Meiqin, these are not important.

The important thing is-

"These are the hearts of my sisters!"

Such thoughts flashed in his heart, and Meiqin fully accepted this belief.

"Boom !!"

Shocked in spirit, Meiqin felt that the mysterious power was driving the sublimation of a brand-new ability just formed.

From a single force, toward the direction of the field, move slowly and firmly!

"Not enough, these are not enough!"

Feeling his own transformation, Meiqin was not satisfied, "Not only these sisters, but also those sisters scattered around the world, come together, let us move to a new chapter together."

Along with his own determination, Meiqin's consciousness suddenly jumped into a larger area.

At the same time, Misaka sisters all over the world were shocked.

Misaka Network, change owners at this moment!

"not good!"

In the seventh school district, inside the windowless building, there was a trace of confusion in Aresta's voice.

As the behind-the-scenes hand of the academy city, Aresta is confident that he has calculated everything except the long door, but he never expected that the Misaka network he set up hard would be invaded by Misaka Misaka, a chess piece that has lost his value in his eyes.

However, Yalesta was Yalesta, and soon recovered his composure.

Because he is not without countermeasures.

In view of the important role of Misaka Network, after the Absolute Ability Project, Aresta produced a higher-level individual among Misaka's sisters-the final work, number 20001.

She is the commanding tower of all Misaka sisters and has an independent personality.

If a specific electrical signal is sent to her brain, she can operate the "Mizaka Network" from the outside. It is a safety device made to prevent the "sisters" from rebelling and losing control.

In order to facilitate control, Aresta deliberately kept her in an unfinished state both mentally and physically, and has been secretly placed in the incubator.

And now is the time to start the final work!

Immediately, Aresta issued his order to a secret research institute in the city. However, he found that his order was like a sea of ​​stones, and he did not respond at all.

At the next moment, a new virtual screen is presented in front of Aresta, revealing a broken research institute.

In the middle of the ruin, the long door holding Lori faced him, and there was a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"You have lost a game, Aresta!" ..

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