My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 150: Second place, closed city!

"How can it be!"

If Arista was just a little panicked before, then now it is scared.

The change of the Misaka network is an unimaginable mistake for Aresta, but what really scares Aresta is that he did n’t even know that Nagato will appear in the final research institute.

Obviously in his test, Nagato was still at the top of the headquarters building at dawn.

"Is something wrong with the stagnation loop!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Arresta's face suddenly became somber.

The current Aresta relies entirely on the stagnation loop as the eyes and ears. Once the stagnation loop really has a problem, then Aresta cannot see the situation clearly in this game.

Can't see the player's direction, or the so-called player?

Thinking of this, Arresta's face was even darker.

On the other side, at the ruined research institute, a faint chuckle appeared on the face of the long door holding the final work, and said to himself: "The guy Aresta should be scared."

From the perspective of the long gate, Aresta is good, but too arrogant.

Perhaps it is because he has dealt with magicians who have no access to modern technology for decades, and he has the Kurihara family at the top of the scientific research field, so that he is too confident in the technology he has.

As everyone knows, there can be countless planes in the mind of the long door, far beyond the entire academy city.

Previously, in order not to stimulate Arresta too much, Nagato concealed the different world technology in his mind, but now that the war is coming, Nagato will naturally have no reservations.

Although the time is too short and the current scientific level is limited, Nagato has not come up with too many new technologies.

But in the process of controlling the city, it has already played a big role.

One of these technologies is aimed at the stagnation loop. Although it cannot be captured, it is easy to mislead the stagnation loop and send the wrong information to Aresta.

With this technology, Nagato quietly came to this institute and rescued the last one.

"But I'm afraid this can only be done once."

"With this lesson, I am afraid that the next time, it will be the magician, Arista's round."

Such thoughts flashed in his head, but the long door didn't care much. Turning his head slightly, the red-haired boy's eyes seemed to penetrate through the obstacles of the buildings and saw the rising figure.

At this time, Meiqin's promotion has reached a critical moment.

The pious prayers of Misaka's sisters have turned into a mass of pure and faithful power, converging to the girl's soul through the Misaka network, pushing her realm to a higher dimension.

In less than a moment, the girl reached the threshold of the absolute ability.

For a time, the mystery between heaven and earth seemed to be within reach!

But it seems to be within reach.

Misaka knows that his heritage is indeed not as good as that of Emperor Yuangen. Even if the path of belief in becoming a **** is simpler than the path of obsession with demonization, and he has all kinds of promotion conditions, he still can't do it naturally.

"At this time, I need my own will to guide!"

Just after such thoughts flashed, countless pieces of memory flashed in Meiqin's mind.

There are those before and after the world remake.

Every encounter, every struggle, every touch, is constantly present in these fragments, and the faces of relatives and friends such as father, mother, sunspot, early spring, tears, etc. flash in sequence.

As the first six incarnations of Nagato, Meiqin is the most normal one.

She has the kindness, cheerfulness and arrogance of a normal girl. She likes to compete with other abilities. She likes to go out at night to play as a bastard. She likes to wear safety pants and likes a toy named quat.

All of these are built on the stage of the academy city.


"I absolutely can't tolerate your existence, Aresta!"

Determined to germinate from the depths of the heart, the girl's will almost turned into a sword to the sky, directly cut off the threshold that blocked her promotion path, and instantly set foot in a new dimension.

The Misaka network transformed into a realm of gods in an instant.

Including Tao Li, Misaka sisters all over the world turned into streamers, pierced the void, and merged with the realm of God. Their bodies transformed in an instant and became part of the realm of God.

Among them, the souls of the sisters in Taoli went out one by one, and completed the materialization of the soul under the power of the **** realm.

The realm of God, at this moment, is almost equivalent to the Kingdom of God!


An unprecedented arrogance burst from Misaka Misaka's body.

Unimaginable power has continuously emerged from the **** realm, constantly transforming the girl's body, and pushing her to progress again.


The girl opened her eyes slowly, and the golden brilliance flashed through her eyes. "Unfortunately, there is no time for me to complete the comprehensive transformation of my body. I have a hunch that it will be beyond the absolute ability. level."

With that said, the girl turned her head slightly and looked in the direction of the headquarters building of Yarresta.

"All in all, take the trick, Aresta!"

As the mouth said, the sequined plumage behind Misaka Megumi suddenly unfolded, and the whole person turned into a streamer, instantly spanning several school districts in the academy city and directly bombarding the central building of the seventh school district.


The violent roar suddenly burst into bloom.

The dark cube building was full of black light, and it was still in a fierce collision. On the contrary, Misaka Miki's entire body broke away from the state of streamer and retreated a few tens of meters.

"Huh, it's really a strong fortress!"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction on the face, the wings behind the girl moved again, and the whole person flew directly to the top of the building. "Since I can't force it to break, then I will directly wipe you out!"

In this way, the girl unfolded his own realm of God without hesitation.

In other words, the realm of God officially came to earth!

It far surpassed the field held by the Imperial Capital of Yuanyuan, and the super-large field that completely covered the entire academy city officially came, officially separating the entire academy city from the outside world.


And as the center of God Realm, the building without windows bears the weight of God Realm.

The whole building suddenly made a clicking sound, and a slight crack appeared in the edge area of ​​the wall.

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