My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 151: Quasi-Gods and Saints

"Uh, is this an enchantment?"

At the moment when the academy city was blocked by Misaka's realm of gods, a remote path not far from the academy city stopped the two figures rushing towards the city.

One of the fair-haired blonde women said with some indecision.

The woman's head was covered with plain goggles used by the operator to protect her eyes. She was wearing a thick work jacket and trousers. She also wore a working apron and looked like an ordinary maid.

However, her body was filled with a tough atmosphere completely inconsistent with ordinary maids, which was quite memorable.


The answer to the woman was the blond young man who was behind her.

He was wearing a thin aqua blue shirt and a beige vest outside. He was tall but a little gloomy, and the expression on his face seemed to be a bit disappointed with life and the world.

"what is that?"

After hearing this, the blonde woman asked with some doubt.

"do not know!"

The blond young man ’s answer was as simple as ever, but in his speech, a look of consternation appeared on his face. He seemed to find something, but he was unsure.

"Haha, I didn't expect you O'Reels to have a time when you don't know!"

I couldn't help but laughed a few times. The blonde woman raised her foot again and strode forward. "The curiosity of the old lady has been hooked out. Let's go to the academy city and study it up close."

The blonde woman stopped again, just a few steps away.



The faint words echoed from the sky, and then the Emperor Yuan Gen with his hands in his trousers pockets slowly fell, blocking them in front of them. "This place is forbidden to pass. Can the two leave this place."

"You are, that so-called absolute ability, Yuangen Emperor Capital?"

Seeing the appearance of the Yuancheng Emperor Capital, the blonde woman's face was a little puzzled, and then she suddenly realized that she said, "In fact, if you can, the old lady doesn't want to come here, but there is no way."

"Whether it's a banned book catalog or a saint's god's fire, it's not something you should be involved in."

Speaking of which, the woman's face showed an unpleasant look, and she continued to say, "If it were not for you who have done so excessively, leading to constant urging from the British, the old lady would not come here!"

"Well, there is really no way but to fight."

Wen Yan said that the face of Yuan Genyuan remained unchanged, and said leisurely, "Although you should know my name, but out of politeness, I still introduce myself, the first absolute ability person in the academy city."

"Weiyuan Matter-Yuanyuan Emperor Capital!"

"Haha, since you have all applied for the title, I will wait for the title. I am Sylvia, the magical sage, the royal maid of the British royal guard, and the highest witch granted by the monarchy." "And the gloomy guy behind me called"


Not waiting for the blond woman, or Xi Weiya finished speaking, the emperor Yuan Gen interrupted and said, "The quasi-devil god-Orels, it is rumored to almost become the devil man."

"To be honest, British Puritanism can bring the two of you over, which is really beyond my expectations."

Speaking of which, Emperor Yuangen could not help secretly sighing.

As he said, the two in front of him are definitely unexpectedly strong enemies. As one of the "sages" of less than 20 people in the world, Sylvia is a saint who has not been ranked low. A powerful fighting force.

It was only that Emperor Yuangen had knocked down a saint not long ago, and he would not be afraid of another saint.

What really made Emperor Yuangen feel tricky was Aurels!

In the memory and information of the Yuancheng Imperial Capital, the man in front of him should have fallen on the "devil" of the modern world.

Demon God, who reached the peak of magic, enough to cross into the realm of God, get the knowledge of the 13,000 books of Demon Road in Indix ’s mind, and reach it only after fully exerting it. The top of the pyramid.

Orels had the opportunity to set foot in this field, but because of the rescue of the injured kitten, he was busy looking for animal hospitals on the street, and finally missed a good opportunity. The current demon, the one-eyed Ortinus took the throne. .

But even so, this man is still not to be underestimated, and can even exercise the power of the devil even with ordinary magic power.

Because this demon-like power is too strong, O'Reilers was once chased and killed by the entire magical power, but these chasing soldiers were all overthrown. The strength of this is manifested here.

"Such a guy, how can the British Puritanism be moved?"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Emperor Yuan Gen saw Silvia inadvertently, suddenly suddenly.

According to the information in the memory of his own deity, Sylvia claimed to have a "favorable evil relationship" with Aurels. She has been studying abroad for a long time to hone her maid skills in the magician Aurels' apartment in Milan. Be a maid.

I have n’t received a salary, and I ’ve earned my living expenses by myself, but even in the face of repeated return orders from the UK, Sylvia still insists on staying in Aurells ’apartment As the "meaning" of staying here.

It is very strict with Aurels, calling it a "stupid", and even using the "family simplified version of the trojan horse" to abuse Aurels' chrysanthemum, which is a partner that Aurels fears.

Although the mode of getting along is very weird, it is undeniable that Sylvia and Aurels are very closely related.

If this relationship is used as a link, it is normal for Aurells to shoot.

No matter what the specific situation is, the facts have already happened, and the only thing left is to face it. To be honest, facing the enemy, even Emperor Yuangen felt a little pressure.

But while feeling stressed—

"I'm burning!"

With his right hand raised, the hot golden flame burned straight up, and a wild smile appeared on the corners of Yuangen Emperor's mouth. After all, Yuangen Emperor was only Shura.

Even after the baptism of samsara, his essence will not change.

Asura, always belligerent!

As soon as the words fell, the flames in the hands of the Imperial Capital of Yuanyuan ignited violently. With the waving of the Imperial Capital, it turned into a roaring fire dragon and swept towards Sylvia and Orels. ..

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