My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 154: Eight magic dragons!

Nagato knew very early that his actions would not be smooth.

After all, the fantasy killer of Shangtiao Dangma is a treasure of this world, and it is not so easy to be taken. Moreover, in the plot of the original, Shangtiao Dangma lost his right hand more than once, and then there was a runaway.

The most important thing is that the fantasy killer does not refer to the right hand of Dangdang Dangma, but the more essential mystery hidden in his body.

Using the right hand to obliterate all abilities is just this mysterious expression.

Therefore, from the initial invisible blow, to the later kick, and the final wind blade, the goal of Nagato is not to kill the other party, but to attempt to use the threat of death to let the Niaotiao go wild.

Only when the last article is gone, the mysterious essence in his body will be revealed.

Just like now!

The breath on Shangdang Dangma's body became more and more strange, the human feeling is gradually away from the body of the hedgehog head, replaced by the lawless beast breath, as if it contains infinite maliciousness.

Looking at this scene, Nagato groaned slightly, then raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.


Massive spiritual power burst out from the body of the red-haired boy, instantly enclosing the entire bridge area, turning into a barrier-like existence, so as not to let the malicious spread in the surrounding space spread.

"Our battle is now on this bridge."

After doing all this, Nagato's face did not change, and he said lightly.

"Roar !!!"

Facing the action of Nagato, Uejo's response was a burst of roaring, the fracture of the young man's left arm suddenly swelled up, and not long after, a greasy dragon head appeared in the air.

At the moment of appearance, the dragon's head sent a roaring shock in the direction of the long gate.


For this kind of unskilled attack, Nagato just snorted gently, and moved slowly under his feet, avoiding the impact attack, and then the red-haired boy took a deep breath and opened the sacred mark.


The sublime flame spread from the whole body of the red-haired boy.

The body of Nagato was strengthened to the extreme under the blessing of the Holy Mark, and the five senses were increased to the extreme in an instant, and even united together, the sympathetic ability increased to the extreme.

"Come on, let's be mad!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door stepped down, and the whole person disappeared.

——Instant step!

Almost at the same time, the red-haired boy appeared in front of Shangtiao Dangma. The rampant Shangtang Dangma possessed incomparable instincts. The dragon head of his right hand suddenly opened his mouth and bite towards the long door.

However, the action of Nagato was a step faster than that of the dragon's head. His white right hand was turned into a hand knife, and he came out.

"The imaginary swords flow mystery, mirror flowers and water moon!"

The speed of the virtual knife from the Qishi Reality is revealed here. The hand knife that exceeded the limit of vision stood on the body of Shangdang Dangma before the dragon head attack arrived, and cut it out of a large wound. Fly it.


When Ma's injury instantaneously angered the mystery in his body, overlapping roars burst out, and I saw the young hedgehog head who was still in the process of flying backwards instantly stopped the trend of flying backwards, and stood in the air.

And his left arm, which had turned into a dragon's head, swelled again a dozen times. Then, one, two, three

Seven new dragon heads appeared in the sky, intertwined with the dragon heads that appeared at the beginning, and an excited dragon chant was sent out. The vast dragon power spread out wantonly, suppressing the entire battlefield.

At the next moment, the dragon heads vented and opened the big mouth of the blood basin one after another, sending a roaring energy wave towards the long gate.

Facing the full roaring energy wave, Nagato did not choose hard resistance, and took a mysterious step under his feet. The whole person seemed to have lost weight, drifting freely, and avoiding the impact of roaring easily.

-Endurance is essential!

It is still a secret technique learned from Qi Shi, which can eliminate his own weight.

After using this technique to remove its own weight, the Nagato is like a dandelion seed and can move with extremely slight vibration. It is not too simple to avoid the shock wave attack.

After avoiding the attack, Nagato immediately released the foot light, and the whole person turned into a residual image, heading towards Shoujo Dangma.


Seeing the long door coming from the charge, the eight dragon heads seemed to be insulted, and issued a terrible roar. At the same time, the dragon head deformed and extended out one after another, killing the attacking long door. And go.

It's just that the speed of the dragon heads is fast, but they are always a bit short of Nagato.

In the duel of the master, the gap will be expanded indefinitely, so in the bite of the dragon heads, the long gate simply avoids the bite of the dragon heads by moving around, and then approaching. On the body of Dangdang Ma.

Faced with such a situation, the main body of the last article must immediately counterattack.

And at this moment-


The body of Nagato has undergone amazing changes.

On the basis of St. Mark's excitation, the gas path contained in the long door bursts out, circulates the whole body, fills the whole body, activates the whole body, and at the same time fills the surrounding space with its own gas.

At this time, only the instinct of the beast instinctively felt dizzy, and his whole body was too nervous to move.

This is the unspoken secret of the martial arts warriors of the heavenly dynasty-swallow!

Envelop enemies with their own qi and make them lose their resistance.

"It's now!"

Taking advantage of Shou Tiao when Ma was difficult to move, Nagato's body burst into an air, like a lawless horror tiger, rushing directly to Shou Tiao Dang Ma and reluctantly, wielding his strongest fist of practice over the years.

Its name-no two dozen!


The unimaginable horror fist bombarded Shang Tiao Dang Ma.

While blasting it away, the terrible punching force hit the body of the hedgehog head boy to the edge of collapse, with cracks all over the body, a lot of blood spilled, and the entire bridge deck was stained red.

And at this moment, a more shocking change appeared.

I saw the slamming of the body of Shojo Dangma burst, but the spilled blood and meat pieces did not fall to the ground, but gathered with eight dragon heads as the core, expanded, and finally turned into a high ten. Eight magic dragons from Lai Mi.


The roar erupted from the eight dragon heads as if liberated. The fierce momentum shocked the spiritual barrier of the Nagato, and it was fierce.

Just looking at the eight magic dragons, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato.

"Finally appeared, fantasy killer!" ..

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