My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 155: Consume and be born!

Fantasy killer!

This is a mysterious power lodged in the right hand of Dangma Dangma. It has the ability to eliminate any supernatural power or magic, as long as it is touched.

Regardless of the good and evil, even the miracles that appear in mythology are no exception.

Even the power that circulates among the planets is the same.

The right hand of Shangdang Dangma is functioning as a "world benchmark" and is a collection of the timidity and aspirations of all magicians, more precisely 99.9% of the total "magic god".

Although the devil can arbitrarily distort the world, it may not necessarily recover.

The "fantasy killer" is a backup that can restore the world to its original state. When the twisted world brings damage, it is a reference point and a repair point that can "restore the original state" and "let things happen".

Therefore, the essence of the fantasy killer is nothing but the product of the fusion of the world benchmark and the devil ’s cowardice and desire.

Shown here is the grisly eight magic dragons in front of Nagato!

The breath that it possesses to expel all abilities is the power of the world's datum point, and the eight brave dragon heads symbolize nothing else. It is the existence of the eight-function demon **** throne.

"As long as it is swallowed, the power in my body can be completely completed."

Covering the heart with your right hand, the eyes of the long door were full of scorching heat, as if to devour the dragon in front of you.


As if feeling the gaze of Nagato, the magic dragon immediately responded. The eight brave dragon heads suddenly opened, and a burst of energy bursts from the dragon head.

Without the shackles of the last flesh and blood, the power that the dragon can exert seems to increase exponentially.

Facing the dense energy bombs, Nagato frowned slightly.

To be honest, if it is only the dragon, it is not very difficult to deal with, but the problem is that the dragon has the power of the world benchmark. The kind of power that can obliterate all abilities is really foul.

In the face of such power, 90% of the current Nagato methods will be useless.

"Fortunately, I have simulated the situation now!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and the foot-bearing forbearance method was carried out again. The red-haired boy stepped on the lightest pace, just like the flickering, and the future energy bombs evaded.

It was just that the long gate avoided it, but the bridge on its body was attacked instead of the long gate.


The violent roar echoed across the bridge.

From the beginning of the war, the tortured bridge finally collapsed completely under this continuous attack, but the attacker, the dragon, suffered his own fruit and fell towards the river below.

On the contrary, a long door with a light weight was cast on the water easily without sinking.

"Roar roar!"

The eight magic dragons that fell into the river began to roar, and the energy wave was freely released from the dragon's first mouth. Under the obstruction of the river, the magic dragon could not see the long gate, but this did not prevent it from destroying everything around it. .

Seeing the magic dragon's behavior, the long door closed his eyes slowly, and began to refine his spiritual power.

In the previous simulation, the red-haired boy carefully thought about how to treat the fantasy killer. After excluding many methods, Nagato realized that there are two methods in his body that can completely restrain the fantasy killer.

One of them is martial arts, a pure martial art that does not use energy, enough to restrain the fantasy killer to death.

The other means of Nagato is his own spiritual power.

If it is the spiritual power of other people, perhaps facing the fantasy killer can only helpless, but Nagato is different, even if it is just a drop of blood incarnate, but Nagato's spiritual will has been baptized by thousands of worlds.

The most important thing is that the spirit of Nagato does not belong to this realm. The power of the reference point of this realm has a very small impact on him.

It is precisely because of this conclusion that Nagato would take away the super power of the spiritual system of Nian Mo.

Later, Nagato developed a trick for fantasy killers based on Nian Mo.

"Now is the time to use that trick!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, and the spiritual strength of Nagato suddenly burst out, resonating with the spiritual barriers all around the battlefield. The strong spiritual resonance pushed the entire barrier to another level.


Suddenly, changes occurred between heaven and earth.

The bridge is broken, and the river has disappeared. Instead, an empty void and an endless flame spread across the void. The figure of the eight dragons is at the center of the sea of ​​fire and is burning.

"Oh !!!"

The fierce howling came from the mouth of the dragon, full of despair.

Of course, the dragon will be desperate, because these flames all over the void are spiritual fires fueled by the unparalleled spiritual power of the Nagato. Compared to the real fire of the sun, the pure fire is tens of thousands of times more terrible.

Mental power has been practiced for more than ten years since rebirth, but Nagato has permanently consumed more than half of it all at once.

"If it is not without the power of the origin, where should it be burned with spiritual power!"

A long grin flashed across the pale face of Nagato, and then the bitter smile turned into a fierce, "Let me pay such a big price, you should also squint, be part of me, fantasy killer!"

With the determination of Nagato, the sea of ​​fire made a raging roar and completely engulfed the huge dragon.


In an instant, invisible and mysterious power poured into the body of the long gate from the void.

The original stone ability of the red-haired boy who had not been formed seemed to be greatly supplemented. It immediately crossed the limit and truly revealed its own shape, releasing an unspeakable light.

At this moment, Nagato appeared a little trance, he heard the crying and praying from the world itself.

"Ah, leave it to me!"

A faint response emanated from the teenager's heart. In an instant, the sacred marks in the body of the long door dissipated directly, or directly integrated into the body of the long door, pushing his body to the extreme permanently.

At the same time, with the constant influx of energy in the void, the throne of the high hanging gradually formed in the sea of ​​consciousness of the long gate.

Until the last force of the flame space merges, the throne is completely formed!

"Boom !!!"

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