My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 157: Impact Staff!

Just when Nagato met with Ai Huasi, Misaka finally broke through the headquarters of Yalesta.

If it is usual, this is definitely a sensational thing. After all, the headquarters of Aresta, that "building without windows", but Aresta spent countless funds and materials to produce products.

Its appearance is covered with armor plate of "calculus type impact diffusive composite material", which can absorb and dissolve even nuclear attacks.

That is to use electromagnetic waves or ultraviolet rays to calculate the impact wave, and then send out appropriate vibrations. The so-called movable armor plate is similar to letting waves cancel each other out, so it is meaningless to rely on strength alone.

Even the full blow released by one side to delay the rotation of the earth for five minutes could not hurt it.

In addition, it has countermeasures against various drugs and high and low temperatures.

The hardness of the "calculated impact diffusive composite material" itself is nothing. Once the smart design part stops functioning, the hole can be blown out as long as it blasts from the front.

However, the power of a "windowless building" is all supplied internally, so it is impossible to fight with a blackout.

But the armor plate is not unsolvable.

As long as the shock wave waveform that cannot be cancelled by the armor plate is calculated and then attacked according to the waveform, the armor plate can be destroyed.

However, Misaka's approach is not the case. Instead, he envelopes the city with his own **** domain, crushes the power of the **** domain on the entire building, and crushes it into powder with infinite strength.

However, until the entire building was turned into powder, Yalesta's figure did not appear.

"How can it be!"

Looking at this scene, Misaka could not help frowning.

At this moment when Miqin hesitated, a figure appeared abruptly in front of her. This is a young man with long silver hair. The tall figure and the wise face make people look good.

Of course, only unsuspecting people will have a good impression on him, at least Misaka Mitsuki does not.

Because his name is really Aresta Crowley!

Still waiting for Miqin to react, Yalesta appeared in front of her, reaching for a finger.


The girl's chest made a muffled heavy blow, did not see the trajectory of the attack, did not notice the aura of the attack, the attack directly acted on the girl's body, this is Aresta's strange and terrifying magic.


With a grunt, Meiqin directly concentrated the power of his own **** realm!

The invisible power immediately concentrated and rolled towards Aresta. Its speed was completely imminent, but even so, before the attack arrived, Aresta disappeared instantly.

The pupils contracted sharply, and Meiqin's face was dignified.

Although the girl had long known that Yalesta was difficult to entangle, she never thought that the other party would be entangled with this program. This ability to move instantly made Meiqin think of Saya in Baiyu Jingli.

However, after all, the girl was not an ordinary person, and soon she settled down.

The ability to work at full strength, after layers of protection under the surface of the body, Misaka Miqin closed his eyes directly, combined his perception with the realm of God, and carefully observed everything on the battlefield.

And at this moment, Aresta suddenly appeared, pointing at the girl again. "Click!"

The protection on Misaka's body shattered.

It was just that the girl didn't even open her eyes, that was, manipulating the power of the Divine Realm, and Yaresta did not disappear again unexpectedly. When she appeared next time, she gave Meiqin a finger.

In this way, the battle between the two was carried out in a slightly boring way like hitting a gopher.

A little bit of time passed, and as the battle between the two continued, the body of Misaka Miki continued to strengthen in the prayers of many younger sisters, and the perception continued to rise, finally capturing the traces of Yaresta's power.

"Haha, I get it!"

At a certain moment when Yalesta appeared, Misaka Misaki opened his eyes suddenly, "It turns out that your mobile ability is not only space movement, but also time. Your existence has already surpassed time in half steps and can be short. Escape into time. "

"But since it has to do with time and space, then I will distort time and space!"

At the next moment, the gravity on the entire battlefield increased at an alarming rate, and in an instant reached an incomparable point.

"Not enough, sisters, wish me a hand!"

The resonance of the will doubled the power output of Meiqin in an instant, and the gravity that could not be added solidified in an instant, and a small black hole evolved and appeared in the center of the battlefield.

The time and space on the battlefield are slightly distorted at this moment.

Aresta is preparing to move again, only to find a slight delay in his ability to move.

Seizing this opportunity, Meiqin directly pushed the black hole to attack.


Suddenly, Aresta ’s arm was ‘grabbed’ by the black hole, and the director-in-chief broke up and twisted his arm. The whole person again teleported and left the place, appearing in the sky not far away.

"It's really decisive, you!"

Waving away the black hole that is about to go out of control, Misaka Miqin's gaze at Yalesta is full of sharpness, "Then again, I think you still have a few hands to give up."

As soon as the words fell, the girl had to activate her ability again.

At this moment, the inexplicable impact hit the spirit of Misaka Miki. In the girl's perception, inexplicable shaking seemed to appear in the **** realm, and a very strange thing appeared in the feeling.

Invisible and indescribable, it is not a feeling that can be clarified in words.

But the girl's intuition has been warning!

Impact Staff.

This rod has such a legend that Alestar Crowley, known as the fierce and evil, decided to follow a magician's old legend out of pure respect.

Such a message emerged from the memory of Nagato's previous life.

Then the girl felt a whirlwind, and the whole person was confused. Even the connection between herself and the **** realm became intermittent, and then the whole girl fell straight.

Unless the shield on his body has been maintained autonomously, I am afraid that Meiqin will definitely be seriously injured directly.

Seeing this scene, Arresta still had no expression on his face, just raised the remaining hand, removed the silver rod from the twisted vortex in the air, and slowly pointed it at the Meiqin below.

"Goodbye, super electromagnetic gun!" ..

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