My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 158: End of war

To be honest, Aresta did not expect such a trouble to deal with a capable person.

Since the establishment of the academy city, in the eyes of Aresta, the so-called abilities, no matter how rare and powerful, are only the experiments, tools and chess pieces he experimented with.

In decades, Arista did not encounter rebellion for the first time, but a dozen times.

Although he was the founder of the academy city, both the identity of the foreigner on the bright side and the identity of the magician in the dark, made the identity of the chairman of Yaresta not so strong.

But even so, Arista still walked along, not only did not fail, but became stronger and stronger because of these rebellions.

Too many victories and the fact that his plan gradually entered the final stage made Arista more and more proud, so that he simply looked down on no one, even the devil, in his eyes will soon be the object of surpassing.

In other words, as long as the artificial celestial erection is completed, Aresta is confident that he can slap those arrogant demons.

"Then, have I become arrogant myself!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Arretta's heart was slightly bitter.

Although it was impossible to observe the battlefield due to the loss of the stagnation loop, Yaresta could clearly feel that his power was being weakened by the dawn force under the red-haired boy.

Aresta knew that even if he could win this battle, his own power would be greatly damaged.

What's more, he vaguely noticed that the shadow of failure was looming.

Despite having the card of Aihuasi, Arista is not the kind of existence that will entrust his own destiny to others. At this critical moment, this man definitely does not lack the courage to break through.

It seems like now, if it is usual, he should choose to recover Misaka Miki, in order to study the data of the absolute ability.

"But not now, I don't have that time, so sorry, super electromagnetic gun!"

Saying so, Aresta's magic suddenly worked, but at this moment, Aresta's whole body was slightly shocked, a horrified expression appeared on his face, and a scarlet appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"How is it possible, how did my contract with Edwards break!"

Almost subconsciously shouted out, Arista suddenly panicked.

"It's easy, because I drove her back to the future."

Answering Aresta was a laid-back voice. Looking up at it, Aresta saw a huge crack in the space above him, and a white gold throne slowly fell.

On the throne, the initiator of the rebellion, the whirlpool long gate was sitting on it, looking at himself leisurely.

Looking at this scene, Aresta's eyes suddenly widened.

As the creator who is also proficient in the way of time and space and the creator of the imaginary mathematics area, Arista knew at first glance that the space crack was not a mere space crack, but a crack between the imaginary mathematics area and the real world.

He actually broke the boundary between the imaginary mathematics area and reality, how is this possible? !

He just said that he would expel Edwards back to the future. It is impossible. How could the existence of Edwards be expelled? !

What happened to the throne he sat down on?

and also

All of a sudden, many questions accumulated in Yarresta ’s mind, but because of too many, Yarresta did n’t know how to speak out and which question to ask.

But Nagato itself did not come to answer Aresta, he came to make an end to this war!

"First, assimilate, my kingdom!"

Afterglow at the corner of the eye glanced at Meiqin lying on the ground, Nagato issued his order towards the whole academy city, the power of the king suddenly appeared, turned into a breeze, and spread in all directions.

With the blowing of the breeze, the vast academy city suddenly changed dramatically.

The sky clarified a lot at this moment, and the smoke and blood went away.

The wounded at dawn were cured in an instant, while the dark parts of Aresta were suppressed and collapsed to the ground.

In addition, the damaged buildings on the ground have been restored to their original state. Even the buildings that have been turned into ruins have also been reorganized under the force of the breeze, and the big city has revived at this moment.

The whole process was less than half a minute, like a miraculous scene, so Aresta was a little speechless.

"Next, it's your turn, Aresta!"

After doing all this, Nagato's eyes turned to Yarresta.

In an instant, Aresta was under unimaginable suppression. Unlike the realm of Misaka Mitsuki, the realm of Misaka is a foreign force. Although it erodes reality, it cannot be completely eroded.

Therefore, even in the realm of God, Aresta seemed to be at ease.

What Aresta feels now is that the time and space in which the entire academy city is located suppresses him at the same time.

Everything around, even an atom in the air, repels his existence!

"This, is this also the realm of God?"

Slightly bending his knees, enduring the endless repression, Yaresta asked with some difficulty.

The realm of God, of course not!

What Nagato is now exerting is his ability to develop as the king of the planet. In short, it is to characterize the entire academy city as his capital on this planet, and thus complete territorialization.

The territorialized area will become the strongest fortress of the planet king on earth, or the kingdom of the earth!

Of course, these things don't need to be explained to Arista.

and so--

"That's it!"

He said indifferently that the long door lifted his right hand and made a virtual grip. With more powerful forces converging from all directions, Yaresta would be crushed completely.

At this moment, the silver rod in Arista's hand was launched.

Invisible, the inexplicable strange spiritual attack reappeared, crossing the material barrier and hitting the long door.

Suddenly, Nagato felt the feeling of Meiqin, and his brain was spinning in circles. At this moment, the five senses were confused, making it difficult for the brain to make a clear judgment on the body.

But at the next moment, Nagato's will broke through the confusion caused by the spiritual shock and regained control of the body.

In the unbelievable gaze of Aresta, Nagato clenched his fists!

"The people who underestimate my will are dead!"

With such words, Arista turned into a ball of meat ..

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