My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 159: Memory and epilogue

Aresta is dead

Although he had great achievements on the magic side and the science side during his lifetime, he was the biggest shady in the original book, playing the protagonist and the world between the palms, but he was still dead.

Not to mention that the flesh becomes flesh, the soul is broken.

The power shown by the territorial academy city is such an overbearing match.

The long door to do all this was still indifferent, and he didn't feel that he had done anything remarkable.

But it is also true that what Nagato has done in this world may be earth-shattering, but in his life, it is just a common thing. He has never known how much he has done at the same level.

Compared with emotions such as emotions, Nagato is more concerned about-

"Aresta's memory!"

Such thoughts flashed in my mind, the power of Nagato was working again, and the power of the entire academy city emerged again, bringing together the fragments of souls belonging to Aresta scattered in the surrounding space.

As the debris gathered, Arista's psychic powers showed signs of recovery.

However, Nagato was only a move in his heart, and he completely killed this spirituality.

Then the red-haired boy devoured Arista's soul.

In an instant, a large amount of memory information appeared in Nagato's mind, which impacted his consciousness. Fortunately, Nagato was already familiar with this situation, and easily absorbed and sorted these memories into categories.

Soon, Arista's life was revealed in front of the long door.

I have to say that Aresta is really a genius. Since childhood, he has a talent that is unmatched by ordinary people, and can easily interpret the unbearable magic book of others, the absolute genius on the magic road.

Until one day, Aresta encountered a rough stone.

After seeing the ability of the original stone, Aresta couldn't help but curiosity, and then learned from the mouth of many predecessor magicians that the original stone had a talented existence, but the magic was prepared for people without talents.

This is a huge blow to Xiang Yaresta, who is a genius.

The young Aresta could n’t believe that he had no talent.

Even if it is called a genius by the world, but being a genius in a group of talents is not the same as being topped in a short man. Arresta, who is arrogant and arrogant, cannot accept this situation.

Therefore, Aresta ’s eyes immediately turned to the existence of natural abilities such as raw stones.

But because of the lack of information and the limitations of his level, he can only give up temporarily.

It's just that the bane has been buried since then

With the passage of time, Aresta ’s achievements on the magic road are getting higher and higher, and his research on the original stone is getting deeper and deeper. Of course, with the deepening of this research, he is becoming more and more deviant.

In order to gain insight into the nature of the original stone, he spared no effort to abandon his wife and daughter, and used the young girl as his experimental material.

In the end, it cost a lot of money, and Arresta finally realized the fact that the original stone was the origin of magic.

He even saw the future master located in the lower reaches of time.

Of course, Aresta can't see the essence of the future lord like Nagato. In his thoughts, the future lord is just like an empty Catholic seat just like the current Catholic God.

And he also sprouted the ambition to climb to the throne and become the future master!

To this end, he abandoned his achievements on the magic side, turned to the science side, for the purpose of subverting many heavens on the magic side, and even referring to the relationship between God and angels, he sacrificed his wife and took the power of the future master to the angel ’s power. Form summoning.

Although the process was quite turbulent, and even almost died, Aresta was determined to continue to move towards the goal.

If there is no long door, Arista may really be able to subvert the magic side.

Of course, the goal of becoming the future master is simply unrealistic.

Edwards has long been unconstrained by time. All that Aresta does in a sense is to make a wedding dress for others, and it is to undo the limitations of Edwards coming to this world.

"So, after seeing the essence, it's really small!"

He murmured softly in his mouth, and Nagato accelerated the absorption of this memory, especially the memory contained in the memory, the memory of the devil's magic road, and many sentiments of the magic road.

The absolute royal power of Nagato is a very special raw stone ability. Its essence is the prototype of the sovereignty of the star.

In addition to the fantasy killer, primate killer, and territorial branch ability, the Nagato with this ability also has the characteristics of swallowing and plundering all powers.

Both magic and super powers are within the predatory range of Nagato.

The long door of Inticus has not lacked the knowledge of the magic path, but there is not much perception of the magic path in this world. Aresta's perception can instantly make up for the lack of red-haired teenagers.

Of course, Nagato is not incapable of comprehending himself, but Nagato will never mind if he can accelerate this process of comprehension.

Halfway through, Nagato finally digested all of Yalesta's memories and slowly opened his eyes.

The throne underneath slowly dissipated, and the red-haired boy fell quietly to the ground as if he had lost gravity. The impact stick that fell aside flew into the hands of the long door and turned into a silver sword.

Hanging the sword of impact around his waist, the vision of Nagato instantly hangs high above the city, reflecting everything into it.

"Except for some minor problems, this war is over."

With a soft sigh, a faint smile appeared on Nagato's face. Although there are still many things to be dealt with, from today on, Nagato is the new director of Gakuen City.

Suppressing these thoughts for a moment, Nagato's eyes began to look at the battle outside the academy city.

The imperial capital and the quasi-demon **** fought fiercely, each with scars on their bodies.

As a result, I don't know if I felt the sight of Nagato. The Quasi-Demon God who was fighting against the Yuancheng Emperor fluttered all over his body. He caught his partner directly and fled away as a residual image.

"Where to run !!"

Seeing this scene, Emperor Yuangen was willing to open up six wings and pursued immediately.

In less than a moment, the three of them disappeared in the sight of the long gate.


There was a slight silence, the long door shook his head gently, some helplessly said, "Forget it, let the emperor go chase, just let the magic side look at it, the science side is strong." ..

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