My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 160: Florent Kloiduni

The end of the war does not mean calm.

On the contrary, the civil war in the academy city will definitely cause great waves throughout the world, and all the forces on the magic side will gather their eyes here.

You know, the form of the world of forbidden world is the trend that technology and magic are side by side.

The academy city is the headquarters and backbone of the science camp!

If possible, the leaders of many forces and organizations on the magic side will never mind, taking advantage of the weak stage of the academy city after the civil war to uproot the entire academy city.

Therefore, it is a good choice to let Yuan Gen emperor chase Aurels.

After all, the quasi-magic **** is the existence of the entire magic side that wants to kill, but the absolute ability of the academy city can actually chase such existence. Obviously, this is definitely a huge deterrent for the magic side.

As for Emperor Yuangen, there would be no danger, and Nagato assured him that he would definitely be in danger.

In addition to the fact that some forces such as the Roman Orthodox School that are hostile to the academy city will send magicians to try to stifle the absolute ability of the academy city, there may even be curious devil gods looking for the emperor.

But the red-haired teenagers believe even more that these dangers will only turn into a further step and resources for the Yuanyuan emperor.

With such an expectation, Nagato no longer paid attention to the far away Emperor Yuangen, and after instructing his men to send the injured Misaka Miki to the ground and chasing soul materials, and to take some defeated captives, they came to the ruins of the building without windows. .

Probably out of anger, Meiqin did not keep his hands and turned the building into powder.

Only the long door of the memory of Aresta knows that there is a secret basement in this building, and a very special existence is imprisoned in the basement-Floren Kloiduni.

It is a very special existence, with a talent that is superior to the general human nature, and a very strong "undead girl" with vitality.

Even if the years go by, I don't know what aging is.

Flora's existence has been recorded in the era of "Witch Hunting" hundreds of years ago.

The prototype "God's Trial", the prototype of the key element of the medieval witches' hunting through torture to prove innocence, totaled 308 women without injuries.

Using both hands to hold the hot rocks that have been placed in the fire for a long time, tied both hands and feet to sink into the spring water, tied to the top of the tower and suffered thunder, and being imprisoned to interrupt the water and food for more than a month. These experiences not only did not kill the woman , She didn't even change her face.

In the long history, Floren has been almost legendary, and there are various versions of her origin.

The scientific camp regards Floren Kloiduni as the opposite extreme to the complex ai, that is, continuous creatures like insects but village thinking, but the magic camp is a little different.

They think Florent Clouduni has no starting point and no ending point.

Perhaps it should be said that she no longer knows how many cycles have passed.

Although both sides hold their own words, the nature of whether they belong to science or the magic camp is still unknown. They are not contaminated by science and magic. In other words, they can be transformed into "people" on either side.

In the study of the academy city, it is judged that the possibility of reversing the relationship between prey and predator is hidden in the variation of Florencloyduni, which may cause a major blow to modern civilization centered on humans who use science.

In order to prevent Florens from learning, Arista used physical and intelligence isolation against her

-The confinement is in the "building without windows".

The driving force behind Floran Kloiduni ’s actions was not thought, but curiosity. Therefore, the most effective way to limit her actions was to prevent her from being interested in the outside world and provide her a completely dark and silent environment, which made her lose All interests.

To be honest, since the problem of the origin of magic has been solved, Nagato thinks that there is not much in the world that can trouble him.

Therefore, after obtaining the information of Floren Klojduni from Arista ’s memory, he was intrigued, even if he could hardly know from the memory of others Floro Klojduni ’s Nature.

"So let me see it!"

A smile of anticipation appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the right foot of the long door glared slightly, and a crack broke out of the ground.

It was only at the next moment that the rift burst like a strong shock.

A tall figure came out of the ground and rushed towards the long gate. Although he didn't feel much danger, the long gate was still a habitual force that manipulated the territory and held it in midair.

After doing all this, Nagato began to look at the imprisoned figure, this is a woman nearly two meters tall.

She has an extremely cute face, very soft facial features, and her eyes are as stunning as rare sapphires. At the same time, the girl has a purple hair that grows to bare feet.

Because it looked like she hadn't taken care of it for a long time, her long hair almost covered one of her eyes.

At this time, the girl was wearing a dress made of thin synthetic fibers that resembled a dress, but the transparent clothes could see the pink underwear inside.

And her pair of sapphire eyes were staring at the face of Nagato completely, and she seemed completely interested in Nagato.


A moment later, the tall girl made a suspicious voice to Nagato.

Surprisingly, the sound of this woman who is more than two meters tall is as sweet and greasy as a little loli, plus a bit of a cute expression, giving a large loli a sense of sight.

"Is it the same kind? Am I judged to be the same kind by you?"

Nagato was a little surprised, but then his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

The red-haired boy understood that an existence like Floren had extraordinary intuition and did not know how to lie. Since she said that she was similar to her, there must be a reason.

So, Floran judged that she was the same as her based on that point.

After a moment of thought, the Nagato soon locked his absolute kingship. After all, the Nagato is just a drop of essence blood, and the core power that is showing is the absolute kingship.

The so-called absolute kingship is the scepter of Nagato as king of the earth.

In a sense, Nagato is the agent of Gaia in this world. Although this agent seems to be somewhat overbearing, he directly takes the sovereignty of the star as his own and is not ready to return Gaia.

If Floren and Nagato are really similar, then her identity is obvious

"Is Gaia's first agent, Xingzhiuo?" ..

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