My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 161: My u!

Star of uo!

The strongest living species on the planet, the monarchy planetary ecosystem, can make all the existing living species in this world extinct by itself alone.

Its essence is the symbol of the star, the executor of the will of the planet.

Of course, this is the saying in the steel land of the Moon World. The Forbidden World does not have this kind of statement, but this does not mean that the Forbidden World has no similar conceptual laws.

According to Nagato's research, the world of Forbidden World and the Moon World are very similar.

It's just that unlike the trend of confrontation between Gaia and Alaya in the Xingyue World, what happened to Alaya in the Forbidden World probably occurred when the formation of Gaia was completely suppressed.

Many of its divided powers fall by and are controlled by the heavens created by various myths.

Gaia, who has lost most of his authority, dissipated even his own consciousness, leaving only instinct and a trace of resentment or prayer.

Nagato received this ray of prayer from Gaia and was able to build his absolute kingship.

Under such circumstances, it is indeed possible for the planet to breed its own star uo. After all, in a sense, the long gate of this world is also on the road of uo.

Many thoughts flashed in his head, Naomen and Floren faced each other, fully perceiving each other's essence.

Then the red-haired boy got an unexpected answer-Flora's body indeed contained a pure and ultimate planetary power, and she and the world were in harmony to the extreme.

In a trance, Nagato also understood why the academy city judged Floren would subvert the entire human society.

Because Floren is the prototype of Xingzhiuo, her body contains the road to the ultimate evolution. Once she has enough information and resources, she will definitely move towards the complete body of Xingzhiuo under the impetus of the road.

At that time, in addition to the Devil God and Edwards, the entire world will be completely subverted in Floran's hands.

"So, Aresta saved the world?"

Inadvertently flashing some thoughts of crying and laughing, the long door groaned for a moment, and said kindly, "I remember you called Florent, I am the long door, please advise me."


Floren nodded and flashed his big eyes, looking curious about Nagato.

Just for some reason, Nagato always felt that this curiosity seemed to be the kind of curiosity that could eat him down, like the curiosity of a child for dessert.

To be honest, even the Nagato, it's a little unpleasant to face such eyes.

Just thinking about it, the red-haired boy temporarily suppressed his discomfort, because he realized that the girl in front of him was an insect-like thinking, and knew almost nothing.

"Say, are you hungry?"

"Well." Floren nodded again. "Can I taste your taste?"

"I can't deny this, but the legendary Tang monk meat is nothing more than that."

Thinking of his essence as a drop of essence blood in the realm of Taoism, a wry smile flashed across the face of the long door.

Not to mention, any existence, even if it is a ant, as long as it can swallow the present self, I am afraid that the future breakthrough of Dao Realm is completely water to gather, Dao Sheng Realm is just around the corner. Even the realm of Daozu can be spied on sporadic.

"Just, are you sure?"

As he said in this way, the long door lifted his right hand, a drop of bright red blood burst out of his index finger, and handed it to Floran, "My bargain is never easy to occupy."

However, before Longmen's words were finished, Floren directly included Longmen's index finger in the entrance.

Feeling the girl's soft tongue and the silver teeth that want to bite her finger, a smile of crying smile flashed on the face of Nagato, and the characteristics of the girl were forgotten, and the words of feeling yourself were simply saying nothing.

After biting for a long time, he couldn't bite off the long door's finger, Flora's big eyes immediately looked at the long door.

Faced with such simple eyes, Nagato said nothing, urging the power of absolute kingship, drawing energy from the heavens and the earth, generating a lot of blood, and bursting out from the fingertips.

Feeling more and more blood in the mouth, Flora continued to swallow, his big eyes narrowed.

Obviously, the girl was very happy to drink such delicious food.

What the girl did n’t know was that as the blood of Nagato continued to integrate into her body, her identity was constantly shifting, gradually changing from Gaia ’s uo to Nagato ’s exclusive uo.

When the ownership shifted, Flora's body also evolved, or feathered.

Feathering is the name of the evolutionary path contained in Flora.

Its performance is gradually complicated by swallowing intelligence.

The key to triggering the emergence of Florentine is to search the surrounding environment and learn from it. After absorbing a certain amount of intelligence, Florentine will change to something different from the existing type in a certain direction.

From this combination of continuous thinking, which is more simplified than insects, to the process of acquiring a large amount of knowledge to obtain complex and flexible ideas, huge changes will occur.

However, it is estimated that it will take about two to three hundred years to obtain the huge amount of knowledge that can be mutated, based on the level of intelligence Floraland generally sees and hears.

It is just the blood of Nagato, and the endless information contained in the blood, but it is to help the girl to cross this accumulation stage.

At some point, the girl's body began to glow.

Feathering finally started at this moment.

"In my name!"

Looking at Flora, which was slowly changing, Nagato slowly said, "Give Ru the power to kill primates. From today onwards, you will belong to me, Xingzhiuo!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato's power to kill primates was immediately engraved and integrated into Floroland's body.

Pure white six light wings, blooming from behind Floren

"Boom !!"

This volatility spread rapidly throughout the world at an absolutely alarming rate. Ordinary people just felt a bit of coldness in an instant, but those with power have subconsciously felt a chill.

The more powerful there is, the more chills you can feel, as if your natural enemies have appeared.

In an instant, the unexplained cold disappeared without a trace.

But the whole magic side was shaken again.

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