My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 162: Post-war conversation

Time flies, fleeting.

Three days is not long, but short is not short, and for the academy city that has just experienced the civil war, it is enough to complete the post-war processing and the reintegration of the overall power.

Whether it is the remnant party of Aresta or the neutral forces of the academy city, they have become vassals of dawn.

The rules established by the dawn organization formally took root in the academy city and grew up.

Of course, there have been a lot of waves in the process of urban power change in the whole school.

However, under Nagato's unreasonable territorial power blessing, the deterrence of the two absolute abilities, and the publicity propaganda of the major media in the academy city, all the waves quickly subsided and did not cause much impact.

The new director of Gakuen City, the name of Naruto Whirlpool has spread throughout the world with the official media of Gakuen City, and Nagato has become a household name.

It's just that for long-door individuals, these are just irrelevant things.

After conquering Flora with his own blood, Nagato handed over everything to his subordinates and directly entered the state of retreat. The vast red-haired youngster without the magical power of the body needed a little time to thoroughly eat his abilities.

Not only the ability, Nagato also needs to spend some time focusing on the five elements of the imaginary mathematics area.

The original imaginary mathematics area is just an illusory field covering the city of the academy. The existence of overlapping aim diffusion force fields released by all abilities has no substantial foundation.

Since the urbanization of the academy has become the territory of the Nagato, the virtual mathematics area has suddenly filled up the foundation and started a closed evolution.

Nagato vaguely understood that once the imaginary mathematics zone had completed its evolution, it would no longer be an imaginary mathematics zone.

At that time, its name should be, artificial heaven!

Of course, the evolution of the imaginary mathematics area is not easy.

Nagato needs some research.

By the time the red-haired teenager officially went out, the entire academy city had stepped out of the influence of the civil war and began to move towards formality.

"Very good, well done!"

After learning about the current status of the academy city through absolute kingship, Nagato was quite satisfied.

Especially as the city entered the formal and flourished, the red-haired teenager found that his territory power became stronger and stronger, and there was a rising trend, and he was more satisfied.

The so-called kingship is naturally not just referring to territorial rights, but also involves humane civilization on the territory.

Nagato estimates that after a few more days, his own power will erode and land more land, and the imaginary mathematics district can also gain more power and promote evolution.

And if the light of civilization in the academy city shines on the whole world, Nagato may be able to directly erode the world, sit in the artificial heavens, and logically ascend to the king of the planet, instead of just having monarch power.

It's just obvious that this kind of thinking is just an idea after all, and it can't be put into practice.

At least before solving many heavens and demons, Nagato can't act lightly.

Otherwise, it will definitely arouse a full counterattack on the entire magic side.

"It's really troublesome!"

In the office at the top of the headquarters building at dawn, the long door was sitting alone on the sofa seat, and there seemed to be some unpleasant whispers in his mouth, but there was a smile of interest in the corner of the long mouth.

After resolving Yalesta, the long door's fangs began to aim at the magic side.

The red-haired boy is already looking forward to a new round of struggle.

"Bang! Bang!"

Just as the long door was meditating, the knocking sounded abruptly, and then the door of the office opened automatically without waiting for the long door to react. Gothic Lolita with the red cloak and Retilida Gururod came in.

"Sure enough, Lord Nagato, you really are here, there are some things you need to decide!"

"I listen!"

Seeing that the person was silent for a moment, the long door said slowly.

"The first is Miss Florent."

Immediately after getting permission from Nagato, Retiri's face immediately showed a look of complaint, "Adult, please also restrain you before the lady fails to restrain her primate's breath of power. She. "

"In the past three days, Miss Florin has caused a lot of confusion."

"Huh, this is my negligence"

Hearing Retiri ’s complaints, Nagato also had to smile bitterly, and the power of the kingly power blossomed silently.

In an instant, Flora's status quo immediately appeared in front of the long door.

At this time, Florentine was eating and drinking in a closed base in the academy city. In order to appease her, Retiri prepared a lot of delicious food, which completely inspired Florentine's eating properties.

By the way, Flora at this time is not a tall woman with six wings, but a petite loli.

This is not a deliberate transformation, but a natural phenomenon that Floroland temporarily suppressed the functions and forces belonging to the Star of uo. If this is not the case, Flora alone will destroy the school city.

It's just that most of her strength and skills have been suppressed, but this suppression is not complete, revealing a lot of breath.

Floren was not alone, and Inticus was staying with her.

In other words, Inticus is grabbing food from Floren.

Between the two foodies, the battle is fierce!

After observing this scene, Nagato also had to sigh that the power of eating goods was great, and Inticus even suppressed the fear of killing power against the primates by the will of eating goods.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the strength of Nagato came to Flora's body out of thin air, completely suppressing the power in her body.

"Okay, Flora's affairs have been dealt with."

After all this was done, Nagato's eyes turned to Retiri and motioned the girl to continue.

"The next question is about captives."

After being signaled, Retiri continued to say, "In the past three days, I have conquered most of the captives, including the original city secret department props, leaving only the scrapped party to pass, and the British Puritan saint and genius. The magician needs you to come up with an idea. "

"I see, one side can pass and weave them apart!"

Hearing the words, the long door closed his eyes and groaned slightly.

At the next moment, the power of the red-haired boy spread again silently, and came to a hidden base in the academy city, killing the party in the base in a comatose state and killing them.

In less than a few seconds, an ability model called vector manipulation was automatically formed in the mind of Nagato.

If one side's passage has not been destroyed by Arista, and can still be promoted to the absolute ability, perhaps the long gate will still leave the life of the other side, the red-haired boy is not without the means to conquer the side passage.

But the fact is that he has been destroyed.

Since that is the case, then Nagato will naturally not let the vector manipulation go to waste.

Get vector manipulation, it is the choice of Nagato!

"The things that are common to one side have been resolved."

Opening his eyes, the long door slowly said, "As for the fissures and weaving them, I will deal with them in a few moments, and it is almost time for me to formally contact with the British Puritan officials. What else? ? "

"Yes, there is one last thing, about me!"

After taking a deep breath, a look of hope appeared in Retiri's eyes and said, "You and I have made an agreement. I will use the price of your life for adults for ten years in exchange for the power of death."

"But now the academy city has completely fallen into your hands and is on the right track to flourish."

"My presence is no longer necessary for your daybreak, so Retiri is bravely asking you, can you please honor your promise now and give me eternal sleep!" ..! --rm->

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