My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 163: Stealing and new articles

Retiri's request was somewhat unexpected, but reasonable.

Nagato originally brought out his layout in the world of Forbidden World and told Retiri that it was to arouse her interest and activate her desire for survival. In fact, his actions did play a role.

At least in these days of surrender to Nagato, Retiri's work was quite positive.

But the hope of death in Retiri's heart was too deep. Active work did not kill it. Instead, as time passed, the enthusiasm due to interest gradually dissipated, and she wanted to die.

Especially after seeing the existence of the second primate with the power to kill, her heart for death was even stronger.

To be honest, in the face of such a situation, anyone will feel tricky.

Fortunately, Nagato was not unprepared.

In fact, after this time out, even if Retiri did not come to find herself, Nagato would take the initiative to find her for only one reason, that is, the magical fruit of Retiri's misfortune, named ambrosia.

This is the fresh fruit, food, spices, ointment eaten by some fairies in Greek and Roman mythology.

Some people call it fairy fruit and fairy food.

It is said that mortals will get immortal after eating.

The young Retiri got ambrosia from the soldiers when he rescued the wounded soldiers during the crusade expedition and became immortal.

When he knew these things, Nagato felt that the magical fruit ambrosia was extraordinary.

Counting the entire world, there are few treasures comparable to it.

Therefore, Nagato is very curious about the essence of ambrosia, but at that time Nagato has not yet achieved absolute kingship. The power is still mainly divided into the scientific side. It is difficult to develop a complete analysis of the magic side, and it can only be temporarily shelved.

Now that absolute kingship has been achieved, Nagato clearly recognizes the essence of ambrosia.

That is a key, a key that connects life to the heavens of Greek mythology!

Nagato can clearly perceive that Retiri's life is connected to the heavens created by Greek mythology, either cut off this connection, or destroy the entire Greek heavens, otherwise Retiri's life will never end.

Just here at Nagato, there is a third option, which is to replace Retiri and get this contact.

Nagato has a lot of thoughts about the Greek Celestial Realm.

Among the many existing myths, Greek mythology is one of the few most widely spread myths. On the western ground, apart from biblical mythology, there is almost no myth that can be compared with the spread of Greek mythology.

The unmatchedness of the devil depends to a great extent on the strength of the heavens it possesses.

Therefore, in the case where there is no demon in the biblical myth, the devil of the Greek heaven may be the strongest of all demon gods, but this is not the case, because the Greek mythology is not only a demon.

Among the eight existing demon gods, Chimera and Prosepina are demon gods from the Greek heaven.

To be honest, when the information was first known, the Nagato was a bit sullen. After all, there could be only one demon **** in each heaven, but truth, if not so, Orrels would never lose the chance to become a demon **** forever.

However, after careful investigation, Nagato discovered that the demon **** Prosepina was not so much a deity of Greek mythology, but rather a deity of Roman mythology.

In the legends of this world, Roman mythology is indeed born out of Greek mythology.

In other words, the star sovereignty of the Celestial Realm constructed by Greek mythology was split, which caused Chimera, which symbolizes the original Greek mythology, and Prosepina, which symbolizes the Roman mythology, to jointly control the Greek Celestial Realm.

Such a situation is a very suitable opportunity for Nagato.

The demon gods all say that there is one thing. The two demon gods are in the same heaven. The long door does not believe that they will be harmonious with each other. There will inevitably be a variety of battles. Is n’t a battle heaven the best object to invade? ?

It's just that if she replaced Retiri's connection, wouldn't the girl who had lived for more than 800 years step into the abyss of death? After all, her life stayed at that moment after eating the magic fruit, and the days she really lived through were full of 800 years. Once she lost the support of the Greek Celestial Realm, In 800 years, Retiri will aging to death instantly.

Nagato was reluctant to let Retiri die, after all, it was a capable and lovely ten-year-old loli.

"It seems that this can only be done!"

Thinking like this, the red-haired boy made a decision--


Looking at Retiri who was looking forward in front of her eyes, the long door opened lightly, then stood up and came to Retiri, holding the girl in her arms, the breath of primate killing power began to reveal.

The threat from the origin of life made the look of expectation on the girl's face thicker.

"it has started!"

With the faint words, Nagato's mental power penetrated from the position where the two bodies were in contact, penetrated Retiri's body, and wrapped the girl's soul-burning flames after years of cruelty.

The strange feeling instantly spread between Nagato and Retiri. The girl was flushed and could not help moaning.

Although it seems that she has experienced everything in the world for eight hundred years, Retiri has never felt this way. In fact, she has been regarded as a monster by the world since eating the magic fruit.

Under such circumstances, she alienates humanity, hates society, and is desperate for the world. In fact, many things have not been experienced.

This naturally includes the so-called men's and women's affairs, and now this kind of spiritual blend is far beyond the pleasure brought about by ordinary men and women, far from being able to be blocked by Retiri.

In a trance, the girl's consciousness gradually lost

At the same time, the spiritual power of Nagato has found the 'key' transformed from the magical fruit in the soul of the girl. Without a word, the red-haired boy has driven his royal power to devour the 'key'.


The endless void echoed a roar that only Nagato could hear.

A mysterious world in an inexplicable aspect appeared in the spiritual consciousness of Nagato. In that world, there were two extremely magnificent wills facing each other, subtle, yet endless power pouring from that world towards Nagato. .

Obviously, this is the so-called Greek heaven!

Feeling these powers, Nagato introduced the power into the imaginary mathematics area through his connection with the imaginary mathematics area!

"Boom !!"

The entire closed school district shook with joy.

Obviously, the power from the heavenly world has a very extraordinary urging effect on the evolution of the imaginary mathematics area. Nagano can clearly feel that the background and power of the imaginary mathematics area are slowly increasing.

Under the catalysis of the increased power of the imaginary mathematics area, the power of Nagato's own kingship is slowly increasing.

"Huh, I think it's true, but unfortunately, it can't be looted!"

Such thoughts flashed in his head, and Nagato once again urged his own power of kingship. The immense power poured into Retiri ’s soul, madly swallowing the power of the girl ’s soul and the past eight A century of presence.


Retiri, who was in a confused state, immediately recovered, and then she was surprised to find that although her past memories were still there, they were still there, and the eight hundred years of memory seemed to have lost their real sense.

The girl's character was distorted in an instant, or, to return to the state before the magic fruit was swallowed.

"Really, a foul man!"

With a trance in his eyes, Retiri whispered to herself.

The girl knows that her life has returned to the original turning point, and then restarted a new chapter ..

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