My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 164: Tearful melancholy


At the beginning of Chaoyang, Zuo Tian tears open the window.

Looking at the prosperous scenery outside the window, the girl stretched out the exquisite curves of her peers, and after taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, her face showed an involuntary smile.

"A new day has begun, I hope that something good will happen today!"

Praying so heartily, the black straight girl started brushing her teeth and washing her face. After a little dressing, she bit a piece of bread and went out.

The transportation in the academy city is very convenient. Soon after eating the bread, tears arrived at their destination.

——The largest amusement park in the sixth school district!

As soon as she came to the door of the amusement park, the girl saw her friend, Chuli Shili, looking around.

The girl's headdress full of roses, hibiscus, hibiscus and other flowers looks like a vase.

Chu Chun Shili is a classmate and friend of tears. Although from the appearance, Chu Chun seems a little too young, just like a primary school student, she is indeed a middle school student of the same grade as tears.

Seeing Chuchun didn't seem to find himself, a cunning smile flashed across his tears.

Carefully approaching the back of early spring, the girl's hands flicked towards her skirt.

"Good morning, early spring!"

Suddenly, in tears, the tears directly lifted the bottom of the skirt in early spring, revealing the blue and white fat times.

"Classmate Sato !!"

Skillfully pressed his skirt, shouting with a blushing face in early spring.

In the face of the dissatisfaction of early spring, tears felt quite satisfied.

As the most intimate friend, Tears knew the character of Chu Chun. Although he could not see his appearance, Chu Chun Shili was a fanatic who was too longing for the aristocratic girls' school.

She will study the daily life and etiquette of the young lady in a strange direction.

For example, I like to eat sweets. I firmly believe that sweets are placed in another stomach. I believe that sea bream is all evil except for bean paste. Cold Kanto is not even Kanto.

One of them is, "I don't want to show it to others, but I have to pretend to show it to people." Every day, I choose carefully the style of fat.

For the tears, the habit of early spring is simply not to be praised, so that she was surprised every day to lift the early spring skirt.


Complaining that after teaching for a while, I saw that his friends didn't care, and Chu Chun Shili sighed helplessly. Although a little sad, in fact, Chu Chun was already familiar with the style of Satian Tears.

"Forget it, let's go, Minghu Alisha's concert will start soon!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Ming protect Alisha!

The highest-ranking idol singer in the academy city.

Although the debut time is not long, but it is a year or two, but the protection of Eliza has made people rejoice with singing songs that can resonate with people. Not only has it a great reputation in the academy city, but it is also famous throughout the world.

According to the gossip, some high-ranking officials even wanted to get her by dark means after hearing her voice.

As for whether the news is true or false, it is difficult to recognize. It was only during the period when Minghu Alisha's debut that there were indeed many high-ranking officials who were exposed to various scandals, so that they disappeared.

Recently, Minghu Alisha is preparing to hold concerts in major public places in the academy city.

The concert in the playground right now is one of them.

According to the news that Sato tears got from his friends Chuharu and Shiraoi Kuroko, etc., the real purpose of Minghu Alisha's concert is actually to appease the turbulent hearts of the academy city because of the civil war.

"However, it's good, you can make a profit when you hear the concert live!"

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Zuotian tears pulled Chu Chun Shili toward the concert venue in the center of the playground.

At the same time, tears also lamented changes in the world.

For the urban civil war that occurred three days ago, the tears of ordinary people did not feel much, because in the initial shock of that day, the tears fell into a coma because of a little impact.

If she insisted, it was that a little depression in the days before the civil war made her quite concerned.

Only when she woke up from a coma, there was a huge change around her.

The original superpower, the wind mark, replaced the leader of the academy city. The super electromagnetic gun she was familiar with, Misaka Miki not only became an absolute power, but also became the sister of the new chairman.

Tears' curiosity was very strong, and she was curious about what happened to the upper city level and what happened to Misaka Misaka.

If it had been before, she would probably be entangled with Misaka Miqin and get to the bottom.

But now, she doesn't.


"The gap is too big!"

Inadvertently, a sigh flashed in the eyes of Zuo Tian's tears.

Originally, Misaka Miqin was a superpower in her eyes. If it weren't for the cheerful and easy-going of Miqin itself, I am afraid that tears would not dare to be close. As a result, Miqin has gone a step further, regardless of strength or status.

Even if the girl emphasized in her heart that she and Meiqin were friends, the gap between the incapable and the absolutely capable made her discouraged.

Thinking so, when walking to the concert venue, tears were already full of thoughts.

At this moment, the phone in early spring rang out of time.

I saw Chuchun took the phone. After a few simple words, the girl's face immediately showed anxious look. After hanging up the phone, Chuchun looked at Zuo Tian's tears with a guilty look on his face: "Zuo Tian Sang, I "

"I know, the Commissioner for the Discipline Commission has a job again, which is really unfortunate!"

The opening interrupted Chu Chun ’s words, Zuo Tian tears shrugged a little helplessly, “No way, go, Chu Chun, after all, the work of the Commissioner for the Discipline is very important. . "

"Sorry, Zuo Tiansang!"

Hearing that, in early spring, he bowed and bowed for a ceremony, then ran away in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the early spring, the helplessness on Satian's tears gradually turned into bitterness. Yinya subconsciously bit her lip, the girl in the form of a single shadow, and her heart was filled with melancholy thoughts——

"In the end, will I be the only one ?!"

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