My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 165: Concert change

In essence, Zuotian Tears is a girl with a low self-esteem.

Although it seems innocent and romantic on the surface, it gives people a very cheerful feeling, but the tears are actually very delicate, and they are very concerned about everything external, which is mainly reflected in her sensitivity to various topics.

And it is this delicate and sensitive that makes girls feel inferior for girls who have been studying and living in the academy city for several years.

As the headquarters of the science side, the biggest characteristic of the academy city is not only the technology that has surpassed the three or fifty years of modern society, but also the superpowers obtained by means of drugs, hypnosis and electrical stimulation.

The existence of superpowers makes the social structure of the academy city slightly different from the outside world.

Which is mainly reflected in the superpower to a certain extent symbolizes social status!

The tears of Sato who failed to develop super powers are almost at the bottom of the city. This is undoubtedly a major blow to the tears that carry the expectations of their families into the academy city.

However, if this is the case, even if the stratum is distinct, the school city does not promote this kind of concept on the surface.

As long as the abilities are ignored, the tears can still live well.

But the problem is the friend of tears!

She has a group of friends who are almost the elite of the academy!

Early spring

Although the members of the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, although only a low-powered person with the ability to maintain a constant temperature, in early spring, they had extremely horrible hacking capabilities.

She can help solve the problem by analyzing and searching a large amount of data through the computer. She is so skilled that even the guards are very surprised.

According to the tears, early spring even defeated the challenge of many cyber hackers to invade "a system". It was a super-genius hacker, and the formal body of the "gatekeeper" in urban legends, but she did not know it herself.

Shirako Kuroko

The first-year junior high school student who belonged to the 177th branch of the Commission for Discipline and Justice in the early spring. Although there are some defects in his personality, he is a high-level person in the space department of the urban level of the school. To spare no effort to combat criminals.

The rumor is that "there is one of the most evil members of the space discipline committee".

Misaka Mito

Needless to say, at the present stage, the second absolute ability of the academy city, the sister of the new director of the academy city, if the former Meiqin was the Princess of Tokiwadai, then now she is the entire academy city Her Royal Highness.

Although the three of them will not have different attitudes towards tears in the early spring because of their own ability status, but this is the general environment of the academy city, and the sensitive inner Satian tears naturally feel inferior.

Even if she has been trying to use various topics to divert her attention and downplay this mentality, it is clear that he failed.

Especially now that these friends are busy and only one is left.

"Will it be sunny tomorrow? I looked up at the sky"

"The stars in the sky are shining, as if you can reach them by reaching out."

"We laughed, and the two set off together again!"

At this moment, the beautiful melody sounded, and the moving song called Zuo Tian's tears back from a sudden, when the girl found out that she was in a trance and entered the venue of the concert with the flow of people.

At a glance, the dense silhouettes spread across the girl's field of vision.

But it is very wonderful, tears have no feeling of congestion, everyone is attracted by the beautiful melody and moving singing, the inner calm and tranquility, there is no hustle and bustle like ordinary concerts.

Looking up to the stage in the center of the venue, the dressed-up pink-haired singer Ji Zheng was devoted to singing.

That kind of concentration, even across a long distance, tears can be felt.

Care for Alisa and sing the miracle song wholeheartedly!

"There will always be a smile"

"The sky is very clear and the stars are constantly flashing."

"Meteor flashed across the shoulders of the two and passed across!"

The sound of miracles that cannot be described in words is like a breeze that flicks through the hearts of all people, just like the most intimate murmur, ripples ripple on the lake of all people ’s hearts, and the past haze is brushed away a little bit. .

Everyone including tears, the expression on his face gradually became relieved, serene

"Really, what horns are I drilling!"

Listening to the sound of singing and protecting Alyssa in her ears, Zuo Tian tears' eyes couldn't help but slightly moistened, but the whole person felt relaxed for a while, and just when the girl lifted her right hand to wipe the corners of her eyes— —

Her eyes shifted slightly, and then she saw a violent shock in the chandelier above the concert venue.

"Not good, small"

Almost subconsciously, the girl issued a warning.

However, before she finished speaking, all the chandeliers and even the ceiling of the concert fell off, hitting the stage and auditorium fiercely. In the violent roar, the girl turned around in a sky, and the whole venue was in disarray.

The hustle and bustle of smoke covered everything, and it took a while before it slowly dissipated.

At this time, the tears falling on the ground slowly opened his eyes.

What was in the eyes of the girl was a concert hall full of building debris, which looked like a ruin. The tears did not get hit by the falling chandelier and debris. They rested a little and stood up from the ground.

Then she discovered another amazing thing, not only her, but in the surrounding ruins, she was fighting some figures one after another.

Obviously such a terrible disaster, but it seems that no one died as a result, and few were injured.

"It's like a miracle!"

Secretly whispering, tears suddenly remembered the protagonist of the concert, immediately took a step, and soon came to the stage of the concert, at this time Minghu Alisha was lying in the center of the stage, unconscious.

"Miss Alisha!"

Seeing this scene, tears quickly stepped forward to check the situation of Minghu Alisha.

After confirming that the other party was unharmed, but just comatose, the girl quickly picked up the phone, but before she could dial the number, a black key appeared in the air, directly piercing the tearful phone.

"This doesn't work, little girl!"

A slightly gloomy voice slowly sounded. I don't know when, thirteen figures in black robes appeared on the stage, surrounding tears and Minghu Alisha. One of the black robes slowly said:

"It's not easy to dive into this heretic city, but it can't let you destroy our plan to get a miracle!" ..

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