My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 172: Devour the power of God!

As Oriels expected, the return of the Imperial Capital of Yuangen was bloody.

Because there was never any deliberate occlusion, the angel-like posture of the imperial capital has long been known to the entire magic side. Unless the high-level people pressed them, the cross-cult fanatics would have attacked him desperately.

After the imperial courts gave up the pursuit of Aurels, there was no reason for the high-level Crusaders to suppress the anger of the believers.

The imperial capitals who had already become Shura would never have any thoughts like keeping their hands.

Stop killing by killing, and kill anyone who has the intention to kill!

As a result, such cross-religious factions as Roman Orthodox Church, Russian Adult Church, and even British Puritanism were completely angry. More fanatics have emerged. The cross-religion with 2 billion believers has demonstrated its headquarters strength as the first religion.

Then, everything went madly towards a completely unmanageable situation.

The relationship between the magic side and the science side also instantly reached the cold freezing point!


"so what!"

In the office at dawn, looking at Lola in London, England through the camera, the long door said leisurely, "Anyway, anyway, the war will eventually come, and since it is so, why maintain peace on the surface."

"Really, you and Aresta are completely different!"

After hearing this, Lola's face could not help but show a troubled look, "I really don't know if it's a good thing to form an alliance with you. I think, Nagato Jun, should you give your allies more confidence?" "


For Lola's request, Nagato was not surprised.

After all, Emperor Yuangen has done too much. As the actual leader of the British Puritanism, Lola is indeed under great pressure at this time. If it is not the right of the Roman Orthodox God, Xi Xi ’s ambition is so big that she has to work with the school city Close, the archbishop at this time has long broken off with the long door.

Just to come up with something to make Lola more confident, but Nagato couldn't make up her mind for a while.

And at this moment, the wonderful fluctuations swept the world, not only Nagato and Lola, but the powerful men on the whole magic side felt a violation, as if there was something that could not be tolerated in this world.

Nagato reacted for the first time, and the whole person disappeared instantly and appeared in the virtual math area.

Through the imaginary mathematics zone in a different phase from reality, Nagato ‘saw’, and heaven located somewhere in the void is receiving a strong traction from the ground, and an archangel in heaven is being pulled by the traction.

"Interesting, did the angel fall?"

Seeing this scene, Nagato suddenly remembered a plot from the original.

In the original work, the main character's father, Dangma Dangma, took advantage of his son's misfortune to take advantage of overseas business trips to collect strange goods from ancient and modern times, and brought back such exotic products as the Indian elephant trunk amulet, the Egyptian gold beetle, and the Russian president doll. When hemp, hope to give him luck.

As a result, he inadvertently constructed a magic array with those strange goods and launched a big magic "Angel Fall".

The so-called "angel fall" is a kind of magic that forcibly pulls the angel from the upper rank to the lower rank.

According to the concept of the tree of life in Kabbalah ’s thought, the number of humans and angels has already been decided. Therefore, under normal circumstances, humans can never be promoted to angels. Similarly, angels will not be degraded into humans.

The great magic-the fall of angels will forcibly demote the angels in heaven to humans.

Only in this way will most people replace their appearance and internality. After all, the number of humans is also fixed.

"But Dangdang Dangma is dead, is this magic circle still activated?"

The thought flashed through my mind, and Nagano instantly captured the source of the traction that brought the angels down to heaven, and the power of absolute kingship emerged. Through the virtual mathematics zone, I borrowed the power of all the spatial abilities in the city to launch Teleport.

In an instant, the long gate spanned a long distance, and came from a school city to a room in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Through the window of the room, the long door saw a man praying for the first time.

Around the man, various exotic goods are placed.

Borrowing all the mental manipulation abilities of all mental abilities in the city of the academy, Nagato instantly copied the man's memory. Only then did he know that the other party was the father of the last child, and last night.

It turned out that after the news of the disappearance of Ma when the last article came out, the last article did not believe that he was dead, hoping to return his son through prayer.

As a result, he was wrong, he actually made a magic circle where the angel fell.

"I don't know how to say this luck."

Shaking his head slightly, Nagato immediately used the power of psychological control to take the last knife Daoye, and another person in the room, the mother of the last child, the last poetry, and the memory of their son.

After doing all this, Nagato appeared on the magic circle where the angel fell, kicked the last knife night, and raised his right hand.

"Heavenly opportunity, just try my magic."

As he said in this way, the red-haired boy closed his eyes, and in a trance, the endless hymns resounded in the surrounding void, and the whole person of Nagato seemed to be transformed from the human group and turned into a true **** overlooking the world.

"I am one and ten thousand."

"It's a moment, it's eternity."

"It is the creator and the master."

In the whispering chanting room, the long gate gradually became sacred, and the surrounding magic circle naturally became his vassal.

All the strange objects used to arrange the magic circle are turned into powder.

He didn't care about this long door. His eyes seemed to penetrate through the void and saw the archangel, the power of God, which was about to come completely. At this time, the power of God also seemed to have consciousness and saw the red-haired boy.



The power of the horrible archangel suddenly burst into the sky!

"In vain resistance."

Under the terrifying power of divine power, Nagato's face became more sacred, and the power of angels, or the power of heaven, sprang up into a big mouth and swallowed divine power directly.

"Become my pedal to the seat of God, Gabriel!"

The time went by three minutes.

St. George's Cathedral in Lambeth, London, England.

When Nagato disappeared into the camera, Archbishop Lola didn't respond at all. Her attention was completely stunned by this sudden change. With her cultivation of a cross-religious magic path, she clearly knew what was coming to the world. .

The angel, or the archangel serving the Lord, just does not know which one is the archangel.

But no matter which one, as long as it came to earth, it was a catastrophe.

It may even lead to a catastrophe that destroys civilization!

"Angel falls!"

He whispered to himself, Lola's silver teeth bite secretly, and she hated the guy who started this big invulnerability.

It's just that Lola hadn't thought of any way to send the fallen angel back to heaven. The power of the mighty angel was instantly excited to the extreme, and then stopped abruptly.

I sensed that the position where the power of the angel broke out was in Yingzhou in the East, and there was a bitter smile on Lola's face.

"Although I said to let you show yourself, but in this way, I am still grateful." ..

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