My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 173: The beginning of the collision!

Time flies, three months in a flash.

Although the technique of falling angels three months ago was not completely completed, the power of the so high archangel was still shocking the world, so that the magical side that was still turbulent directly calmed down.

Thanks to this blessing, Emperor Yuan Gen finally returned to the academy city in a safe and sound state.

Although the Imperial City himself was not happy about this, he did not feel lost because Emperor Yuangen knew that the calm on the magic side was an illusion. A real storm was brewing, and he was looking forward to the coming of the storm.

Not only the emperors are looking forward to, but the seniors of the academy city have long been waiting for them.

To this end, the academy city set off a terrible science storm.

Technologies from different worlds that were not dared to come out during the Arresta period flowed into the scientific research laboratories from the headquarters at dawn, and the academy city that was originally thirty or fifty years more advanced than reality was immediately upgraded to one hundred years advanced.

In front of the different world technologies, the Kurihara family, who claimed to control most of the world's cutting-edge technology, were directly hanged and eventually merged into dawn.

In less than a hundred days, the entire academy city seemed to enter a new era.

Whether it is military technology or civilian technology, all are updated.

Under such circumstances, as the leader of the academy city, Nagato has always been concerned about the development of virtual games.

The second world is a virtual game designed by Nagato personally, which contains various advantages of the virtual games known by Nagato, and has strong playability and authenticity. It can be called the second world of human beings. .

Coupled with extremely cheap game landing equipment, the second world is like a virus, starting from Yingzhou and spreading to the whole world.

And the new director of the school city, Nagasaki, has become a household name.

Seeing the prestige of Nagato getting higher and higher, after three months of incubation, the counterattack of the magic side, or the crucifix, finally began.

At first, the Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church made a statement about the need for technology.

The Pope believes that modern society is developing too fast, material desires are flowing, and all kinds of temptations have made believers' beliefs more and more impure. It is necessary to restrict the development of technology and ensure the purity of beliefs.

The academy city, as the base camp on the science side, was even named by the pope.

Since then, Russian adult religion, even the British Puritanism and other cross-religion sects have echoed the ideas of the contemporary pope of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Although British Puritanism secretly has an alliance with the academy city, the character of Archbishop Lola, as long as it is beneficial to Puritanism, she will not object to restricting faith in purifying science and technology, and is not harmful to Puritanism.

Of course, because of the fear of the counterattack by Nagato, Puritan movements are minimal and limited to participation.

The will of the high-level command, the believers naturally began to respond.

In the following days, the number of riots, demonstrations, and these series of actions took place in a linear manner, and the situation between the crusade and the academy city became more and more volatile.

Countless believers took to the streets, holding high the banner against the academy and shouting at the door of major companies and factories. Fortunately, they are just believers who hold "protests", not thugs who are out of control.

Although provoked by intentional people, these are still a little sensible, and the behavior is at least still within the limits of the law.

But other fanatics are not the same thing.

With the passage of time, the demonstrations quickly spread, as if it had become a new fashion. Young people, elderly people, men, women all walked to the streets and shouted protests.

A march broke out in France, followed by Germany to keep up, and soon became a situation where protests were held in the area covered by the cross religion.

But they have forgotten that their clothes are made by technology machines, their banners and pictures are printed by printers, their grains are high-yield crops that have been obtained through scientific training for many generations, and technology has penetrated them long ago. Life.

"Then let me help them recall!"

As the current leader of the science side, Nagato will never be indifferent to such provocations.

So, the counterattack of the academy city came:

"In view of the resistance of many cities to the procession of science, and in accordance with the principle of doing things peacefully, the academy city will adopt scientific and technological restrictions on any city where the procession is held, and will never let science defile the beliefs of all the believers."

Along with this announcement, the academy city united with the United States, Tianchao and other science and technology-oriented countries to implement technological isolation from the countries covered by the cross religion.

Modern society and science can be described as being closely connected. The academy city issued an announcement. At the beginning, the believers were extremely happy. In their view, their own beliefs defeated science.

But as time goes by, the longer the time limited by the science side, everything will change.

Not everyone is a believer, or not everyone is a devout fanatic, even in the country covered by the cross religion, there are not many real fanatics, and most of these believers are older generations.

The new generation of people grew up in the light of technology. Most of them have faith, but they are not profound.

As a result, after encountering various inconveniences caused by technological restrictions, young people could not bear it, especially after they were unable to land in the second world that had just swept the world, the voice of young people's dissatisfaction suddenly rose.

At this time, the academy city came back to the ground, and urban spies began to instigate those fanatics everywhere to continuously destroy various power stations in the country covered by the cross religion, resulting in a large-scale power outage in the country covered by the cross religion.

Immediately, not only young people, but also some middle-aged people can't stand it anymore, and the wind direction has changed a lot.

"Huh, just after a little setback, they started to complain. Do they still accompany the believers?"

At the Roman Orthodox Headquarters, the Vatican ’s cathedral, a young man in a crimson suit leaned on the bench in the church straddling his legs, looking away from the church. The scene of the contemporary pope appeasing many believers was very dissatisfied.

"However, it has attracted the interest of Uncle Ben, and it is worthy of the guy who can pull Yarestala from the throne."

In the speech, the dissatisfaction on the face of the young man turned into interest, and he turned to the three people behind him and said, "The wind ahead is up to you, go to the school city and walk for the uncle. Declare war on the science side, "

"No problem, but if you accidentally wipe out the academy city, no problem."

The answer was to a young woman with an exquisite figure and exaggerated eye makeup. During the talk, you could also see a chain of a cross hanging from the front of the woman's tongue hanging to the waist.

"Haha, no problem, or that Uncle Ben is looking forward to that result!" ..

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