My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 175: Avenue battle!

The land on the left!

A member of the right seat of God, the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Although at first glance it seems to be a weird dress, he is indeed the top character of the Roman Orthodox Church, a symbol of the left and the earth, commonly known as "land" or "land on the left", with "the medicine of God (Raphael)" Nature.

Most powerful people have their own convictions. The land on the left aims at the “sacred kingdom” of eternal salvation, and “rescues all human beings in the world on an equal basis” as the principle of action.

But his so-called "human" distinction is extremely narrow, and he believes that "infidels are not human at all."

Roman orthodox believers are the targets of his salvation even if they are evil criminals, as long as they do not meet the "human" conditions in his heart, it does not matter if they are treated as domestic animals.

On this day, just after drinking in a tavern, the land on the left came to the outskirts of Rome, preparing to find some pagans to try the spell.

After all, any force can only be determined for its usefulness if it has been truly tested.

In fact, this is not the first time that the land on the left has done so. In the eyes of the land on the left, although the pagan is not a "human being", it is too wasteful to kill at will, so it is better to be his stepping stone.

It was only that he had just arrived in the suburban area, and before he could find a suitable experimental subject, a spatiotemporal channel appeared around him.

Then soon, a red-haired teenager came out of the space-time channel and greeted himself.

"Vortex Gate!"

Although I do n’t know why the other person knew himself, but the land on the left also knew the other person, or that the entire Roman Orthodox church, and even the high-level on the magic side, few people did not know him.

You have to know that Arrista has established a school city and confronted the entire magic side for decades.

And the guy who overthrew Aresta ’s rule was even more famous.

Only after recognizing the identity of the other party, the murderous intention in the heart of the left land suddenly rose, almost subconsciously, the light in the hand of the left land radiated into a twisted beheaded knife, toward the long door Cut off his neck.

"Go to death, heretics, just punishment!"

The attack on the left was not unexpected by Nagato.

In fact, even if he didn't shoot, Nagato wouldn't let the other side pass. This time, he opened the space-time channel from the academy city and came here. One of the purposes of Nagato was to fight the fiercest counterattack of the top of the Roman Orthodox Church.

And what makes the Roman orthodox leaders angry even more than killing the right seat of a **** near the Holy See.

Especially now the Roman Orthodox Church is still controlled by the fire on the right side of the right seat of God.

Of course, more importantly, Nagato was very unhappy with him.

According to the memory of Nagato, the land on the left in front of him is simply perverted, and even once shot against innocent and innocent children.

Although Nagato had no position to blame the other party, after all, the red-haired boy had lost a lot of his life on the way, but even he did not specifically shoot against innocent children.

But Nagato is uncomfortable, and since I feel uncomfortable, Nagato will take action to wipe out my uncomfortable existence.


The ground at the feet of the red-haired boy cracked, and a wall of earth suddenly blocked the middle of the two, blocking the incoming guillotine, but at the next moment, the land on the left withdrew the guillotine and cut it out again.

The earth wall that could have hindered him was like tofu dregs, and it instantly disintegrated.

"Sure enough, this is the penalty of punishment!"

Looking at this scene, the ability of Nagato's heart for the land on the left was immediately clear.

As an enemy, Nagato still knows a little about the right seat of God, such as the signature technique of the land on the left-light penalty!

Light punishment is the magic of changing the priority based on the legendary structure of "Son of the Son".

In the same way, this is also the only operation type manipulated by the left side. After studying the relationship of "executing the‘ God Son ’with human hands,” the left side has constructed a special method of “punishment by light”.

It doesn't matter what the strength is in front of the ground on the left, because he can manipulate their "order".

For example, if the weapon is set to "lower position" and the human skin is "upper position", then any weapon attack will be completely defended; if the weapon is set to "lower position" and the air is "upper position", then the opponent's weapon will stay still. It does not move in the air; if the outer wall is set to "lower position" and the human body is "upper position", the body on the left can even pass through the wall.

In other words, as long as the setting is completed and the "upper position" is manipulated, any "lower position" target cannot stop the attack on the left.

But this leads to a problem. The setting of the left side takes time.

If not, he didn't need to retract the guillotine just now.

and so--

"It's now!"

While the "lower position" set by the land on the left is the earth wall, the figure of the long door immediately appeared behind the land on the left. Because he was too dependent on his powerful magic, the body function of the land on the left was It ’s not strong.

At this moment, the right hand of Nagato turned into a sharp blade, and instantly penetrated the heart of the land on the left from behind.

The whole process was clean and tidy, and no accident happened.

"Boom !!"

At the next moment, the power of the Nagato's kingship burst out, and the nature of the god's medicine, Raphael, which was possessed by the land on the left, was immediately usurped by the absolute royal power and merged into the Nagato's body.


Almost at the same moment, the church in the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church screamed like thunder!

Then the space above the church was distorted, and a huge arm appeared in the air, showing the form of claws, and instantly spanned a distance of ten kilometers or so, and bombarded towards the location of the long gate.

The attack hadn't arrived yet, and the violent wind that reached it broke all the ground in the suburbs.

"Ha, interesting!"

In the face of the attacking giant, Nagato was unwilling to show his weakness.

Withdrawing his right hand from the body of the land on the left, Nagato did not use the power of kingship, but used the magic he developed. In a moment, the red-haired boy turned into a sacred body again.

The mighty angel's power emerged and turned into a giant fist, blasting towards the incoming giant claws.


The terrible turbulence suddenly burst out in the suburbs of Rome, and the destruction like a natural disaster spread in all directions. The Roman Orthodox headquarters, which was too close, was not accidentally affected.

For all this, Nagato didn't care, and he paid more attention to the information he felt from the collision.

"That hand is actually not yet born. God's right hand. Sure enough, are you a candidate for the devil God? It seems that the battle between us is still a battle on the road, the fire on the right."

With a chuckle, Nagato recovered his power and opened the space-time channel, disappearing in place. ..

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