My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 176: Rage and Intercept

The fire on the right is very angry!

Since becoming the chief and substantive leader of the darkest part of the Orthodox Church in Rome, he has rarely been so angry, and the raging anger has even caused the surrounding air to burn.

Even the shock being encountered by the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church could not attract the attention of the fire on the right.

Not long ago, the fire on the right was staying alone in the church. I was looking forward to the wind in front of the academy city and then the water in the back just in case I could bring some good news to myself.

In the right seat of the god, the fire on the right is the red, the right and the "fire" in the four attributes have the nature of "the god-like" Michael.

Michael, also known as Michael, mentioned the name of the angel, the guardian of the Garden of Eden designated by God, and the only spiritual body with the title of Archangel. The name Michael means "similar to God" .

As an archangel similar to God, Michael has a special status among angels and can sense other angels.

As the owner of Michael's nature, the fire on the right can perceive the status of the other three gods' right seat. Of course, this must be close, and it will not work if the distance is too far.

However, just now, he felt that the life of the fire on the left ended not far away.

Almost subconsciously, the fire on the right urges the "holy right" that contains "the power enough to save the world" in his body.

The unimaginable power tool has now become a sky-clawing giant claw blasting towards the land to the left.

The result was a counterattack beyond imagination!

Although the strength of the opponent's counterattack is somewhat beyond the expectations of the fire on the right, it does not make him so angry. What really makes the fire on the right angry is the power of the counterattack of the other party, which actually contains the breath of the Lord.

"What a joke !!"

There was a daunting expression on his face, and the fire on the right was almost going away.

The so-called right seat of God is not only the name of the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church, but also the target of the fire on the right.

On the right, in Crucifixion, that position represents equivalence!

The right seat of God is equal to God!

In other words, the goal of the fire on the right is nothing other than the devil **** of the crucifixion department, but now he finds that there are people in this world who are on the same path as him.

"Damn, only Uncle Ben can get on that position!"

Talking to himself so softly, the fire on the right suddenly changed slightly again. At this moment, he felt a strange loss, as if he was about to lose again.

Almost subconsciously, the fire on the right stood up and looked in the direction of the city of Oriental Academy.

"Are they in front and behind them"

The time passed by about ten minutes.

After the frontal wind tore the defensive circle of the academy city, the last person in the right seat of the **** who hung far behind her-the water behind could not help stopping.

Because the well-known absolute capable person in the academy city-the unyuan matter, Emperor Yuan Gen appeared in front of him.

Of course, compared to other titles, the water behind is more willing to call the emperor Yuangen "Xura".

Just as the other party showed horrible killing intention at this time.

"Actually blocked!"

Feeling the oncoming killing, the water behind was full of helplessness.

As one of the members of the darkest part of the Roman Orthodox Church, the "Right of the Gods", Si Zhangshui, the blue, the moon and the rear, the backwaters of the nature of the Archangel "Power of God" Gabriel and other right of the Gods Too the same.

The magic of the water behind is "flere210", and the intention is "the person who changes the reason for tears".

Water engraved the magic name on his chest, just as his magic name turned cold tears into warm tears, which is why he clasped his arms tightly. Therefore, the water behind would not be the same as the right of the other three gods. It's full of arrogance.

From the beginning, the water behind was not very optimistic that the wind ahead could really deal with the entire academy city.

After all, the academy city can stand against the magic side for decades, the scientific base, even though his founder Aresta has died, but the new owner of the city has defeated Aresta to the throne.

Even after a civil war, with the rapid development of science, the rear water does not feel how weak the academy city really becomes.

That's why he took the initiative to ask for life after the wind ahead set off, just in case.

As a result, things really went in the direction he didn't want.

Since Emperor Yuangen can accurately appear in front of the water behind, it is probably that the wind in front is also under the control of the other party. Maybe the wind in front can tear the defense circle of the academy city, which is the other party's plan.

"In this case"

Many thoughts flashed in my mind, and the water behind opened his own sacred mark directly.

Except that the character style is different from that of other gods' right seats, the physique of the water behind is also the same. As the "God's right seat", he is also a saint, and he is one of the saints in the world with less than twenty.

And compared to ordinary saints, the water behind also has the essence of the Virgin.

It is impossible for ordinary saints to exert 100% of their talented power. It is already difficult to manipulate part of the talented power alone. Under the condition of 100% exercise of power, the saint's flesh may be crushed by excessively high pressure.

However, the water behind is a “special saint” with both physical characteristics of “sage” and “mother”.

Unlike the ordinary saint who "reduces speed to stabilize", he is on a high-speed stable route.

That is, "beyond a certain limit will enter a stable state."

And now, the water behind is showing its own characteristics vividly.

"I can't stop again!"

Between words, the water in the rear pulled out a steel stick with a total length of more than five meters from the shadow, and the whole person rushed towards the emperor Yuangen at a speed exceeding the ordinary saint.

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Imperial Capital shrank.

Almost subconsciously, the Yuangen Imperial Capital instinctively jumped backwards, the pure white unconverted matter condensed into wings, and a slight shock made the entire Imperial Capital suspended in midair.


Seeing this scene, the water behind was instinctively angry.

For the true believers, the image of Emperor Ogane is full of hatred.

Immediately, the water in the rear started his own territory. He used his own characteristics of using the "right seat of God" to instantly strengthen and multiply his power and speed!


The figure completely exceeded the limit of visual field capture, the water in the back jumped up, and the stick in the hand hit the capital of the emperor.

"Boom !!!"

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