My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 177: Overwhelming gap

Looking at the big pit smashed from the ground, the expression of the water behind was still dignified.

Although the opponent was counted once by his own characteristics, the water behind could not believe that the Emperor Yuangen would lose this way. To know that this guy can chase the existence of the combination of quasi-devil and saint.

Even if you are more confident, the water behind you can do the same thing without being confident.

But this does not mean that the water behind will be afraid of each other.

In addition to self-confidence as a strong man, but also because of mutual agreement, according to the information of the Roman Orthodox Church, the ability of the academy city, except for the physical strengthening type of ability, the rest of the body is very weak.

Among them, those with powerful capabilities do not even need to exercise at all.

The passage of the former strongest superpowers who died in the urban civil war in the academy and the emperor Yuan Gen in front of them are typical of them. Their abilities are almost omnipotent, but their bodies are completely the level of ordinary people.

Unfortunately, the water behind is very confident in his physical abilities.

"Just even so, it's not easy to beat him."

Thinking about it in his mind, the water behind fell from midair, and then he saw a snow-like material flew out of the big pit on the ground along with the sweeping wind, and the figure of Yuangen Emperor was also slow in the wind. Slowly emerged.

At this time, the Emperor Capital did not have any scars on his body, and his upper body was stuck with a shield made of unmaterial matter.

Above the shield, a clear mark of the stick fell into the eyes of the water behind.

"Attack, blocked?"

Thinking this way, the water in the back immediately activated magic.

Originally, the right seat of God could not use magic because of the elimination of original sin, but in addition to the relationship informed by the fetus, the secret ritual of the virgin worship "the compassion of the virgin" can be used.

Relying on the "decay (relief) of punishment" of the worship of the Virgin Mary, the shackles that "the right seat of God cannot use ordinary magic" are overcome.

In coordination with its own characteristics, the manipulation of the magic of water by the rear water can be described as the pinnacle.

In an instant, the drizzle weather became the power of the water behind. The protection from the moon came through time and space. The countless raindrops turned into bullets and bombarded towards the imperial capital.

Facing the attack from the water behind, Emperor Du's face didn't have any expression, but raised his hand.

The snowflake-like unconverted matter converges, and the shield on one side.


The violent collision sound continued to reverberate, and although the raindrops in the back water were endless and powerful at the same time, they could not help the imperial material shield of the imperial capital.


It seemed that he understood this too. The water in the back snorted coldly, and the magic in the body emerged again. The mighty rain converged into a huge water dragon, roaring and killing the emperors.

In this regard, the emperor capital still just raised his hand, and the shields on each side gathered and turned into a huge barrier.


The violent roar suddenly reverberated, and the power of the water dragon present in the water behind was indeed great. Even with the huge barriers, the emperor Yuangen took a full three steps back to offset it.

At this moment, the figure of the water behind appeared under the cover of rain, and appeared behind the imperial capital instantly.

"So far, Shura, Yuangen Emperor!" With this kind of words, the water in the back directly blasted the stick with power in his hand in the form of a gun, and immediately stabbed from the back of the imperial capital of Yuangen, and then from his heart. Poke out.

After the blast, the whole person in the water behind could not help but exhale.

Don't look at his attack, it doesn't look very conspicuous, but it gathers most of the power of the rear water. The rear water is very clear. Once the battle situation reaches a deadlock, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

So from the beginning, he began brewing this attack.


"that's all?"

The indifferent voice slowly spit out from the capital's mouth.

Hearing this sound, the body of the water in the back stiffened, and the pupils that contracted violently turned slightly, and then he saw that Emperor Yuan Gen who had pierced his heart turned slightly and looked at him sideways.

The face of the squad leader who was turned over by Emperor Yuangen was still indifferent, as if the person whose heart was broken was not himself.

At this time, the water in the back also found something strange that had not been noticed before, that is, the other end of the metal stick that penetrated the Yuancheng Emperor Capital, there was no trace of blood, as if the youth in front of him was not human.

"It seems that you really have no novelty."

Seeing the shocking look of the water behind, a disappointment flashed on the face of Emperor Yuangen, and since he devoured the realm of God three months ago, Emperor Yuangen discovered that his strength was increasing at an extremely unreasonable rate.

Today, he has become so unpredictable that no one in the entire city, except Nagato, can fight him.

Even Misaka Misaka, who has also entered the stage of high-speed evolution, cannot.

"It seems that my enemy can only be the demon **** and the fire on the right."

As he said in this way, the body of the Yuanyuan Imperial Capital gradually became pale, and soon turned into endless matter, spreading in all directions, and in less than a moment, all the square meters were covered with a layer of white.


Suddenly the resonance resonated, and the face of the water behind changed.

Therefore, just now, he discovered that some subtle changes have taken place in the surrounding heaven and earth. If it is to be described, it is that the surrounding heaven and earth are no longer the original heaven and earth, and have been eroded by the "other world".

What's more terrifying is that the magic that the water in the back could have cast was actually invalid here.

Just waiting for what the back water discovered, the gravity on his body increased more than ten times in an instant. Even as an unusual saint, the back water could not bear it for a while, kneeling on the ground.

At this time, the Weiyuan matter converged again, and the figure of Yuangen Emperor appeared again in front of the water behind.


Lifting his right hand and aiming at the water behind, Emperor Yuangen said slowly.

"It's not over yet!"

The power in the body erupted once again, and the water in the back held up the steel sticks again towards the Yuandu Emperor Capital, but the next moment, a strong impact burst out from the right palm of the Emperor Capital.


The water in the rear flew upside down, and the surrounding unconverted matter gathered and wrapped it up.

At the same time, the figure of Yuangen Emperor Capital seemed to be transfigured, breaking free from the entire unrealized material assimilation, and the entire alien world shrank into a small white bead and fell into the hands of the imperial capital.

"Saying the end is the end, the gap between you and me is overwhelming!" ..

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