My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 179: War is burning!

The crucifixion is the No. 1 religion in the world.

The total number of 2 billion believers in the world makes this religion completely invincible, and the Roman Orthodox Church is the most powerful faction in the cross religion, almost equivalent to the endorsement of the cross religion.

But even so, the Roman Orthodox Church still can't bear the blow of public opinion.

It is the so-called trio.

More falsehoods will also become true. This is the power of public opinion.

If only that is the case, with the power of faith, the Roman Orthodox Church is fearless, but it is no longer the era when the cross religion was overwhelming. With the terror propaganda brought about by the development of technology, the result is terrible.

The almost brainwashing propaganda caused Roman believers other than devouts to have some doubts about the Roman Orthodox Church.

This is almost shaking the foundation of Roman Orthodoxy!

Under desperation, the contemporary pope can only take out the cross built on the tomb of Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles!

The so-called Apostolic Cross is the largest spiritual costume that the Roman Orthodox Church has stubbornly refused to disclose to date. The only one in history has created the era of the medieval Orthodox Church.

The apostolic cross is one hundred and fifty centimeters long, seventy centimeters wide, and a solid white marble cross about ten centimeters thick.

Only the lower end of the cross is thick and sharp like a sharpened pencil.

Within its 47,000-square-kilometer effect, Roman Orthodox Christians will become happy, and others will feel happy as Roman Orthodox Christians. As long as the space inserted in it, regardless of physical or spiritual aspects, it will be forced to become all the grounds of the Roman Orthodox Church.

On the dominated land, everything will proceed in a direction that is beneficial to the Roman Orthodox Church, and no one will gladly accept it without feeling doubt.

In other words, the Apostolic Cross can reproduce the Vatican ’s distorted time and space, recreating “the resting place of the saint ’s corpse, this is St. Peter ’s legacy” within the scope of the effect, and turning it into a magic that is beneficial to the Roman Orthodox Church as “fortune”. Lingzhuang.

Not only that, but also good luck to the Roman Orthodox who entered this place, definitely a nuclear bomb-level killer!

After solving the crisis of faith, the Roman Orthodox Church will naturally not forget this matter.

The vast papal institutions were operating as never before. Within three days, the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Adult Education reached an agreement. The two sides declared war on the academy city and sent troops at almost the same time.

As a result, the scientific side, led by the academy city, responded faster, and the troops that had been prepared set off earlier.

The armies of both sides met on Sakhalin Island, Russia, and a fierce war began!

This war was like a fuse, and it directly set off the prelude to the Third World War, because Puritanism did not declare war on the academy city, and soon France, which was controlled by the Roman Orthodox Church, directly declared war on Britain.

Then, with the scientific side and the magic side as the boundary, the two camps have conflicted.

The flames of war are burning all over the world


In the dawn headquarters building of the academy city, Nagato leaned on the back of his chair, looking at the world map in front of him, and the black and white chess pieces all over the map, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The entire world of Forbidden City has become the chessboard of Nagato, and the red-haired boy is weaving a net of fate.

A fateful net that covers everything in the world of Forbidden World!

As the flames of war ignited, Nagato could clearly feel that his absolute kingship was leaping, absorbing the breath of war from the void and brewing power beyond the imagination of the world.

Since ancient times, the relationship between war and monarchy has not been closely related, but it is also not related.

What's more, although the absolute royal power of Nagato is known as absolute, it is still only famous. The territory is not limited to the academy city. It is a huge war that needs to expand its territory and justify itself.

"But it's not anxious, just accumulate!"

Responding to his impulse to shoot, Nagato knew that it was not the best time to shoot himself. He also needed to strengthen his power of kingship and weaken the power of crusade through the breath of this war.

Yes, weaken!

As the first religion, the crucifixion is too powerful.

And this strength also led to the excessive strength of heaven based on the cross religion, which needs to be weakened a little bit to facilitate the long gate to usurp God's throne at one time.

Just as Long Gate pondered, he suddenly sensed something and activated his ability.

Immediately, Misaka's figure appeared in front of him.


Almost subconsciously, Meiqin made a scream, because the girl who had just passed on was wearing simple underwear and was still wiping her hair with a bath towel in her hand, obviously taking a bath.

Although Meiqin has acquiesced to the relationship with Nagato, or that Nagato could not give her to anyone at all, she also acquiesced to this situation.

But the thin-skinned saucy girl will inevitably panic when encountering such a thing.

After a panic, Meiqin got dressed, and then the girl looked at the long door angrily, and said, "Brother Longmen, even if it is yours, you must give me a reason!"


It was heard that a playful smile appeared at the corner of Nagato's mouth, and finally when Meiqin was about to explode, he said, "Aren't you still complaining about no opponent before, I found you an opponent."

"Well, is that the one ?!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Meiqin immediately pressed the anger in his heart and his eyes lit up.


The red-haired boy nodded leisurely and said, "After all, the demon who is not a complete demon exists in this world. The war I fought seems to have affected her plan, and then I was found."

"It just happens that the guy in the Imperial Capital is no longer, and you can only be the best absolute ability of you, the school city."

"Very good, leave it to me!"

With regard to Nagato's decision, Meiqin agreed with 120 thousand points, and she was about to burst out of the teenage girl's scorching warfare, so that she completely forgot the embarrassment and shame she had just given.

"Tell me to the other party, I can't wait any longer!" ..

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