My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 180: Ortinus and Misaka Mito

Outside of the academy city, Tokyo Port is overcast.

Because of the ongoing World War III, the original bustling port is no longer the case. Merchant ships have become warships, and the soldiers and weapons delivered from time to time have made the surrounding air stained with a trace of dignity.

At this moment, a slender figure completely inconsistent with the dignified atmosphere of the whole port suddenly appeared.

Just looking at the appearance is just a fair-skinned girl about 13 or 4 years old.

She has long, wavy blond hair, green eyes, and her right eye is covered with a black leather blindfold. In the fur coat with open front, wearing a black leather coat that is no different from a bikini.

The girl's head wore a witch-style hat with a protruding front and a wide brim, which looked extremely lovable.

It stands to reason that this is supposed to be a girl with a lot of attention, but from the beginning to the end, the soldiers around, and even all kinds of security equipment have not responded, as if the girl is nothing but a illusion that does not exist at all.

In fact, the answer is very simple, but the girl is not willing.

Because of reluctance, the world changed for it.

"It's a demon god!"

Suddenly, heartfelt admiration sounded out of thin air, and Misaka's figure appeared extremely abruptly, looking at the girl heartily, "Hello, Ortinus, I'm Misaka Miqin, very happy to see you."


For a moment, the girl, or Ortinus, was completely dull.

Contrary to that lovable appearance, Ortinus is known as the "Devil God". She is the leader of the "Gremlin" organization that combines science and magic, and takes away the pure Devil God of the Orelus Devil Throne.

Although there are many discounts on the power of the demon gods due to the suppression of the other side of the door, it is still not to be underestimated.

If you want, Ortinus can definitely end human history in a flash.

Changing the world is definitely not a joke.

But this kind of woman, even before Misaka appeared, didn't even notice it at all. To be honest, it was like an illusion for Ortinus.

It was just that the Demon God was the Devil God after all. In a flash, Ortinus recovered from the sluggishness.

Looking at the hearty tea-haired girl in front of her, Ortinus spoke.

"Misaka, Miqin ?!"

Nearly high words were spoken from Ortinus's mouth, and the voice was a little stiff, and it seemed that he was not good at communicating with people. "I remembered that I have heard people say that Ru is the absolute ability of the academy city."

"Huh, Miss Demon God has heard of me too."

After hearing this, Meiqin didn't care about Ortinus's tone, a warlike smile appeared on his face, his right hand waved, and the surrounding world changed, "Come on, let me see the power of the devil."

As soon as the voice fell, the endless power came suddenly.


Feeling the power around him, Ortinus' face changed slightly.

She was not marveled at the power of Meghan. After all, this power showed an extremely powerful posture just now, but it is only relative to normal human beings. The devil is no longer human.

Ortinus marveled at the nature of this power.

Although there are some sporadic similarities to the superpowers that Ortinus knows, it is closer to her own power.

In other words, this is a force close to the devil!

"But how is this possible!" For this, Ortinus said it was a bit difficult to accept.

The girl is not born to be a demon god, but has gained wisdom through a special method.

On the basis of this wisdom, Ortinus presents her right eye dug out in the Mimir Fountain, and systematically "sacrificial offerings" through the ritual destructive behavior of "pull out unilateral eyes". , Let her be sublimated to the devil with mortal body.

"Eyes" Shen is still on the cold water of Mimir Springs.

If it is retracted and inserted into the eye socket, Ortinus will change from **** to human, and the power of the devil will be lost.

It is such a process to obtain the power of the demon god. Although Ortinus is the latest demon **** born, he knows a lot about the nature of the power of the demon god, so he can perceive this.

Misaka's move will not stop because of the demon's surprise.

In an instant, the world changed, or the battlefield between the girls changed, and the original port of Tokyo became an endless deep and dark universe vacuum, and endless stars all over the universe vacuum, dotted the new battlefield.

The vacuum of the universe did not affect the status of the two girls at all, and even released the shackles of them.

If it is on the earth, what kind of powerful girl Ren has to take care of when playing it, after all, there is only one earth in the world, but in this vast universe of vacuum, it is not necessary.

and so--

"Happy fight!"

A magnificent declaration was issued in his mouth, and the surging power in the melody came out madly, and the horrible gravity suddenly burst out. In an instant, dense asteroids gathered from all directions and bombarded toward Ortinus.

Facing the attack of Meiqin, Ortinus also had to recover from the shock, and the power of the Demon God was suddenly displayed.

Time and space are distorted at this moment, and reality has been powerfully tampered with!

The incoming asteroids dissipated on their own


Seeing that his full blow had been so easily disintegrated, Misaka Megumi snorted coldly. The next moment, the girl's will resonated with her sisters on the earth far beyond the endless time and space.

The endless power permeates from the magical field built by Meiqin and the sisters, covering the battlefield.

The power that Ortinus used to distort reality was suppressed at this moment!

"It was so!"

Ortinus's remaining one-eye flashed an indescribable light. Under the full exertion of Meiqin, she really understood the source of the other party's power-she also embarked on the path of the devil.

Demon God is standing on top of magic, usurping the position of gods in mythology with special ceremonies, and then dominating the existence of the entire mythical heaven.

But Misaka Miqin in front of him created the God Realm independently and began to evolve his own myth.

In a sense, Misaka's road is more orthodox than the demon gods.

Because she is the pioneer, and the devil gods are usurpers!

If the two are at the same level, Misaka Miqin is definitely more powerful than the so-called Demon God.

Of course, if we talk about absolute power at this stage, the demon gods now definitely far surpass Meiqin, but their real power is in the mythical heaven, in the imaginary phase, and it is difficult to truly enter the real world.

The demon gods appearing in reality are divided and weakened countless times.

As a result, Ortinus and Misaka Mitsubishi were on par with each other. Thinking of this, Ortinus, who is condensing a magic circle, realized that his battle with Misaka Mitsubishi might not be so easy to end.

It was only soon that Ortinus didn't have any thoughts about these issues, and the attack of Michelle came.

Gravity, magnetic force, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force The endless power in the cosmic vacuum, all converge into a horrifying sword that chops the stars, and slashes down from the top of Meiqin towards Ortinus!

"Boom !!!"

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