My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 186: The robbery of enlightenment!

God said, "Let there be light!"

Then there is light in the world.

God said: "The sky will be full of stars."

So countless planets were born in the universe.

God said: "Water should gather together to expose the dry land."

So the ocean and land came into being.

The **** said: "Lands and various vegetables will grow on the land."

So the whole earth was full of vitality.

God said, "There must be a light body in the sky, which can take charge of day and night, make marks, set seasons, days, years, and shine all over the earth."

So the sun, the moon, and the stars were born.

God said, "There must be many fish in the water and countless birds in the sky."

So a variety of fish and birds were born.

God said: "There must be all kinds of animals on the ground."

So various beasts and insects were born

In the remaining realms on the timeline of the Forbidden World, the creation of Nagato is nearing its end, from the initial piercing of the dark light, to the starry sky all over the world, to all things in the world.

Only the final creation, the red-haired boy can complete the creation and truly set foot in the position of the devil.

But at this moment, Nagato was a little unsustainable.

Although it is intrinsically beyond the ordinary creatures and cannot be calculated, he is still too weak now. Such a large act of creation still consumes his excessive strength.

Faced with this situation, Nagato did not feel a little surprised, or that this was entirely within his expectations.

Originally in his plan, the power of the imaginary mathematics zone should be extracted as a supplement at this time. Although it will have a certain impact on the future of the imaginary mathematics zone, as long as Nagato achieves the demon god, the problem will not be great.

It was only at this time that the eyes of the red-haired boy enough to penetrate time and space saw the ongoing war.

The fact that Heaven has launched a counterattack because it is about to replace God is completely expected by Nagato, but compared to this, Nagato is more concerned about the state of Emperor Yuangen at this time.

After being silent for a moment, Nagato gave up the plan to extract the power of the imaginary mathematics area.

"Unexpectedly, he actually reached this point."

So softly to himself, a look of anticipation appeared on the face of the red-haired boy, "Then let me look forward to it a little bit, what a surprise you will give me!"

Rome, eroding the realm of the world.

The epic war reached the point of fierceness in an instant.

The cold and ruthless angels do not understand the so-called temptation at all, and do not care about their own life and death. In order to eliminate the heresy of the invasion, they put their strongest forces into battle from the beginning.

Facing the actions of the angels, most of the magicians and abilities were caught off guard and fell into danger.

Even a few unlucky guys lost their lives.

There are only a few who really have time to respond. Among them, Emperor Yuangen is the best performer, and even the saints who come together are not more sturdy than the leader of the science side.

Driven by the will of the imperial capital of Yuangen, Weiyuan's material was transformed into countless weapons, and a large number of angels were suppressed.


The performance of the imperial capital immediately attracted the attention of the three archangels in the sky, and the pure white wings spread behind the gods instantly attracted a lot of hatred, and the three archangels immediately appeared above the imperial capital.

"Haha! Archangel? What fear do I have to have!"

In the face of the approaching archangel, the emperor did not evade. He directly changed the direction of the bombing of unmet material weapons. The whole person galloped up and gathered with the long river of weapons to charge the archangels.




The three archangels all exhibited magic.

Three Dao in this white light-filled God Territory are still very conspicuous beams of light rising into the sky, instantly ignited the power of God Territory, the surrounding light instantly turned into substance, imprisoning the imperial capital.

The roaring weapon Changhe lost its sound, and the emperor capital was completely eroded by God Realm.

The light eroded his body in an attempt to completely assimilate the imperial capital

At this moment, Emperor Yuan Gen clearly felt that he clearly claimed to be Shura's own self, and all kinds of beautiful memories continued to sprout from the bottom of my heart, including his own, past life, and noumenon.

All the truth, goodness and beauty in the world seem to be calling, the heart of the imperial city has long been cold-blooded!

The emperors have not encountered similar situations. They also know a lot about this technique of evoking the beautiful memories in the hearts of souls.

But at this moment, the impact felt by the imperial capital was unprecedentedly strong.

It is almost necessary to wipe out his will completely!

"How can it be!"

The remnant will tells the impossible, and Emperor Yuangen knows how strong his Shura will is, even if all the world's beings are extinct, they can't really move him.

But now, this sturdy will is like a hole full of holes!

Under the scouring of countless beautiful memories, Shura is stepping into the abyss of destruction, and the feeling of powerlessness emerges spontaneously. Even the emperor can't help but have the idea of ​​giving up confrontation.

However, with the passage of time, the erosion of memory, the will to almost collapse, has always remained.

The final will seemed to be swimming in the ocean of memory. Gradually, Emperor Yuan Gen understood that it was not the power of the Divine Realm, but his enlightenment.

As the incarnation of the good corpse of Nagato's previous life, the emperor was on the road of ruthless Shura from the beginning.

This itself is a great contradiction.

But precisely because he restrained his essence of good corpse with Shura's way, Nagato was able to go back to the ultimate hegemony when he was reborn in the world of Naruto.

Otherwise, how could Nagato, who only had the memory of the first life, complete the transition from mortal to overlord so quickly.

Today, the dominance of Nagato has been nearly completed, but the contradictions in the imperial capital have not yet been resolved.

Even because of the imminent enlightenment, the accumulated contradictions broke out completely

If this outbreak of contradictions can be truly resolved, then the Emperor Yuangen will naturally succeed, if not, he will become a part of heaven and completely lose himself.

So the question is coming, how to resolve this contradiction?

In the final analysis, this is a difference between the existence of the essence and the way forward. The emperor who embarked on the road of Shura has no way to look back unless he can give up his existence, but this

"It looks like it's really possible!"

After flashing the last thoughts, Emperor Yuan Gen only hesitated a little and then resolutely carried out.

In an instant, the body and soul of the imperial capital were completely detonated!


A terrible explosion erupted in the **** realm! ! ..

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