My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 187: Heaven's gate, pale dragon!

Emperor Yuangen exploded himself

It exploded when everyone was caught off guard, and it was not just ordinary physical self-explosion, including soul, will, and even memory. The existence of the imperial capital called Yuan Gen was turned into explosive fuel.

The horrible big blast tore the archangels' position and completely shaken the whole **** realm.

The entire battlefield was momentarily disorganized, whether angels, magicians, and abilities, all flew out of this sudden but powerful explosion.

The spider-like rift spreads in all directions around the explosion point, and quickly spread to the barriers of God's domain.


The piercing sound echoed in the void, and the vast **** realm seemed to collapse.

"what happened!"

As the almost strongest warrior in the magic side, the quasi-devil **** Aurells was also confused by the sudden change, and soon, he grasped the reason for the matter.

"That guy, how could he burst himself"

The surprised words blurted out, and the astonishment in Aurels's heart could hardly be overstated.

In his view, although the position of the three archangels is strong, it should not be difficult to overcome the scientific side Shura, who had almost forced himself to death, but who knows, what he thinks is impossible actually happened.

It was only quickly that his surprise turned into a surprise-God Territory was crumbling in the shocking explosion.

Perhaps it was because he had almost ascended to the throne of the demon god. He knew the mystery of the horror of the heavens best. In the prediction of Aurels, if it is not stopped, the **** realm, or heaven, will eat the world.

At that time, all beings will become cultists of the cross religion and lose their consciousness.

The supply of the entire planet can fully awaken the God who is composed of noble divinity and has no real consciousness, so that the true God of creation named God is truly born.

Aurels can't imagine, what a terrible future it is!

It is precisely because he is unwilling to go into such a future that Aurelles will let go of his grievances with both sides of magic and science and come here in a low-key manner to participate in the action against God Realm.

And now seeing that God's Domain is about to burst, Aurelius is naturally surprised.





At this moment, the three archangels who had recovered from the shock gathered together. They trinity, praying in unison, the ethereal voice echoed in the **** realm, suppressing all the noise.

The sacred light seemed to be guided, madly flowing towards the three archangels.

"Boom !!!"

In an instant, the void where the archangels were located appeared distorted.

The bodies of the three angels collapsed into an endless light, blended with the divine light gathered, and instantly transformed into a white jade gate full of simple and holy charm.

There is no mark on the door, but anyone who sees it will have the name of the "gate of heaven" in mind.

This is the gate of paradise, the legendary celestial realm, the gate of paradise.


The huge door made a clear sound and slowly opened.

Through the door, Aurels saw a world that could not be described by words. The endless sacred light flowed continuously from the door slit, drowning the entire **** realm.

After being supplemented, the Divine Realm, which was about to break, stopped the trend of collapse and gradually recovered.


Seeing this scene, a flash of anger flashed on Aurels's face.

The great magic called the Nordic Throne came out of him almost instantly. Even if blocked by the Divine Realm, there was still enough power to destroy the earth from the void, blasting toward the gate of heaven.

However, before the power of the Nordic throne hits, a huge platinum hand pops out of the crack of the gate of heaven.


At the moment of collision, the power of the Nordic throne was immediately erased.

"This is the divine right!"

Seeing the huge arm, Aurels couldn't help being surprised, not only him, but other magicians who had recovered from the impact also recognized the source of the giant hand.

"Damn it, it was his ghost!"

"The right seat of the **** who suffered a thousand swords!"

"Everyone shot together !!"

In a simple complaint, a handful of magicians with keen fighting instincts appealed, and the rest of the magicians and even the abilities immediately responded and released their strongest attacks.

However, in the face of their attack, the huge right hand didn't even move.

In response, Zhongqiang continued to attack.

However, no matter what attack they make, they have no effect at all.

For a time, even the quasi-devil God Aurells felt a little unbelievable, not to mention others, as time passed, the power of heaven accelerated, and despair began to spread.

And at this moment-


The roar from someplace echoed in the **** realm.

Then everyone saw that the pale matter was continuously condensed in the void, which was not the other. It was the ungenerated matter of the Yuancheng Imperial Capital, but it was more aggressive than the Imperial Capital used.

I saw that the unmet matter seemed to be transformed into an inexplicable existence, constantly eroding everything including the divine light, and constantly increasing!

Only in a moment's time, unmet matter occupies one-tenth of God's domain.

The sacred light can't do anything about the unmet matter.

The giant hand protruding from the gate of heaven seemed to perceive the crisis of the **** realm, and immediately fell into the palm of the hand, and the ungenerated matter also seemed to sense the action of the giant hand, and instantly condensed into a greasy pale dragon, biting and killing.


The collision between the giant palm and the pale dragon set off a burst of shock in the **** realm.

In the stiffness, a crack appeared first on the pale dragon.

Seeing this scene, the magicians and abilities who can still pay attention to the battle during the shock were immediately shocked, but they did not wait for them to think about it, and an amazing turning point appeared.

I saw that the pale dragon suddenly shattered and turned into endless unmet matter, and all the unmet matter rushed up.

In an instant, the entire giant hand was covered by unmet matter.


At this moment, the Weiyuan matter showed amazing engulfing ability, and even directly twisted the giant hand, engulfed it, and then condensed again into a pale dragon to break through the **** realm and disappear into the void.

As soon as the Divine Realm was broken, a beast-like roar sounded in the gate of heaven, and then it closed unwillingly.

The whole process happened in an instant, and everyone on the scene was completely stunned ..

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