My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 188: Consummation! Looting!


The void is distorted, and the dragon yells.

Pale, unmet matter drained from the twisted void channel, and then condensed again into a greasy pale dragon, roaring down to the heaven and earth being opened by the long gate.


Seeing the appearance of the pale dragon, the red-haired boy couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Even Nagato did not expect Emperor Yuangen to be so decisive. In order to resolve the most fundamental contradiction in himself, his body and soul were destroyed, and all his will was carried out in the Tao.

In a sense, this is a kind of Taoism.

But that is not important for Emperor Yuangen, his essence is not a separate individual, the existence and consciousness of the self are only second, and the most important thing is the truth and reason engraved on the existence.

And now it is clear that the purpose of Yuangen Emperor Capital is completed, obliterating the shackles of goodness, and achieving the ultimate way of Shura.

The pale dragon that devoured everything is the manifestation of the Great Wall Avenue.

"It should have returned to the body!"

Looking at the pale dragon in front of him, Nagato opened his hands and said, "But now is a special period, you must get the last legacy of the previous life, so let me carry it first."

Along with the long door's words, the pale dragon gave a low growl and then rushed towards the long door.

The red-haired boy showed a twisted vortex in front of him, swallowing the rushing dragon.

"Boom !!!"

The most powerful force emerged, flooding the limbs of the long gate.

The fatigue that originally appeared because of the creation that lasted for a full six days disappeared without a trace, blending the fruits of the emperor's self-reliance and abandonment, and the heart of Nagato gradually changed.

Yes, metamorphosis.

And it is still a fundamental transformation!

In terms of strength, it is second. In terms of the current height of Nagato, although the strength of the Shura is strong, it is only that. What really transforms Nagato is self-sufficiency.

Although the current Nagato is just the incarnation of a drop of refined blood, consciousness and ontology are the same.

From the time when he was first reborn on the plane of Naruto, Nagato's ego was incomplete. At the end of the lost second reincarnation, he cut off the three corpses and separated his good intentions from evil.

But now, with the return of the imperial capital, the ego of Nagato is complemented here.

In a trance, there seemed to have been some changes in the character of Nagato, but there did not seem to be much change. It was still that kind of overbearing, but he was more than just overbearing.

The former Nagato always thought about the overall situation in some things.

Although it did make him move forward a lot faster in that way, it also made his soul appear flawed in a certain sense. Now, Nagato clearly feels that his own soul is truly complete!

The feeling of no scruples, as if no one in the world can block your will, is really addictive.

No matter what the eight civilizations and the true earth consciousness are, they no longer let the long-term fear.

Quietly, the Nagato is completely different.

At the same time, the red-haired teenager involuntarily filled with a wonderful temperament that was flawless but indifferent, not only him, but also the body outside the world of the magic ban.

"This feeling is really wonderful!"

Raising his right hand, looking at his palm, the long door whispered, and then his right hand flipped, and an infinite amount of light burst out of his palm, covering the whole world in an instant.

Under the immeasurable brilliance, the stagnant genesis project has once again been opened!

The will of the gods drives the evolution of creation. The immense amount of **** mud gathers in the palm of the red-haired boy, followed by a simple kneading. Countless human figures immediately appear and fall into the new world.

Slightly holding his breath, the long door breathed out.


The breath of the creation **** turned into endless vitality, giving life to the human form transformed by the **** mud.

The human of Xintiandi was born here

God said: "I will create people according to my image and our style, so that they will manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the ground and the whole earth, and all the insects that crawl on the ground."

The appearance of humanity has opened the final chapter of the seven-day creation!


There was a huge roar between heaven and earth, the earth was shaken, and the spirits were painted. The crystal walls of heaven and earth seemed to be oppressed by infinite force, showing a tendency to collapse.

As the so-called open sky is robbery, the seven-day creation of the Nagato naturally has robbery.

That is the final counterattack of Chaos Void against Nagato.

According to legend, Pangu's creation was repulsed by chaos, and he had to hold up the earth so that he could finally become everything, but Nagato did not need to do this here, because he imitated not Pangu, but God.

and so

"I said, the world should not be destroyed!"

Along with the faint divine words, Nagato maintained a solemn posture, and an endless brilliance burst forth from him, instantly swept the heavens and earth, strengthened the strength of the heavens and earth, and resisted the rebuff of the void.

"Holy, holy! Holy, holy!"

Bathed in the sacred light, all the newly born humans instinctively knelt down on the ground, worshipped their Lord in heaven, the pure and extreme faith slowly emerged, gathered together, and gathered on the body of the long door.

The power of faith, the power of paradise, and the power of heaven and earth brought about by the creation of the world, the three united and merged.

In less than a moment, a brand-new power emerged in the body of Nagato.

That is nothing else, it is the power of the legendary demon god.

Belongs to the strongest Demon God, the power of God's Demon God!

In a trance, the long door clearly felt the heaven's coordinates in the void, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Since it is felt, then you can't continue to stay here."

As soon as the words fell, the Nagato attracted the power of the demon in his body, and he again issued the word of God:

"I said, the void should be calm!"

The supreme Divine Word contains endless power, and the power of terror radiates directly into Xintiandi, dispelling the void outside the crystal wall. In less than a moment, the long door will break the tribulation of the birth of Xintiandi.

"Boom !!"

The joy of birth spreads between heaven and earth and instantly infects endless creatures ..

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