My Infinite Life

Vol 12 Chapter 189: Lord of heaven!

In a word, looting!

Surrounded by the divine light of the Nagato, it shows the spirit of creation.

But the red-haired boy knows that he can't actually reach this level, at least he can't do it right now, just because this creation is not really creating a new world in endless chaos.

In a sense, the seven-day creation of Nagato is nothing more than the creation of an attached cave.

But then again, the so-called seven-day creation of the red-haired boy is just a ceremony to ascend to the Devil God. If you can really create the world in endless chaos, then what Devil God position is needed.

Standing in the void, feeling Xintiandi continually replenishing his own consumption after casting God's Word, Nagato chuckled.

After glancing at this world and all beings, Nagato's eyes did not miss him.


The simple words spit out lightly, and the long door stepped out and disappeared in Xintiandi. When it appeared again, the red-haired boy came to the supremacy of the myth of the cross religion-the void where heaven is.

From a distance, Heaven would like to stand a void, divided into seven mountains.

At the top of Paradise Mountain, it seemed that something was attracting the attention of the long gate. The red-haired boy knew very well that that was not what it was. It was the authority of heaven, the supreme seat of the cross mythology.

"Boom !!!"

For a moment, Heaven Mountain shuddered slightly, as if welcoming the approach of Nagato.

Without hesitation, the Nagato attracted the connection between him and the throne. With his own strength, he instantly crossed the time and space and entered the temple at the top of the mountain of heaven.

But Nagato didn't immediately walk toward the seat of God, because a figure was blocking it in front of it.

It was a man in a red-based outfit, whose shape did not seem to have undergone any special exercise, but it was very unnatural to give a strange sense of oppression.

Behind the man are six pairs of wings symbolizing sacredness, and the breath of the highest divinity spreads out.

"Fire on the right!"

Although he hadn't really met, Nagato recognized the identity of the man in front of him for the first time, but he soon found out that the fire on the right had lost himself and only showed the supreme divinity.

With simple thinking, Nagato understood what happened to the fire on the right.

Although the God of the crucifixion does not really exist, it is only an illusory existence, but the gathering of divinities will one day give birth to gods, and so is the God of the Forbidden Plane, who has gathered enough divinity.

Because of this, when the Nagato is preparing to ascend to the throne, this supreme deity will instinctively show resistance.

The result of the rebellion is that the fire on the right with the right hand of God becomes the victim of divine resistance.

"It's a pity that if you are a few hundred years later, you will really be born!"

A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the long door slowly lifted his footsteps, striding toward the embodiment of the supreme divine incarnation, the terrible coercion that could not be described by words was accompanied by the approach of the red-haired boy.

The incarnation of the highest divinity immediately rickets, as if under great oppression.

"Roar!!!" An angry roar burst from the mouth of the divine incarnation, and the wings behind it expanded abruptly. The sacred flame accompanied the endless white wings and bombarded the long gate. Out.

"Really, there is actually resistance!"

Faced with the attack of the incarnation of the Supreme Divinity, the smile on Nagato's face became boring, keeping a step forward and leisurely speaking: "I said, this is my paradise, and no rebels can exist!"

The supreme expression of God turned into terrifying power, bursting out of the body of the red-haired boy.


The incoming flame wings dissipated under the sweep of horror power. Not only that, even the most divine avatars disintegrated directly under the power, and before the complete disappearance, the fire on the right finally returned to sanity.

His eyes were staring straight at the long door, and his eyes were extremely unwilling to flash, but he finally disappeared without saying anything.

Nagato naturally knew the sight of the fire on the right before he died, but he didn't care.

Keeping moving forward, the red-haired boy soon came to the throne.

Slowly sitting down, the Nagato felt the authority of heaven. The power of the demon appeared, and began to refine the authority of heaven. With the refinement of authority, the perception of Nagato spread continuously.

In less than half an hour, the authority of heaven fell into the hands of the long gate.


The wonderful fluctuations are centered on heaven and spread towards the entire plane of the forbidden plane.

Earth, the headquarters of the Roman Orthodox Church.

When the Yuangen emperor turned into a pale dragon and devoured the giant hand, and disappeared into the void, the gate of heaven also dissipated due to the restraint of reality, and the war between many powerful and angels in the world ended inexplicably.

The duration of the war is not long, but both the magical side and the scientific side have great losses.

As a result, almost all of the strong on the magic side and the strong on the scientific side have left, leaving only the British Puritanism, Russian adult religion, and a series of cross-religious religious strongmen to stay.

They need to investigate the cause of the change in the Orthodox headquarters and they are also ready for a meeting.

After all, the Roman Orthodox Church seems to have been completely abolished because of the change, so the religious leaders of the Crusaders are still wondering whether to continue the Third World War.

As a result, when the talks were at their most intense, everyone was stunned at the same time.

Because just now, these cross-sect magicians, magicians, or saints clearly felt that the master of their highest source of strength, heaven, even appeared a master.

Everyone looked at each other for a long time, and could not say a word for a long time.

Finally, the Archbishop of the British Puritanism spoke

"The world is going to be in chaos!"

Speaking in a bitter tone, Lola's face was strange and complicated beyond words. "Unexpectedly, the Lord of Heaven, who I believe in, actually appeared at this time."

Between words, the shock in Lola's heart was even worse, because she sensed the identity of the Lord of Heaven.

"I didn't expect that it was you, what the Emperor Dujun said, to make the right choice is this!"

"Okay, you won, Nagato Jun, no--My Lord!" ..

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